RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, I, your host, have hijacked medicine. I, your irrelevant, without any power whatsoever, according to all of the wizards of smart in the State-Controlled Media, have hijacked medicine. This report from this afternoon on PMSNBC, Dr. Nancy Snyderman said this about an upcoming segment while showing video of me 85 pounds ago.
SNYDERMAN: Why does one popular radio talk show host not want to get his flu shot? When did medicine get hijacked by politics?
RUSH: (laughing) This whole swine flu thing is political, Dr. Snyderman. Michael Fumento in the New York Post today confirming my instincts: there is no epidemic, except there is every year, there’s a flu epidemic every year but there is no swine flu. The epidemic is in the media. Dr. Snyderman, don’t you realize that every segment you do on your show is political, including pushing the notion on that it is none your business, by the way, that people must get a flu shot? Here is how her report went reporting on me hijacking medicine.
SNYDERMAN: Rush Limbaugh’s take on the H1N1 vaccine.
RUSH ARCHIVE: Now you’ve got Kathleen Sebelius saying you must take the pig flu vaccine. You must take it. Screw you, Ms. Sebelius! I’m not going to take it precisely because you’re now telling me I must.
SNYDERMAN: Outrageous. If I could make the spin higher than five I would but my thermometer would break. Totally crazy. Are you not going to put on your seatbelt? Are you not going to take your anti-hypertensives? Are you not going to do what people suggest for you to do just to take care of yourself, Mr. Limbaugh? This is not a conspiracy. These are doctors and scientists who donated hours of their lives, dedicated themselves trying to make people like you well. It’s a vaccine that works. What silliness. And my concern is that people listen to you and won’t get well.
RUSH: No, they’ll stay well. They won’t get sick. People like you and your network are polluting this country with drivel and bilge. People like you are scaring the hell out of people needlessly each and every day. There are medical experts who will not take the vaccine. But that’s not the point. Mine was not a medical point, Dr. Snyderman. Mine was rooted in liberty and freedom. Kathleen Sebelius is not a doctor. And this kid video coming up on CNN, you know how the thing starts? They do the Sebelius cough into the forearm. (coughing) That’s how they start this thing. She’s not a doctor, and she’s telling me I must when there’s no law requiring me to do it? We have seat belt laws. We have helmet laws. But we don’t have a pig flu law… yet. Outrageous? Silly? No, I’m just independently minded. I am not a conformist, and I do not respond to media inspired plagues or panics. And besides, Ms. Snyderman, consult your own network. I don’t have any power, nobody listens to me, the Republicans don’t listen to me, my audience, they listen, but they don’t do what I say. Your network has been reporting this for two weeks now.
I’m going to grab a phone call, otherwise — this stack is depressing me. And I still gotta do the stupid kid song. That’s still coming up. I delayed that ’til the second hour so I wouldn’t destroy the whole show, at least my mood. Jeez. Kid song. By the way, the kid song was Monday, but it happened on CNN. It took two days for people to discover it. Who wants to go first? Donna in Ft. Lauderdale, I’m glad you called. Welcome to the EIB Network.
CALLER: Hi, Rush. Thanks for taking my call. I’m one of your phantom listeners, I guess, so I’m a phantom caller.
RUSH: Phantom caller, and by the way, what are you going to do? Are you going to take the pig flu vaccine, or not?
CALLER: No, and I have a nine-year-old son who will not take it as well.
RUSH: Well, is that because of me?
CALLER: No. I actually have a brain, so I kind of made the decision on my own.
RUSH: Well, that would put you a couple steps ahead of Dr. Snyderman. She has a brain, but it’s numbed.
CALLER: Well, maybe you should get an MRI to confirm that.
RUSH: I’m not paying for it.
CALLER: No, no. Obamacare will. But I called to talk to you about the one sector in the economy creating jobs last week, we had that dismal 263,000 job losses and that’s health care, and about the 25% cut to physicians in the Senate Finance Committee bill that had been proposed, that had been scored by the CBO and I wanted to bring up a point about Adam Smith’s invisible hand in capitalism. Those physicians, the best and the brightest, are going to pack up their bags and they’re going to move to Costa Rica, to India, to wherever it is where we have this growing trend toward medical tourism.
RUSH: I have a story here that’s right up the ally of your comment and it’s from all places, CNN. So I know nobody has seen this yet, but I’m surprised it made it on the CNN website. The headline: ‘Doctors Make More Cash Selling Clothes on eBay.’ The highlights of this story, there’s an Iowa doctor, started a second career selling clothes on eBay while she was home with her twins. Last year she made more money online, $120,000, than in her medical practice. Now how sad is that? This is Dr. Jennifer Lickteig. She examines patients at the Linn Community Care Health Center in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. ‘Lickteig runs a clothing store on eBay, where she’s a ‘Gold PowerSeller,’ ranking among the top 1½ percent of merchants on the online marketplace. The 35-year-old family practitioner says she earned $120,000 last year on eBay, more than she did practicing medicine.’
CALLER: So where is that going to leave us? Unless you can, of course, afford to pay for the best care, who exactly will be treating us when we show up at the emergency room or at our primary care physician’s office? Who’s going to be left practicing medicine in this country once Obamacare takes over?
