RUSH: Now, about this failed business, some interesting discoveries over the weekend. A Fox News poll from 2006, and it was Garden State Patriot who discovered the poll. Fifty-one percent in 2006, 51% of Democrats wanted Bush to fail. Fifty-one percent of Democrats wanted Bush to fail. Here’s the question in a Fox News poll, number ten. ‘Regardless of how you voted in the presidential election, would you say you want President Bush to succeed or not?’ Now, this is not a prediction. This is a question asking people what they want. Again, the question: ‘Regardless of how you voted in the presidential election, would you say that you want President Bush to succeed or not?’ Scale one. Yes, I want him to succeed. Two, no, I don’t want him to succeed. Three, I don’t know. It was August 8th and 9th of 2006, Democrats 40% said they want him to succeed, 51% said they didn’t want him to succeed, which means they wanted him to fail, and they were actually asked this in a poll question. The American people were asked whether or not they wanted George W. Bush to fail or to succeed. The overall answer, 63 succeed, 32 fail, but the Democrats it was 51 fail, 40 succeed. The difference here, of course, is that the Democrats wanted George W. Bush and America to lose a war. I, on the other hand, simply want Obama to lose at creating a socialist utopia, which is an oxymoron, in the United States.