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RUSH: Yesterday I posted on the website three pictures of our new little puppy, an old English sheepdog by the name of Abbey, 12 weeks old. They were cute little pictures, cute little dog. Everybody who has dogs understands. This is an exuberant little puppy, curious about everything, already loyal, already devoted. But I got a lot of questions from people: ‘What about Punkin? Have you just thrown Punkin away? Have you thrown Punkin overboard? What about Punkin?’ No. Punkin is fine and dandy. I even mentioned this a little bit. Punkin is fine with the new dog. It was actually kind of funny, because Punkin will be 11, I think, in August, and she’d never seen a dog until this one. She had never seen a dog, except on TV, and she didn’t know that she was watching TV when she was watching TV contrary to what — (interruption) she doesn’t know how to hate. My cat is not a hater. My cat is like every other cat, a superior being, indifferent to most everything, very loyal to me, but couldn’t care less about anything.

So the first thing I did, we got the new puppy in the house. We got it close to where Punkin’s two rooms are, but we didn’t take the dog in there. We just wanted Punkin to be able to whiff the scent. This is what I’ve been told by all the experts to do. If it’s another cat or a dog, let it get a whiff of the scent, but don’t let the cat see the intruder. Do that a couple, three days, get them used to the scent, which is what happened. And then, quite by accident, we’re in the library with the new puppy, and in strolls Punkin. I said to Katie, ‘Here’s what’s going to happen.’ I know exactly what’s going to happen here. When these two meet, the cat’s going to walk in the room, and your dog, little puppy, is going to go absolutely bonkers that there’s an animal in the room, going to go running around like an absolute teenager with all this boundless energy, running around, a little moaning, a little barking and so forth, go up and try to sniff the cat. And the cat, Punkin, is going to look at this new creature just as you would look at a rambunctious four-year-old, like, ‘Ah, what have I gotta be bothered with this for?’ And that’s exactly what happened.

Punkin looked at this new dog like, ‘Ah, gee, what the hell is this?’ She just sat there and stared at it like, ‘You little idiot, when are you going to calm down and stop making all this racket here in my house?’ So then finally the dog got up the courage to get close to Punkin and start doing the sniff routine and I wish I had the camera to show you this, I wish I’d had the camera but I was too busy standing guard. I had to make sure that nothing happened here. I was the guard, I did not have any camera with me and I was afraid if I left the scene to go get the camera the puppy would follow me. So we haven’t got any pictures of this yet, but the puppy kinda tiptoes up and starts sniffing around and Punkin just sits there and takes it and so forth. Then Punkin gets up and the puppy starts sniffing the rear end and I said, ‘Uh-oh, no, this could be problematic,’ but it wasn’t. I was stunned. I was literally stunned. But then all of a sudden out of nowhere Punkin turned around and hissed. Bam, that dog made a beeline, a 180 in the opposite direction and then tiptoed back and Punkin finally got tired of it and left and went back up to her two rooms.

So later we followed. We took the dog up to Punkin’s two rooms and Punkin was in her hammock. I have a little cat toy that’s a hammock and she’s sitting in it with one paw out. The dog sniffs and Punkin does not leave the hammock. She just looks at the dog like it’s the biggest idiot on the face of the earth. The dog goes in and starts eating some of Punkin’s food. Punkin walks out of the hammock and sees this. After the dog finishes she goes in and sniffs some of the food, I go, ‘Ah no, now the food’s corrupted. Punkin’s not going to eat this,’ but she did. So the bottom line is they get along fine. They get along famously well, which was surprising to me. It was fun to watch, but I still don’t have any pictures of it, but I promise that I will try to get some pictures. (interruption) What? You don’t believe me, Brian? The look on your face, you don’t believe me? Punkin has not been altered, but there were no swipes. There were no swipes, just a little hissing. (interruption) Scratch boards and so forth. She’s a good cat, what can I tell you? She starts doing something, I say, ‘No,’ she looks at me like, ‘Screw you,’ and leaves anyway.

They’re so indifferent, you know, no matter how much cats have been domesticated they still have this air of superiority over everybody. But, no, it was funny to watch. We’re just doing it, you know, little tiptoe type steps. They’re already, I’d have to say, peaceful in their coexistence. I’m hoping that down the line they’ll be buds, so forth. The thing is this dog is going to get up to 70 pounds and Punkin weighs about eight. But that won’t faze Punkin, she’ll hiss. By the way, it’s the first time I’ve ever heard her hiss, first time. In 11 years she’s never hissed, yeah, first time I’ve ever seen her do it. It was fun to watch.


RUSH: I was not worried at all about mixing the dog and the cat. Not at all. I understand these animals. If you understand one simple truth then you’ll have no problem mixing cats and dogs in your house. Dogs have masters and cats have staff. Once you understand that — you can’t make a cat be a dog or vice-versa — then everything’s cool, everything’s fine.


RUSH: Mark Levin just sent me a very insulting note. Levin said, ‘I just saw pictures of your new puppy. Looks like Obama’s dog.’ And I was insulted. Obama’s dog has a tail; it’s a Portuguese Water Dog; it was given to him by Senator Kennedy. Senator Kennedy has a Portuguese Water Dog named Splash. I kid you not.

Our dog is an Old English Sheepdog, much, much, much nicer. I don’t want to put down Portuguese Water Dogs, but I mean to have my dog compared to Obama’s, that was a bit much. (interruption) What do you mean, notice how quickly it became ‘our’ dog? Well, I love the little thing. It’s our dog. I do, I love him. What’s wrong with it being our dog? I was there when we picked it up. You know, I didn’t leave it. You know, I got a big yard. It’s going to be a big dog, let it run around there. I’m not like some fathers, you know, leave the waiting room and head out and have a cigar and so forth. I was there the moment of delivery. (interruption) No, we’re not into the parent thing. Don’t take this out of whack.

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