RUSH: Well, I know of one doctor that will always be around, and that will be Dr. Snyderman. I think Dr. Snyderman’s client list will approach the number of people standing outside Cobo Hall in Detroit looking for Obama money.
RUSH: I know what Dr. Snyderman’s problem is. I had this in the stack. I wasn’t going to use it ’cause it doesn’t fit, but it does now. This is Daily Mail, UK: ‘Taking the Birth Control Pill for the Past 40 Years Has Put Women Off of Masculine Men.’ You compare the Kirk Douglases and all those guys from back then and look at the Hollywood stars today, they’re a bunch of girlie wusses, and it’s the pill that makes women like girlie men. That’s the theory and explains some of their thinking as well, Dr. Snyderman.
RUSH: Susan in Fairfield, Connecticut. Thanks for waiting. You’re next on the EIB Network. Hello.
CALLER: Hi, Rush.
CALLER: Very nice to talk to you.
RUSH: Thank you very much.
CALLER: I had an experience with the flu shot. This was in the year 2000, I was — I hate to give my age — I was 58 and I’d never had a flu shot.
RUSH: Why did you get one?
CALLER: The doctor said, ‘How about a flu shot?’
RUSH: Were you visiting Dr. Snyderman?
CALLER: No, I wasn’t. (laughing) And I said to her, I had never had the flu and never had a flu shot, and, you know, didn’t think I wanted one, but one of my kids was having a baby and I was like, oh, you know, you might to want help her, you might get it, blah, blah, blah. So I had the flu shot, and a couple of weeks later I’m walking along and I got kind of a funny pain in my shoulder, strange place, and I, you know, ‘What is this? What is that?’ Anyway, it developed into a very severe, couple of days later, chest pains, which started in the middle of the day one day, and by three o’clock the next morning I was in the emergency room. And the people there thought I was having a heart attack.
RUSH: Did you have health insurance?
CALLER: I did have health insurance from my husband’s employer, very nice health insurance. But anyway, at any rate, they kept giving me nitroglycerin and whatever and I really thought if it was a heart attack I would be dead because this had been going on for a long time. And the cardiologist came in and eventually, you know, asked me some questions, did the stethoscope thing and took chest X-rays —
RUSH: All right, so you told them you took a flu shot and then what happened?
CALLER: No, I didn’t tell him that because I didn’t think of it at the time. But it turned out that it was diagnosed as pleurisy and I don’t know if you’ve ever known anyone who had pleurisy or any experience with it, it is awful. It knocks you out, I was sick for about, oh, I don’t know — and I’m relatively healthy person, but it got better, it went away and I looked it up, and it was strange because it said pleurisy is really something that you get after you have something else like people with tuberculosis get it —
RUSH: Okay —
CALLER: It’s not something that you just catch.
RUSH: So how did the flu shot enter the diagnosis?
CALLER: The flu shot entered the equation when I was so curious as to how I could have gotten it so I read about it —
RUSH: Most women would blame their husbands.
CALLER: I did not do that. (laughing) But, anyway, I read about it, it’s an inflammation of the sac around your lungs and around your heart —
RUSH: Right, right, right. But time is dwindling, what about the flu shot?
CALLER: I eventually talked to a person, a pediatrician who was a friend of mine and told her the whole story, and I —
RUSH: Did she want to take your tonsils out?
CALLER: (laughing) No, she wanted to cut off my foot, though.
RUSH: Obama told me they do that.
CALLER: Oh, it’s so awful. I’m so glad I listen to you, and I only started after this election. But anyway, she —
RUSH: We’re finally going to get to this flu shot angle, folks, hang in there. Just wait for it, it’s coming.
CALLER: I said, ‘Could it have been anything to do with the flu shot?’ and she said, ‘Yes, pleurisy is a side effect of the flu shot or can be a side effect.’
RUSH: But this wasn’t even H1N1 back in 2000.
CALLER: No, no, just the regular —
RUSH: Bird flu or whatever, yeah, well, I’ve never taken the flu shot.
CALLER: Don’t do it.
RUSH: I’ve never had a doctor suggest it. I’ve had busybody citizens and friends who want to run my life tell me I should do it but I’ve never had a doctor, they left it up to me. I know I’ve never had one, but I know a lot of people that do routinely, and I think a lot of people suffer mild symptoms because that’s how you are inoculated from it, isn’t it? But you’re the first person I’ve heard contracting pleurisy from a flu shot. Keep this call on file, Mike, for the next time Dr. Snyderman launches on me. I’ve been talking about this all hour and people may not have heard what Dr. Snyderman said, so we’ll have that at the top of the next hour. Gotta take a quick time-out, thanks Susan, and, by the way, I’m in Fairfield, Connecticut, every summer. I play golf up there at the country club of Fairfield, and this is where AIG people bonus live, where ACORN went up and protested on their front lawns. It’s a nice community, but they’ve run out of money and can’t fix their potholes anymore, so you don’t go up there with a nice car.
RUSH: Let’s go back to our archives from earlier in today’s program. During our program at 12 noon on PMSNBC, Dr. Nancy Snyderman promo’d an upcoming segment by saying this.
