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RUSH: Here’s Eve in Augusta, Georgia, Eve, welcome to the program. Great to have you.

CALLER: I was just calling because, well, I heard your program some time back, and mostly by others who I didn’t identify with so I wasn’t able to listen objectively. Anyway, you talk about independence a lot. And I just wanted to say that I can hear your message, I mean, I’m able to hear you more objectively now.

RUSH: In other words, you listened to other people who did listen to me, but you didn’t care for their opinions, so you didn’t like me?

CALLER: Right, exactly. I just tuned you out. I couldn’t hear your show ’cause it was like I was hearing through them, or —

RUSH: Were these people who do listen to me suggesting that you also do it?

CALLER: No, I just didn’t identify with them, so it’s not like I would turn on the show to listen because I didn’t identify with their opinion, so I wouldn’t take it upon myself to tune into your show.

RUSH: Oh, I see. I was sort of proclaimed guilty by association in your eyes?

CALLER: In a sense.

RUSH: But then you tuned in for yourself and it was magic?

CALLER: I think a lot differently now.

RUSH: This is why, ladies and gentlemen, we engage here in the low-information outreach. Not that Eve here is low-information, no, no, no, not at all, but that’s why we engage in it.

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