RUSH: All right, Fort Bragg, let’s go to the phones, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, this is Robert, great to have you with us, sir, and hello.
CALLER: Rush, I’ve been listening to you for 20 years, dittos, and I’ve tried to get through so many times, it’s wonderful to actually be able to speak with you.
RUSH: Thank you, sir, very much.
CALLER: If I may, may I thank the person, whoever it is, that is paying for my subscription to your website? I just got back from Afghanistan and I cannot tell you how important it was for me to be able to get a daily dose of sanity by downloading the podcasts there.
RUSH: That was the Adopt-A-Soldier Program at That’s great. I’m glad that you were able to be part of the program.
CALLER: It was a lifesaver, I cannot say that enough. What I called about is that having just gotten back from Afghanistan and having served a couple of tours, I know from personal experience that the moment that you do not feel, as an officer and a commander if I don’t feel that I have the support and backing of those above me, I start thinking real hard that I may not be doing the right mission or it may be time for me to —
RUSH: You might be doing a smart thing is what you start thinking about.
RUSH: Gosh, have I made the right decision? Now, you’re not talking about McChrystal. Are you talking about Obama?
CALLER: I’m talking about General McChrystal and his dealings with the administration in general. It feels to me as though they refused to support him, and if they refused to support him, at what point does he no longer support me? It all rolls downhill.
RUSH: I totally understand, and we’ve had parents of guys like you in Afghanistan worried to death about this. Understand that your buddies are in Afghanistan to help Obama get his health care passed.
RUSH: We got three sound bites here, Obama at the Counterterrorism Center where he was hunting down Jack Bauer to try to arrest him. Ladies and gentlemen, we’re going to get back to your phone calls here el quicko, but you gotta hear these, especially the third sound bite. He goes over there to the National Counterterrorism Center and is speaking to their employees. Listen to the first bite.
OBAMA: I just received an extraordinary briefing from some of your colleagues. Uh, I have to tell you I was surprised to see how young everybody is around here. It is a sign of my age that everybody is starting to look young. Uh, but the capacity and the dedication that’s on display, uh, was remarkable. And, look, all of you have some of the most important work, uh, that is done in this country, uh, you’re doing it. These big screens I understand, uh, are not just to watch Sports Center.
RUSH: (pause) Yeah, you heard it. The big screens are not just to watch Sports Center. Yes, it’s some of the most important work done in the country, and you’re doing it. It speaks for itself. Here’s the next one.
OBAMA: We also know that success against Al-Qaeda must go beyond destroying their network. It must be about the future that we want to build as well and that’s why we’re putting forward a positive vision of American leadership around the world —
RUSH: (laughing) Jeez!
OBAMA: — one where we lead by example and engage nations and peoples on the basis of mutual interest and mutual respect.
RUSH: Good Lord, he’s talking about ‘mutual respect’ to the counterterrorism people whose job it is to identify the bad guys and not respect ’em, but to help us track ’em down and kill ’em! Mutual respect? We are projecting a positive vision of American leadership? Yeah, we just got our clocks cleaned at the Olympics. We just got our clocks cleaned. You and your wife were just profoundly dissed and embarrassed by a thug organization known as the International Olympic Committee! What is this ‘positive vision of American leadership,’ running around apologizing for America everywhere you go and saying, ‘Finally America is worthy of respect now’? I have to find something. I have to find something here real quick. I have to find it because it dovetails real nice with this. It’s a guy writing in the American Thinker. He used to be an academic, a college professor. He finally had to split the scene because the values inside universities were so opposite the way he lived and so forth. I’m looking for it even as we speak. I will find it in due course. In the meantime I want you to listen to the third sound bite. Here I just found it. Listen to the third sound bite. And I want you to listen particularly in this sound bite as our president lists the countries where we are fighting Al-Qaeda.
OBAMA: We know that Al-Qaeda and its extremist allies threaten from us different quarters of the globe, from Pok-ee-stahn, but also from East Africa and Southeast Asia, from Europe and the Gulf; and that’s why we’re applying focus and relentless pressure to Al-Qaeda by sharing more intelligence, strengthening the capacity of our partners, disrupting terrorist financing, cutting off supply chains and inflicting major losses on Al-Qaeda’s leadership.
RUSH: You note the country he failed to mention there where we’re fighting Al-Qaeda? Did anybody hear him say Afghanistan? He didn’t say Afghanistan. He did not cite Afghanistan. ‘Pok-ee-stahn,’ East Africa, Southeast Asia, Europe and the Gulf. We didn’t hear Iraq either. No Afghanistan and no Iraq. We’re not fighting Al-Qaeda there apparently, and the big screens at the Counterterrorism Center are not for watching Sports Center. ‘Swimming Upstream: The Life of a Conservative Professor in Academia,’ by Ron Lipsman. ‘I have been a faculty member at a major State University for 40 years. Several years after my arrival, I voted for George McGovern. Eight years later, I voted for Ronald Reagan.
