RUSH: Public Policy Polling. We talk about these people a lot. They’re a bunch of libs in North Carolina. Here’s their post from yesterday: ‘We were due for a New Jersey poll this week but we skipped it to do Arkansas instead. Here’s what’s coming from [Arkansas] this week’ at Public Policy Polling: ‘Tomorrow we’ll have numbers,’ that’s today, ‘related to Barack Obama. A few hints to give you an idea of the landscape there right now: less than half of white Democrats support Obama on health care, fewer than half of voters overall think Obama was born in the United States, and,’ get this: Public Policy Polling has found that ‘64% of independents think Rush Limbaugh has a better vision for the country than the President’ does. So here they’re getting ready to run down the state of Arkansas. And, of course, this is the great state that produced great people like William Jefferson Blythe Clinton and Senator J. William Fulbright and a number of others. So they run down Arkansas: ‘64% of independents think Rush Limbaugh has a better vision for the country than the president.’
RUSH: I mentioned this earlier in the program, and here I’ve got more details. I happen to own Arkansas, according to Public Policy Polling. This is a bunch of libs in North Carolina that do polling. ‘Arkansas is a very conservative state. That’s not exactly breaking news but it’s the overwhelming theme when breaking down the results of our latest survey there: 60% of voters oppose Barack Obama’s plans for health care, with just 29% in support. Independents are arrayed against it 73-20. Even among Democrats just 54% say they’re for it and among white Democrats it’s less than a majority.’
You know, this Obama approval number, I gotta tell you something, if it weren’t for his solid 90% support in the black community, his overall approval number would be below 50%. He’s never going to lose that support. He’s always going to have it. But his support throughout the rest of the country is much, much worse overall. The 90% support he’s getting in these polling samples that are weighted with Democrats and blacks is distorting the true extent of his popularity. ‘Fifty-five percent of Arkansas voters say they prefer Rush Limbaugh’s vision for the country to Barack Obama’s. That includes 92% of Republicans, 64% of independents, and even 18% of Democrats,’ say they prefer the Limbaugh vision for the country. That means they know what it is. ‘This is in spite of the fact that respondents on balance actually dislike Limbaugh, with 44% holding an unfavorable opinion of him to 35% positive.’
I got higher approvals than Congress does in Arkansas, is the way to look at it and I’m just a powerless talk show host. I don’t have any power over anybody. I can’t raise anybody’s taxes, send their kids off to war. I can’t start investigating the CIA. I can’t weaken our nation’s national security. Well, this is fascinating. Forty-four percent have an unfavorable view of me and yet 55% in Arkansas like my vision of the country.