RUSH: Now, here’s Obama on a 1995 television show talking about Reverend Wright.
OBAMA: And, uh, who is — who is my pastor, and, uh, he is a wonderful man, and I think, uh, that’s an example of he’s a pastor of a — of a large congregation in Chicago, and one of the interesting things that I discover in my journey to discover what my identity is and who my father is — is also discovering sort of, uh, my own faith, which — which is not necessarily a traditional faith. I don’t come out of an institutionalized religious setting.
RUSH: Really? That’s Barack Obama, 1995. He added this.
OBAMA: What becomes important to me as I work with churches, uh, in the south side of Chicago in low-income neighborhoods, uh, is to realize that, you know, all the stories and songs of the church, you know, that — that — the hope that is embodied in the church, the sense of — of — of liberation that is embodied in the African — historically African-American church, uh, is really something that — that — that moves me deeply, and I think, uh, is probably the main pillar around which a lot of inner cities communities are going to be built, and Reverend Wright, uh, my pastor who I — I speak about in a chapter in the book, I think represents the best of what the black church has to offer.
RUSH: Okay, let’s listen to some of the best of what the black church has to offer.
WRIGHT (screaming): Barack knows what it means to be a black man living in a country and a culture that is controlled by rich white people! [snip] Hillary ain’t never been called a nigger! [snip] Bill did us just like he did Monica Lewinsky!
WRIGHT: He was riding dirty. [snip] In white America, US of KKKA: black men turning on black men. [snip] I am sick of Negroes who just do not get it. [snip] Not God bless America, God (bleep) America! It’s in the Bible. For killing innocent people, God (bleep) America! [snip] (screaming) And now we are indignant because of stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back into our own front yards!
WRIGHT: America’s chickensssss are coming home to roost.
RUSH: And there it is, Barack Obama’s pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and the best the black church has to offer. Let us not forget this, either. The Reverend Minister Louie Farrakhan, February of this year.
FARRAKHAN: You are the instruments that God is going to use to bring about universal change. And that is why Barack has captured the youth. (music) And he has involved young people in a political process that they didn’t care anything about. That’s a sign. When The Messiah speaks, the youth will hear. And The Messiah is absolutely speaking.
RUSH: So there’s Reverend Wright, very formative person in Barack’s life, as Barack acknowledged, the best the black church has to offer, black liberation theology, that’s gonna be the focal point, he said, of blacks going forward. And I’ve gotten into arguments with Snerdley, ‘No, that’s not the majority.’ May not be, Obama wants them to be. Obama wants the black community in this country as enraged and outraged as Jeremiah Wright is and as, behind closed doors, Obama is, too. Make no mistake about that. And let’s not forget this. We aired this a week or two ago. This is Obama reading from his own book, Dreams from My Father.
OBAMA: To avoid being mistaken for such a sellout I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students, the foreign students, the Chicanos, the Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk rock performance poets. When we ground out our cigarettes on the hallway carpet or set our stereos so loud that the walls began to shake, we were resisting bourgeois society’s stifling constraints. We weren’t indifferent or careless or insecure, we were alienated.
RUSH: He sought them out. He sought out his friends carefully, the Bill Ayers and the Bernardine Dohrns, the foreign students, the Chicanos, the more active black students, and the Marxist professors, the structural feminists. I don’t know, what is a structural feminist? One who needs an IED or IUD or whatever? What is a structural feminist? It is an ugly image, a structural feminist. Support stockings, I don’t know. Well, now, wait a minute. I take it back. I don’t want to be insulting here. A feminist would not need an IUD, by definition. But other than that, I don’t know what a structural feminist is. One more clip. This is Obama. This is from a Chicago radio interview in 2001. WBEZ, the host Gretchen Helfrich. She’s interviewing Obama, and Obama I think comes close here to comparing the United States to Nazi Germany.
OBAMA: Just to take a sort of a realist perspective is that there’s a lot of change going on — on outside of the court, um, that — that, you know, the judges have to essentially take judicial notice of. I mean, you’ve got World War II, you’ve got, uh, uh, um, the doctrines of Nazism that — that we are fighting against, that start looking uncomfortably similar to what’s going on, uh, back here at home.
RUSH: My gosh, I think he said it, I think he did compare Nazism to the United States of America. He says, ‘You’ve got the doctrines of Nazism that we’re fighting against that start looking uncomfortably similar to what’s going on back here at home.’ Barack Obama seven years ago sees America as Nazi Germany.
RUSH: Grab sound bite number 11 again, Mister Broadcast Engineer. Nah, nah, nah. Wait a minute. (sigh) I have too many pieces of paper to try to keep track of here. It’s the Nazi comments, number six. Grab number six and play this again, because I thought about this on the break. I think this is big. This is big stuff, this Nazi stuff. Not a single reporter has confronted Obama on any of this because he won’t allow any of these reporters near him, and he has not done a press conference in over a month. It’s disgusting what he just said. Nazism is genocide, gas chambers! America during World War II was ‘uncomfortably’ like that? Obama is giving a speech tonight. He’s going to sound like a moderate. He’s going to sound intelligent. He’s going to sound like he’s an inoffensive guy when he harbors truly sick thoughts like this.
OBAMA: Just to take a sort of a realist perspective is that there’s a lot of change going on — on outside of the court, um, that — that, you know, the judges have to essentially take judicial notice of. I mean, you’ve got World War II, you’ve got, uh, uh, um, the doctrines of Nazism that — that we are fighting against, that start looking uncomfortably similar to what’s going on, uh, back here at home.
RUSH: He’s talking about, ‘You’ve got World War II… realistic perspective is that a lot of change going on outside of the court. Judges have to essentially take judicial notice of.’ Judges aren’t to deal with legal cases; they’re supposed to notice Nazism in the United States during World War II. You’ve got the doctrines of Nazism that we are fighting against, that start looking uncomfortably similar to what’s going on back here at home. This is sick, sick stuff. By the way, may I make another observation? As I told you yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, the Drive-By Media descended on the husband of Barbara West, the TV anchor over in Orlando who asked some tough questions of Biden.
Are you guys Marxists? Is Obama a Marxist? Are you socialist? I look at your plans, what is it? And the media immediately descended on her husband and did all kinds of reports, ‘You know, he’s a Republican. He’s raised money for the Republicans! He’s done this; he’s done that. He’s raised money for them!’ Oh! Oh! So, it matters who your associations are with, huh? It matters with whom you have alliances? It matters to whom you’re married? So does it matter that some CNN reporters have husbands and wives that work on congressional staffs? Does it matter that CNN reporters are married to each other? Does it matter that Andrea Mitchell is married to Alan Greenspan? Does it matter to the way these people report on various things that happen? Does it matter that David Gregory’s wife was the lead counsel for Fannie Mae, up until six months ago, or maybe even less?
It might have been September that she quit. David Gregory of NBC married the lead counsel, lead lawyer at Fannie Mae. Does that not matter? Of course it doesn’t! Does Jeremiah Wright’s close association with Obama matter? No, of course it doesn’t matter. How about Calypso Louie calling him The Messiah, does that matter? No, no, no! It doesn’t matter. How about his relationship with Bill Ayers? No, no, no, doesn’t matter. How about his relationship with Bernardine Dohrn? No, no, doesn’t matter. But we’re going to crucify Joe the Plumber and we’re going to use Ohio state government computers to do it, and then we’re going to try to crucify this info babe anchorette in Orlando by going after her husband who is a Republican and so is she! The whole point of that was to try to make it look like these people had no credibility, all the while protecting Obama.