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RUSH: You know, the Democrat Party… Nancy Pelosi yesterday or maybe the night before, said that people were showing up at the town hall meetings wearing swastikas. Nancy Pelosi was calling people showing up to preserve their freedom Nazis. And this is not the first time the Democrats have done so. In fact, President Obama himself, back in 2001, was on a radio station interview back in Chicago. He was talking about the courts in America and said this:

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Just to take a sort of realist perspective is that there’s a lot of change goin’ on outside of the court that, you know, the — the judges have to essentially take judicial notice of. I mean, you’ve got World War II, you’ve got, uh, the doctrines of Nazism that — that we are fighting against that start looking uncomfortably similar to what’s going on back here at home.

RUSH: So eight years ago President Obama refers to the American court system as Nazi-like. And let’s not forget Dick Durbin, June 14, 2005, on the floor of the US Senate:

DURBIN: If I read this to you and didn’t tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have happened by Nazis; Soviets in their gulags; or some mad regime, Pol Pot or others; that had no concern for human beings. Sadly, that’s not the case. This was the action of Americans in the treatment of our — their own prisoners.

RUSH: Senator Dick Durbin calling interrogators — members of the intelligence community, Armed Forces personnel — calling them to Nazis for what was going on at Guantanamo Bay. Soviets in their gulags and Pol Pot. What is it with these Democrats referring to their opponents as Nazis? And then Pelosi’s out saying: Oh, everybody’s showing up with swastikas.


RUSH: Folks, yesterday on this program I had a pointed and very factual reaction to Nancy Pelosi accusing those of you showing up at tea parties of wearing swastikas. Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House said that you are Nazis. The leader of the Democrats in the Senate, Harry Reid, said you are sabotaging democracy. You are sabotaging the democratic process. This was all very irritating to elements of State-Controlled Media. Not what Pelosi or Reid said. They didn’t even talk about that. In fact, did you know the other day Congressman William Jefferson of Louisiana was convicted? In the New York Times they never once mentioned his party which is why when I kept referring to him, it was always ‘Congressman Jefferson (Democrat-Louisiana).’

They never put his party affiliation. So in reporting on what I said yesterday about the similarities between the radical leadership of the Democrat Party and the Nazi Party in Germany, they have had a cow! They have gone ballistic and it’s interesting that they have left out who started it. They have left out on purpose — or maybe they don’t even know because the sources that provide them are well known to take things out of context. (interruption) I think you are right, Snerdley, I think they know. I played it. It was Nancy Pelosi who started it! In fact, play number seven. This is what started it all. It’s a distant mic in a hallway in San Francisco General Hospital. Nancy Pelosi gets a question: ‘Do you think there’s a legitimate grassroots opposition going on here?’

PELOSI: I think they are Astroturf — you be the judge — of carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town hall meeting on health care.

RUSH: There you have it. The Speaker of the House — the most powerful Democrat in the House, third in line to the presidency — said that you are showing up not with ‘a’ swastika, not that she saw one guy with a swastika. You’re ‘showing up with swastikas and symbols like that to town meetings.’ That’s what started it all. Let’s go to Fox Chicago, the local news Fox station Chicago Good Day, Mark Saxenmeyer.

SAXENMEYER: Rush Limbaugh under fire this morning from Democrats, comparing the president’s campaign logo to the Nazi swastika. An image on Limbaugh’s website is infuriating Democrats who claim that he’s gone too far this time. The image morphs from the campaign logo to an image of a swastika on his radio show, Limbaugh said, quote, ‘[A]nd if you go and take a look at this, you will find that the Obama health care logo is damn close to a Nazi swastika. Barack Obama is asking citizens to rat each other out like Hitler did.’ Well, Rush Limbaugh is also now calling himself the ‘Mobfather,’ taking credit for organizing the mobs at the town halls.

RUSH: Mr. Saxenmeyer, I assume you consider yourself a journalist. Did you leave out the Pelosi bit in your report? Did you fail to mention that Nancy Pelosi called all the people showing up to these town hall meetings Nazis? By the way, his health care logo looks damn like the Nazi logo. I’m sorry, but it does. I didn’t create either logo, but I have two eyes and I can see. ‘Infuriating Democrats’? Good! ‘If you go take a look, you’ll find the Obama health care logo and…’ Mark Saxenmeyer, has Obama not got a website where he is asking supporters to provide the names of people to provide disinformation about the health care system? What did I say yesterday that is not true? I don’t know if Mark showed the logos to his viewers or not. Now this morning on MSNBC’s morning meeting, the host Dylan Ratigan reported this.

