
Rush Limbaugh

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RUSH: Hey, hey, hey. Has the tsunami hit yet? Are people still out there looking at three-foot waves, foot-and-a half waves and asking, ‘Oh, is that it, Daddy? Is that the big tsunami?’ Yeah, I’m watching TV Saturday afternoon, and they have this graphic: ‘Massive Tsunami Striking Hawaii at This Moment.’ I’m looking at the pictures and saying, ‘That’s no tsunami. Those are wind waves.’ I said, ‘You know what? Roger Ailes is at home. He’s going to call in any minute and say, ‘Would you get those pictures of a boring ocean off of our network? There’s no tsunami.”

Did Juan Williams really say this yesterday? Cookie, I need you to try to find this for me, if you were rolling on Fox News Sunday yesterday. Juan Williams apparently said this about the Democrat party Obamacare. He said that Rahm Emanuel just ‘couldn’t get Americans to eat the dog food.’ He said that? (interruption) You heard him say that, Snerdley? So Juan Williams, who is a health care Obama advocate, has just described the whole thing as dog food? They could not get the American people to eat it? Is that a tantamount admission that it’s a bunch of crap? What did he mean by it? (interruption) Dogs eating dog food is one thing, Snerdley. But when you say you can’t get Americans to eat the dog food? (laughing) Send that guy a can opener. I mean, what was the problem? Health care with no can opener?

Anyway, folks, great to have you here. Rush Limbaugh, America’s Real Anchorman riding above the liberal media destruction of the country and of itself, by the way, given what’s happening to ABC. Great to have you here. The telephone number if you want to join us, 800-282-2882. The e-mail address, ElRushbo@eibnet.com.

Okay, so we had the earthquake in Chile, and then the scientific community puts out this tsunami warning all the way to Japan, and then for the next four hours we get experts telling us just what a tsunami is, and then when it’s supposed to be hitting Hawaii and wreaking all this destruction. Everybody’s been evacuated on Kona, Hilo, over there in Honolulu and Oahu. Everybody’s been evacuated to higher ground. These people are standing there on these observation points, just looking down at the ocean.

‘Where is it, Mabel? Oh, wait! There’s some whitecaps waaaaay out there.’

Then the scientists come on and say, ‘Well, you won’t actually see a tsunami.’

I said, ‘What? We’re not going to see it, and yet that’s all the cameras are showing is just the ocean?’

‘That’s right, Mr. Viewer. You won’t actually see it. What happens with a tsunami is it comes from the ocean floor, and basically what you’re going to hear is a giant sucking sound. You’ll see the water recede and the discoloration, and then it will be just like a fast version of high tide.’

‘Oh, okay, and how big is it going to be?’

‘Well, it could be five feet, could be eight feet.’

‘Wow! That’s big time destruction.’

So how many hundreds of thousands did they relocate in Japan? (interruption) Two hundred thousand? Is that all they cared about? They only cared to get 200,000 out of the way in Japan? They must have been people that worked for Toyota. (laughing) Oh, by the way, there’s poll data out on that. Let’s see. Where is it? Hang on. Yeah. This is not good. After the Toyota execs came to town and did basically hari-kari, it didn’t help. (sigh) It’s sad. ‘The warning was ominous, its predictions dire: Oceanographers,’ not to be confused with climate scientists, ‘issued a bulletin telling Hawaii and other Pacific islands that a killer wave was heading their way with terrifying force and that ‘urgent action should be taken to protect lives and property.” Now, Kathryn’s parents live out there, and it’s like nine o’clock Saturday morning here and four o’clock out there, and Kathryn said, ‘Do you think I should call my parents and wake ’em up and warn ’em about this?’

I said, ‘No, don’t do that. They’re going to start sending out sirens at six o’clock. Kathryn, I wouldn’t even evacuate. This is bogus.’ I could tell it was bogus from the moment I started hearing about it. Trust me, my instincts, because, folks, this is a teachable moment. We live in a crisis and panic culture, where virtually getting up every day is deadly. Going to bed is deadly! Being awake during the day is deadly. Everything is deadly! There is a panic-crisis culture that has overtaken it. It has been led, and is being perpetuated by, the ‘scientific community.’ I got so many different explanations of what a tsunami was that I’m more confused than ever now.

When really confused me was when they said, ‘Well, you can’t see it.’

‘Well then what the hell are all these TV cameras up there showing us the ocean for? What are all these poor people who have been evacuated sitting up there sweating themselves silly looking at it if you can’t see it?’

‘Well, you can’t see it, Mr. Viewer, but it will be destructive. I mean, it’s a massive wave!’

‘Really? Could somebody not train a satellite over the Pacific Ocean and show us this thing? Were there no cruise ships out there with cell phones or satellite phones that could call and say, ‘Yeah, we’re riding a wave! It’s a huge!’ Were there not airplanes flying back and forth that coulda given us eyewitness views?’

‘No, Mr. Viewer, you can’t see the tsunami. The tsunami is below the surface. In fact, the safest place to be in a tsunami is out on your boat in the ocean.’

