RUSH: I’m holding here in my formerly nicotine-stained fingers the list of the Republicans who voted for cloture today. In alphabetical order they are…
? Bob Bennett of Utah
? Kit Bond of Missouri
? Sam Brownback of Kansas
? Richard Burr of North Carolina
? Norm Coleman of Minnesota
? Susan Collins of Maine (No surprise there.)
? Larry Craig of Idaho
? Pete Domenici of New Mexico
? John Ensign of Nevada (That’s really curious to me because this is the guy who’s in charge
of reelecting Republicans to the Senate, and finding new candidates and fund-raising.)
? Lindsey Grahamnesty of South Carolina
? Judd Gregg of New Hampshire
? Chuck Hagel of Nebraska (No surprise there.)
? Jon Kyl of Arizona (No surprise there. He’s carrying the bill for the Republicans.)
? Trent Lott of Mississippi (No surprise there.)
? Richard Lugar of Indiana
? Mel Martinez of Florida (No surprise there.)
? John McCain of Arizona (No surprise there.)
? Mitch McConnell of Kentucky (It will be interesting to watch him.)
? Lisa Murkowski from Alaska
? Olympia Snowe from Maine (No surprise there.)
? Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania (No surprise there.)
? Ted Stevens of Alaska (No surprise.)
? George Voinovich of Ohio. (I don’t know if he cried before the vote.)
? John Warner, the southern gentleman from Virginia.
So those are your names of the Republicans who voted for cloture and revived a dead bill.