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RUSH: All right, ladies and gentlemen, Barack Obama was in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, yesterday. I watched the speech, watched his appearance, did not see all the Q&A. But we heard enough. Here is a portion of remarks made by Barack Obama in Rush Limbaugh country.

OBAMA: Right now, we don’t have enough troops, and NATO hasn’t provided enough troops because they are still angry about us going into Iraq. So we just don’t have enough capacity right now to deal with — and it’s not just troops, by the way. It’s like Arab — Arab — Arabic interpreters, Arab language speakers, we only have a certain number of them, and if they’re all in Iraq, then it’s harder for us to use them, and — and obviously they may not speak Arabic, but the various dialects that they speak in Afghanistan, oftentimes people who speak Urdu or Pashtun or whatever the languages are, they’re going to be needed in those areas, and a lot of them have ended up being placed elsewhere. So we’ve got to focus on Afghanistan.

RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, what you just heard was the presumptive Democrat presidential nominee wandering aimlessly in desperate hope for a cogent thought. His point was, he was trying to tell these people in his audience in Cape Girardeau yesterday that our foreign policy is all screwed up because every asset that we need to actually win the war against Islamofascists is in Iraq, and that’s a phony war, it shouldn’t have happened, we don’t even have any Arabic translators for Afghanistan. And then he quickly realized, wait a minute, they don’t speak Arabic there, oh, God, what am I going to do, then he makes up a couple languages that they speak, but then he said, we need some Arabic translators there because you never know who is there. They speak Dari and Pashto in Afghanistan. I have been there. Afghans do not speak Arabic. Now, this is from the guy who said he’s visited 57 states. This is the guy who, by the way, when he was on the floor of the US Senate yesterday was not wearing his American flag lapel pin. When he showed up in Cape Girardeau, he was wearing his American flag lapel pin.

Now, here’s the thing about this. Nobody would be making a big deal of it other than he started it. He made a big point of telling everybody why he was not going to wear the flag pin after 9/11 because he wanted to show real patriotism, patriotism ideas, not the patriotism of symbols. So he brought it up so people started paying attention to it. And a lot of people said, ‘Come on, there’s other things about Obama that we can talk about. Let’s not mess around the flag pin business, that’s not going to get us anywhere.’ But now he takes it off, now he takes it on, depending on where he is, he puts it on depending on where he is, he takes it off. On the floor of the Senate, doesn’t want the flag pin on, probably doesn’t want his Democrat buddies to see it, but when he gets on Cape Girardeau in a Republican district, swing state, bammo, time to put the flag pin back on. I’m just telling you, if this guy were Dan Quayle, can I channel Geraldine Ferraro? If Barack Obama were Caucasian, they would have taken this guy out on the basis of pure ignorance long ago. Now, Democrats keep telling us that George W. Bush is an idiot, and a lot of Democrats think that George W. Bush is an idiot because he can’t speak, he can’t articulate. Here’s Obama. Let’s listen to this again. Audio sound bite number five. Here’s Obama without a teleprompter. You tell me if what you’re hearing is a man with gravitas.

OBAMA: Right now, we don’t have enough troops, and NATO hasn’t provided enough troops because they are still angry about us going into Iraq. So we just don’t have enough capacity right now to deal with — and it’s not just troops, by the way. It’s like Arab — Arab — Arabic interpreters, Arab language speakers, we only have a certain number of them, and if they’re all in Iraq, then it’s harder for us to use them, and — and obviously they may not speak Arabic, but the various dialects that they speak in Afghanistan, oftentimes people who speak Urdu or Pashtun or whatever the languages are —

RUSH: Pashto.

OBAMA: — they’re going to be needed in those areas, and a lot of them have ended up being placed elsewhere. So we’ve got to focus on Afghanistan.

RUSH: Wow! Now, there’s a giant intellect on parade. That, ladies and gentlemen, is an intimidating intellect. There, I guess, is the gravitas that the Democrats keep telling us George W. Bush lacks. Forty percentage points, Hillary Clinton wins in West Virginia by 40 percentage points, and the Drive-By Media today is just ripping its hair out: Why won’t she quit? Why won’t she quit for the good of the party? Why won’t she get out? Drive-Bys, she’s not doing this for you. Drive-Bys, what’s the big deal with the party? Are you a member of the Democrat Party? I thought you guys were objective and all that. What do you care what happens to the Democrat Party? Why won’t she get out? They’re also upset that their guy can’t close the deal. Sit around and say that all these Republicans are voting against McCain in the primaries, which they are, how about all these Democrats voting against Obama since February 22nd, Drive-Bys? Why don’t you tell us about that?

(playing of Every Little Thing She Does is Tragic)

The newspaper in my hometown of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, ran a story today on the Barack Obama visit to Cape Girardeau. Headline: ‘Candidate’s Visit Draws Supporters, Curious to Thorngate Lot.’ That’s the manufacturing plant. ‘Dozens and dozens of people milled around in the parking lot and –‘ dozens and dozens? For a presidential candidate? (interruption) Hey, look, H.R. — he just said, ‘Hey, it’s your hometown.’ There are a lot of Democrats in that town. You wouldn’t believe, I get some of the most hateful letters to the editor written about me in my hometown paper, you wouldn’t believe it. They have this section called Speak Out. My North Carolina mistress sends me all this stuff. Oh, some of the most vicious anti-Rush Limbaugh letters to the editor are to be found not just in the Palm Beach Post here, but in my hometown paper. Plenty of Democrats there. But only dozens and dozens show up to see the new Democrat Party’s messiah?

And, of course, the Southeast Missourian goes out and talks to some of these people. ‘Van Ayers, Nancy Caldwell Ayers, stood in line waiting for a security check before entering Thorngate. They said they came to see the next president of the United States. Another guy, Billy Curry, 41, ‘Yeah, I just came here to get a glimpse. I’ve never voted in a presidential election before, but I’m going to do it this year.’ Kim Baker, who owns Bootheel Cash just a block away from Thorngate,’ I have no idea what that is, Bootheel Cash. ‘She closed her shop to take her daughter, Savannah, and an employee, Tempest Southall, to wait in the parking lot. ‘Nah, not that we’re supporters of Barack, but if he becomes president, my daughter, I thought she needs to possibly see him. She has seen George W. Bush.” And the last person they talked to Betty Michel, ‘We want Obama to know that he does have friends down in southeast Missouri and Cape Girardeau, and phooey on Rush Limbaugh.’

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