That’s what they were saying, and sure as hell a bunch of boats were out on the ocean in Hawaii and they showed us that. The theory being that it will just rise like tide. It’s not some giant wave like has been depicted in these destruction movies. So… (interruption) Wait a minute. (interruption) Did we see the wave that hit tsunami? Did we see the wave? Did we actually see pictures of the wave coming in? (interruption) By, gosh, Snerdley, you’re right! That was the massive tsunami that only the US was able to help with. Indonesia, right? Sumatra, that’s exactly right. We did see the tsunami. So these guys on Saturday afternoon were simply covering their rear ends.

‘Well, you can’t see a tsunami. You really can’t see it. It starts on the ocean floor, builds and builds and builds.’

We got ‘eyewitness accounts’ from people in Atlanta, on a cable network, telling us what was going to happen in a bay in Hilo, Hawaii. ‘Oh, you never know. You think that south side of the island is where you’re going to get hit? No, no, no. It could be the other side. You can never predict these things.’ Do you realize we had a shot of Long Beach? ‘Uh-oh! It’s about to hit here ’cause there’s a big bunch of discoloration and the water’s been sucked out of the port and it’s too shallow to even dock in there now. Oh, my God.’ In Malibu, everybody was expecting three-to-five foot tsunami — and it was more like a bear taking a leak in the woods. That’s about how noticeable the whole thing was. And, of course, if you’re not in the woods when a bear takes a leak, do you even notice that? (interruption)

Why am I going on and on? Because this is a teachable moment of how manipulative the scientific community is. ‘But, Rush! But, Rush! There was no harm done, because what if it were bad? This could have saved lives.’ Yeah, I know, but at some point you have to realize it’s not happening. I mean, if nobody can prove to you it’s out there. The larger point, though, is look at how easily we all fall prey to everything that’s a crisis. ‘It’s going to kill us! It’s going to be disaster and panic.’ Everybody just lock, stock, and barrel starts acting like lemmings. See, I myself, ladies and gentlemen, have a built-in distrust of the competence of government people, because I see it every day and have for most of the days of my 59 years. (interruption) Do I know what? Well, that hasn’t happened yet.

I was just asked if anybody has called for a tax increase in order to prepare for the next tsunami so we’re not caught off guard like we were on this one.


RUSH: You know what was hilarious? On Saturday afternoon during the tsunami craze, Rick Sanchez was on CNN. They had a map up there of the Pacific stretching from Chile all the way out there to Japan. And he’s pointing at the Galapagos Islands during a tsunami segment and is asking the meteorologist. ‘That’s Hawaii, right?’ (laughing) Now, folks, if you were watching Saturday afternoon, you heard them say, just as I did, ‘Well, you can’t see a tsunami. What happens is all the water gets sucked out of there and then it’s just like a high tide.’ Well, for those of you watching on the Dittocam, here you are. We are going to zoom in here and show you people running away from that tsunami in Indonesia. You see that? Ah, I think that’s a pretty damn big wave — and whoever took the picture could see it; and whoever’s running away from it, obviously, could see it. That’s the tsunami that hit Sumatra, Indonesia, whatever it was. I’m zooming back out now to our normal view for Dittocammers.


RUSH: By the way, we have an official tsunami warning system, and it says that there should be big waves that you can see. ‘Even though they can travel up to 500 miles an hour, these waves are generally not noticeable in deep waters. The wave itself only becomes dangerous once it reaches land,’ and you can see it sometimes get 30 yards high. Big, big, big. So you can see it. Of course these people out there say you can’t. I still can’t get over it. I still can’t get over what a bunch of lemmings people can be, and of course, there’s the scientific community. There are The Four Corners of Deceit. Right in there is science, right along with the media, and in this case government was part of the science as well.


RUSH: Lee in Jacksonville, Florida. Welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Hi. Mega dittos from Jacksonville, Florida, Rush.

RUSH: Thank you, sir.

CALLER: Hey, I got a comment about the so-called tsunami that hit. I was watching the news the other day and they had a NOAA expert on there trying to explain this tsunami. Well, you had a sound bite last week that said NOAA was the gold standard of climate in the world, but they couldn’t predict what happens on the same day or a day in the future?

RUSH: That was some Obama administration department head, cabinet member. I forget what it was, but that’s right. ‘Oh, yeah, we don’t listen to UN and we don’t listen to that East Anglia stuff. Our gold standard is NOAA.’ You’re exactly right. These were the guys that were predicting this massive tsunami on Saturday.

CALLER: And I was talking to my uncle last night. He’s old. I grew up in West Virginia and we were talking about ‘climate change’ and he’s 77 years old, and he goes, ‘Well, I still remember it snows in the winter, it’s hot in the summer, the flowers bloom in the spring, and the leaves fall off in the fall. It hasn’t changed in my 77 years.’

RUSH: Exactly. Algore is going to come out very soon. He had a piece in the New York Times yesterday, which I might dissect. It really is painful to expose one’s self to such psychological frailty. Algore is barely hanging on here now, and to read this thing is somewhat painful — and to dissect it, even worse. But he will say before long, ‘This summer, it’s going to be hotter than it’s been all year.’ That’s where Algore is these days.

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