‘In those eight years, my family and I experienced several traumas that caused me to reevaluate — and ultimately, drastically alter — the political, cultural and economic axioms that had governed my life. Within months of buying my first home in an excellent neighborhood, within walking distance to the University and, most importantly, located in a district with an outstanding local public elementary school, my five-year-old son was forcibly bussed to an inferior school, many miles away, in a horrible neighborhood in order to satisfy the utopian vision of a myopic federal judge. This betrayal of my fundamental rights was undoubtedly the greatest shock to my political psyche. Another was a Sabbatical year spent living and working in Jerusalem, during which time the UN issued the infamous ‘Zionism is racism’ resolution.
‘I was able to observe firsthand that the standard propaganda about Israel and Zionism that was promulgated in America and elsewhere — almost exclusively by those on the Left that I had formerly supported — was nothing more than bald-faced, hateful lies. This and other events in the 1970s caused me to rethink everything that I had taken for granted since adolescence about how the world worked. … The overwhelmingly liberal atmosphere on campus is well known. In the one place in society at which there should be diversity of thought, exploration of conflicting ideas and a propensity to challenge conventional wisdom, we have instead a mind-numbing conformity of opinion and a complete unwillingness to entertain any thought or idea that deviates from the accepted truth. That conformity encompasses’ the following, and I want you to listen to these because this man describes Barack Obama.
‘The legitimacy of virtually any program that promotes the interests of minority and female faculty, staff and students, even if the program is blatantly racist or sexist — justified by a belief that America’s past unjust treatment of blacks, American Indians and Japanese-Americans, and its unfair treatment of women render such discrimination necessary and lawful.’ The conformity encompasses, ‘A multicultural mentality, which preaches that America’s Eurocentric, white, Christian heritage is responsible for colonialism, imperialism, racism and sexism, and that its replacement by a culture that ‘celebrates diversity’ will transform the US into a more just and humane society.’ That university conformity encompasses, ‘A distrust of free markets and democratic capitalism, and its severe limitation in favor of a centralized, government-controlled economy that will redistribute the wealth of America more fairly.’
And that conformity on campus encompasses, ‘A denigration of religious belief and its replacement by the ‘worship’ of secular humanism, with mindless environmentalism occupying a central place in the new religion.’ This is posted at American Thinker today, ‘Swimming Upstream: The Life of a Conservative Professor in Academia.’ Ron Lipsman is the author. He has just described Barack Obama. He has just laid out for us what it was that made Barack Obama who he is: academia and all the people he met beforehand. So here you have… You know, I knew it. I knew that this guy has a chip on his shoulder about this country. It is unjust; it is immoral. It has spread colonialism, imperialism, and sexism and racism and that’s why he runs around apologizing to the world for it! He has the multicultural, anti-American worldview that our enemies have.
He thinks he can forge a bond with them by agreeing with them and acknowledging that they have been right but it’s going to be different now because we’ve got a guy who recognizes our faults and we’re going to apologize for our faults and America is going to join the world of nations again as an equal — and you can beat up on us all you want and we’re not going to care because we deserve it! This is exactly who Obama is, and this is what we are dealing with. It’s just summed up here in four short paragraphs. You want to hear them again? University conformity encompasses ‘The legitimacy of virtually any program that promotes the interests of minority and female faculty, staff and students, even if the program is blatantly racist or sexist — justified by a belief that America’s past unjust treatment of blacks, American Indians and Japanese-Americans, and its unfair treatment of women render such discrimination necessary and lawful.’
Hello, Sonia Sotomayor! I would think that ‘a wise Latina woman’ would do a much better job of adjudicating a case than your average white man — and she’s a product of this garbage as well. Conformity on the campus includes, ‘A multicultural mentality, which preaches that America’s Eurocentric, white, Christian heritage is responsible for colonialism, imperialism, racism and sexism, and that its replacement by a culture that ‘celebrates diversity’ will transform the US into a more just and humane society.’ And I remember the Reverend Jackson shouting, ‘Ho-ho-ho! Western civ must go! Ho-ho-ho, Western civ must go,’ talking about the curriculum at the California state university system. Conformity on campus encompasses, ‘A distrust of free markets and democratic capitalism, and its severe limitation in favor of a centralized, government-controlled economy that will redistribute the wealth of America more fairly.’ Hello, Barack Obama. (pounding desk) This is what we elected. And finally, academic conformity ‘A denigration of religious belief and its replacement by the ‘worship’ of secular humanism, with mindless environmentalism occupying a central place in the new religion.’ That is why I mean it when I say everything happening here — Afghanistan; Obama’s apologizing around the world; the stupid, counterproductive, destructive economic policies — is by design. This is what he believes.
