RUSH: There’s a book Bill Ayers wrote. I’ve got it. I’ve got copies of pages of it. Back in the 1970s, this book by William Ayers is dedicated in part to Sirhan Sirhan. Name ring a bell? Okay, let me ask you, ‘Who was it that headed up Obama’s vice presidential selection committee, and which prominent member of that same family led the Democrat Party endorsements for Barack Obama?’ Do you know? That’s right. Ted Kennedy endorsed, and Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg headed up the VP selection committee for Barack Obama. Obama’s good friend, William Ayers, dedicated his 1974 book to Sirhan Sirhan, who assassinated Robert Kennedy.
RUSH: You know, you could argue, ladies and gentlemen, that the unholy alliance between the radical left and militant Islam was launched in this country when Bill Ayers dedicated his book — name of the book is Prairie Fire, it’s got a bright red cover, it’s hard to find a copy of this thing. It’s from 1974, I think. They’ve gotten it out of the way. But he dedicates it to Sirhan Sirhan, who assassinated Robert Kennedy! Bill Ayers, Obama’s friend, dedicated his book Prairie Fire to Sirhan Sirhan, who assassinated Robert Kennedy. There’s Teddy Kennedy endorsing him. I wonder if Teddy Kennedy knew this. There is Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg, who was in West Palm Beach this week campaigning and Algore is here now, Algore among our midst across the bridge. It’s starting to warm up here, Snerdley, it is, but Gore brought the cold weather with him, there’s no question about it.