RUSH: I kid you not. He did. The Reverend Jeremiah Wright in a triumphant return to the pulpit, ladies and gentlemen, at the Trinity Church in Chicago this past Sunday, of course, this past Sunday was Pearl Harbor day. Here is what the Reverend Wright said about December 7th. He said, ‘Today is December 7th, the day that this government killed over 80,000 Japanese civilians at Hiroshima in 1941, two days before killing an additional 64,000 Japanese civilians at Nagasaki by dropping nuclear bombs on innocent people.’ The Reverend Jeremiah Wright, a triumphant return.
RUSH: Mr. Snerdley says I might want to explain to some of you what is wrong with Jeremiah Wright’s statement in his triumphant return to the pulpit last Sunday at the Trinity Church in Chicago. He said, ‘Today is December 7th, the day that this government killed over 80,000 Japanese civilians at Hiroshima in 1941, two days before killing an additional 64,000 Japanese civilians at Nagasaki by dropping nuclear bombs on innocent people.’ If you did attend the public schools, December 7th, ladies and gentlemen, is not the day we dropped a bomb on anybody, nor is December 5th or December the 9th the day we dropped a bomb on anybody. December 7th is when bombs were dropped on us at Pearl Harbor. It is when imperial Japan attacked us out of the dawn sky on a Sunday morning in Honolulu. We didn’t attack anybody on December 7th.
You have to wonder, Obama listens to a guy 20 years preaching from the pulpit at the Trinity Church whose command of history is such that he thinks December 7th commemorates the day that the United States bombed Hiroshima. In fact, the Chicago Tribune account of Wright’s sermon makes his error sound like a political decision. ‘Noting the date, Dec. 7, which marks the anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941–‘ get this. Snerdley, you gotta listen to this. Let me start again. Folks, this is the Drive-Bys and this is how they do this. So you got Jerry and his triumphant return and he’s out there and he’s claiming December 7th is when we killed 80,000 Japanese at Hiroshima.
Here’s how the Chicago Tribune reports it: ‘Noting the date, Dec. 7, which marks the anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, Wright instead chose to focus on the thousands of Japanese civilians who died four years later when the US dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima.’ (laugh track) It’s a sitcom, ladies and gentlemen. Now, forget the fact that the Obamas listened to this guy. The exigencies of national politics had rescued them from Wright’s silliness. This is just hilarious. ‘Wright chose instead,’ as though he knew what he was saying was wrong, but he wanted to focus — okay, so he chose instead to highlight what? America killing innocent people. This is after we had been attacked, those two bombs ended the war and gave us victory and led to imperial Japan becoming a free and democratic nation. Good grief, to have to constantly teach American history because American liberals continue to botch it.
RUSH: Here’s Jeremiah Wright from the pulpit, triumphant return, Trinity Church in Chicago this past Sunday.
WRIGHT: Today is December 7th, the day that this government killed over 80,000 Japanese civilians at Hiroshima in 1941, two days before killing an additional 64,000 Japanese civilians at Nagasaki by dropping nuclear bombs on innocent people.
RUSH: Did you hear the applause there in Obama’s church? People applauding this. And, of course, remember, now, the Chicago Tribune reports, ‘Ah, he chose on Pearl Harbor day to focus on American atrocities,’ not ‘Does this idiot know history,’ but, ‘he chose to focus.’ Have you ever noticed, by the way, ladies and gentlemen, when Democrats are in power, it’s always America dropped bombs or the United States dropped bombs. It was never Harry Truman, it was America dropped, or America did whatever. America put Japanese in interment camps, not FDR. America boycotted the Olympics, not Jimmy Carter. But it was Bush who attacked Iraq; it was Bush who put people in Gitmo; it was Bush who authorized torture; it was Bush who laughed at what happened at Abu Ghraib. So these things, you have to study the media, you have to know how to read the stitches on the fastball.