SCHOOLKIDS PARODY: Rush Hudson Limbaugh. Mmm, mmm, mmm. Rush Hudson Limbaugh. Mmm, mmm, mmm. (Battle Hymn of the Republic tune) My ears have heard Rush Limbaugh on my parents’ radio. He tells me that the left is wrong and stuff I need to know. We turn it off when he is done ’cause there is no other show. Rush, keep broadcasting on. Glory, glory hallelujah. Glory, Clinton couldn’t fool ya. Barack Obama can’t ignore ya. Rush, keep broadcasting on. In 1951 he was born in Missouri. Now he’s on the radio conducting EIB. On the air to set us free from sea to shining sea, he keeps broadcasting on. Glory, glory hallelujah. Glory, Clinton couldn’t fool ya. Barack Obama can’t ignore ya. Rush, keep broadcasting on. Rush keep broadcasting on!
RUSH: Back to the American Thinker, James Lewis: ‘Lose Afghanistan, Lose Pakistan, Lose Iran, Lose It All — The gangster regimes of the world are on the march, and they’ve got our number. They know how to squeeze more civilized nations. Our weakness is cowardice, and that goes double or triple in the face of nuclear weapons. That’s why all the rogues are trying to get nukes as fast as they can. They know it’s the perfect blackmail weapon, and it makes them invulnerable to attack. That is also why President Obama’s public rejection of General McChrystal’s advice on Afghanistan affects your personal safety and mine. Gen. McChrystal wants more troops. Obama doesn’t want to send them because he needs the money to promote his socialist take-over of America. You can’t have both. Look at Europe, where the military have become pathetic social welfare programs.
‘All the air is sucked out by bigger and bigger victim programs. Obama must be realizing by now that the chance of a major war in the Gulf next year is rising to 100 percent. Ahmadinejad will have nuclear weapons too, and he already has enough radioactive materials for a dirty nuke, a low-tech weapon that can spread terror everywhere in the world. The Left always puts the burden of proof for WMDs on America, which can never prove their existence because the CIA rarely can penetrate totalitarian regimes. You can’t prove a negative. Ever. So the Left is always asking the impossible. It makes them sound reasonable when they are just sabotaging common sense. But Saddam had a warehouse full of yellowcake uranium, as we now know, and to make a terror weapon all he had to do is load a plane full of that stuff and crash it into the LA Library Tower,’ for example.
‘You don’t need a nuclear explosion to spread terror. All you need is a lot of radioactive stuff thrown together with explosive; agricultural fertilizer will do. For radioactive material you could use the Cesium in your local X-ray unit. Saddam did not do that because he feared our inevitable retaliation. If Israel attacks Tehran, the Iranians will try to retaliate, either by a missile strike or by local attacks using Hezbollah and Hamas. If Israel does not attack Tehran, the Iranians will try to attack Tel Aviv anyway, because it is the key plank in their ideological doctrine, the one they have been chanting about for thirty years. For Israel it’s just in the difference in the timing of an inevitable war. It’s damned if you do, damned if you don’t. So it makes more sense for Israel to attack first, and expect to defend immediately against Iranian retaliation.
‘It is far, far better to do that before the Iranians get actual nukes. If Obama expects to stay out of that battle, good luck. The Iranians are just as likely to strike the Saudi oil fields (fifty miles away), the Gulf sheikhdoms, the US military in Iraq, the US Navy in the Gulf, or Israel. Israel is the best-defended state in the region. Unlike the Arab states Israel has proven retaliatory capacity. The Arabs have to rely on us, but if we don’t come through and defend them successfully, the Saudis are all ready to import nuclear weapons from Pakistan. They’ve already paid for them by financing Paki nuke development. So the United States will be drawn into an East Asian or Gulf war. There’s no way it can stay out.
‘Unless of course we want a war to spread wider. … It is the United States that keeps its finger in this dike. Pull that finger out, and we’ll see a flood. So we lose, and the world does, too, if we don’t beat down the threat. If we succeed in defending the world in alliance with other countries, we will survive and the gangster regimes will be held back. Welcome to Obama’s Choice. The White House debate on Afghanistan is therefore critical. That is why General McChrystal is risking his career by going public, and why the White House is sneering at him in public, the way they do. But McChrystal was appointed just ten months ago as the best expert in the Petraeus anti-insurgency doctrine. There aren’t any better military leaders for this kind of conflict.
‘His willingness to go public shows what kind of values he has. Obama is now where he dreamed of being: Making a huge life-or-death decision on civilization. He has never shown any comprehension of America’s strategic aims and doctrines in the last sixty years. I can only guess that he is getting intensive tutoring right now by General Jones and SecDef Robert Gates; maybe even by Hillary and Bill. Anybody with credibility will do. If Obama makes the wrong decision, start digging that hole in your back yard. It’ll be a long-term investment, because you’ll want a bomb shelter for years to come. This could be the real Obama Stimulus Plan. … Bush and Cheney tried to point out those harsh realities, but they were shut out by our fantasy-driven media. The Left chose to close its eyes and ears to the plain facts. Now Obama is in charge.’