RATIGAN: Rush Limbaugh stirring the pot by comparing the left to Nazis and why not? Why not, right? It’s fun. Are you crazy? Obama’s health care logo, he’s comparing it to a swastika. Is that productive? At what point does the right have to come down on Rush or does somebody on the right actually have to try to help solve a problem.

RUSH: You idiot. We are trying to prevent a disaster here — and if you had any gonads whatsoever, you’d learn what’s in this health care debacle and you’d be warning people about it yourself. And you would also be responsible and say that Nancy Pelosi, the most powerful Democrat in the House of Representatives, called people at town meetings Nazis. Here, play number seven again. I mean, put it out there so maybe you people in the State-Controlled Media can understand context.

PELOSI: I think they are Astroturf — you be the judge — of carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town hall meeting on health care.

RUSH: All right. We are going to skip number six and we’ll go on here to number eight. Chris Matthews and Bob Shrum are apoplectic that I compared the Democrat Party to Nazis. No mention here that what spurred this was the speaker of the House calling ordinary citizens Nazis. Well, here. Listen to the exchange.

MATTHEWS: Rush Limbaugh today and what he had to say about the Democratic Party. (screaming) I do not know where to begin, but I’m going to start with Bob Shrum. Bob, I thought I heard everything! ‘They are insanely against pollution.’ Well, there you have it!

SHRUM: (chortling) Well, they —

MATTHEWS: (screaming) Anybody who’s against pollution is a Nazi! I mean, it’s the most amazing thing.

SHRUM: Pat… Pat…

MATTHEWs: I mean, this guy is an entertainer, but is there a limit here?

SHRUM: It’s despicable drivel. It’s factually wrong! You know, there were big German companies like Krups who helped fund the Nazi party movement. It’s hard to believe since I’ve seen all these pictures of diplomatic conferences held in Germany with high German officials there in World War — before World War II where they are all smoking.

PAT BUCHANAN: (laughing)

SHRUM: I don’t think they banned smoking. He’s just made this up.

RUSH: I have not made any of it up. You know, I could easily say I’m illustrating absurdity by being absurd, but I’m not being absurd. Nancy Pelosi called us ‘Nazis,’ and by the way, Nancy Pelosi’s not the first Democrat to call us Nazis. Let’s go back to Barack Obama himself. In 2001, on a Chicago FM radio station being interviewed, Obama’s talking about the courts and America.

OBAMA: Just to take a sort of realist perspective is that there’s a lot of change goin’ on outside of the court that, you know, the — the judges have to essentially take judicial notice of. I mean, you’ve got World War II, you’ve got, uh, the doctrines of Nazism that — that we are fighting against that start looking uncomfortably similar to what’s going on back here at home.

RUSH: Well, I think I just heard Barack Obama in 2001 refer to ‘the doctrines of Nazism that were fighting here in our court system.’ And then let’s go back to June 14th of 2005, Senator Dick Durbin also from Illinois on the floor of the US Senate:

DURBIN: If I read this to you and didn’t tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have happened by Nazis; Soviets in their gulags; or some mad regime, Pol Pot or others; that had no concern for human beings. Sadly, that’s not the case. This was the action of Americans in the treatment of our — their own prisoners.

RUSH: So there you go. I’m sure you remember this, Dick Durbin referring to interrogators and uniformed military personnel at Guantanamo Bay as no different than ‘Nazis, Soviets in their gulags or Pol Pot.’ So you people on the left, you guys had the signs Bush-Hitler out there all over the place. You’ve been throwing this around left and right because you don’t like to debate the issues. You can’t dare debate the issues of this health care bill. You cannot dare. You don’t have the issues on your side. If anybody’s sabotaging democracy, it’s today’s Democrat Party. If anybody is sabotaging democracy, it’s President Barack Obama and his administration. If anybody’s sabotaging democracy, it is the leaders of the House and Senate Democrats who are ramming legislation through without any committee hearings, without any debate. If there is a sabotage of the democratic system, it is being conducted by the Democrat Party.

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