SNYDERMAN: Why does one popular radio talk show host not want to get his flu shot? When did medicine get hijacked by politics?
RUSH: When did medicine get hijacked by politics? What the hell is national health care being put together by a bunch of lawyer doofus politicians? When did medicine get hijacked by politics? Have you heard of the people you vote for, Dr. Snyderman? The Democrat Party. When did medicine get hijacked by politics? No, in her warped worldview, I, El Rushbo, your devoted host, have hijacked medicine by politicizing my announced refusal to follow the command of the Health and Human Services Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius. This is the segment from Dr. Snyderman.
SNYDERMAN: Rush Limbaugh’s take on the H1N1 vaccine.
RUSH ARCHIVE: Now you’ve got Kathleen Sebelius saying you must take the pig flu vaccine. You must take it. Screw you, Ms. Sebelius! I’m not going to take it precisely because you’re now telling me I must.
SNYDERMAN: Outrageous. If I could make the spin higher than five I would but my thermometer would break. Totally crazy. Are you not going to put on your seat belt? Are you not going to take your anti-hypertensives? Are you not going to do what people suggest for you to do just to take care of yourself, Mr. Limbaugh? This is not a conspiracy. These are doctors and scientists who donated hours of their lives, dedicated themselves to trying to make people like you well. It’s a vaccine that works. What silliness. And my concern is that people listen to you and won’t get well.
RUSH: So you people are going to listen to me and say, ‘I’m not going to take the swine flu vaccine,’ and you’re going to get sick and it’s all my fault. That’s exactly how it works. Now, I’ve never had a doctor suggest I get a flu shot. Never had one suggest it, I’ve never had one. But this notion that there are doctors and scientists who donated hours of their lives. Donated my rear end. They’re about to donate under Obamacare, but they’re not donating yet, Dr. Snyderman. So let’s go to some interesting audio, shall we, from a doctor, Dr. Kent Holtorf from September 2009. He’s on Studio B Fox News Channel, cohost Gregg Jarrett interviewed the infectious disease expert Dr. Kent Holtorf. Jarrett says, ‘Doctor, what do you think of the pig flu vaccination?’
HOLTORF: I have more concern about the vaccine than I do about the swine flu. It’s been rushed to market. There are high levels of adjuncts, which make it more potent. It’s kind of an unrefined method that they used. They had to use high levels of these adjuncts, including —
JARRETT: Thimerosal, it’s an antiseptic preservative. And hasn’t that been linked in some cases to autism?
HOLTORF: It has. And it’s been shown to cause autism in children with mitochondrial dysfunction —
RUSH: Holy cow.
HOLTORF: — and the problem is you don’t know if your child has mitochondrial dysfunction. I also worry about children, pregnant women, chronic neurological illnesses, and chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. I’ve been people been devastated by these vaccines.
JARRETT: All right. Would you give it to your kids?
HOLTORF: I definitely would not.
RUSH: Oh, what are we to do? What are we to do? Listen to me and Dr. Holtorf or Dr. Snyderman? What a dilemma. What would you do, Snerdley, in this case? If I heard this right, I’d talk to my doctor, too. I’d ask my doctor, ‘I heard an infectious disease expert say that there is an antiseptic preservative that’s been linked to autism in this vaccine. Is that true? If my kid has mitochondrial dysfunction and I give the kid the vaccine, could they get autism?’ Dr. Snyderman, ‘This is not a conspiracy. These are doctors and scientists donating hours of their lives, dedicating themselves to try to make people like you well, Mr. Limbaugh. It’s a vaccine that works, what silliness.’ The real point again, once again, Dr. Snyderman, mine was not a medical reaction to Kathleen Sebelius. It was a political reaction.
I have not reached the point, like apparently you have, Dr. Snyderman, where you’re just a mind-numbed robot and a sheep and some government official, who’s a dunce to boot, issues a demand with no constitutional authority, there is no law, she cannot make me take this. That’s what I react to. That’s what I’m objecting to. Well, you gotta understand, Snerdley. Snerdley is blowing his gasket in there. ‘You’re already well. What does she mean? What does she mean, people won’t get well?’ She’s assuming everybody already is sick, I guess, if she meant to say what she said. But you know what it reminds me of? This was during the Clinton years, I think it was the Clinton years, might have been Bush 41 years. I know it was during this show, which started 1988. There was a town hall meeting somewhere in the Midwest, and the people that showed up were raucous and unruly, and CNN was the network televising the thing and Bernard Shaw was trying to quiet the crowd. ‘Wait for the officials,’ he said, meaning whoever from the government was showing up to conduct this particular town hall. I don’t even remember what it was about. ‘Wait for the officials.’
And I’m saying, ‘Why are the officials god-like to you, Bernard? Just because they’re in government, they are infallible and they have to be listened to all the time? They are never wrong? Or is it that you just are a total authoritarian, and you will bow down to the authority of anybody who is in government who attempts to exert any totalitarian control over people?’ And I’m thinking the same thing here with Nancy Snyderman and everybody else, Kathleen Sebelius. Kathleen Sebelius, who taught us how to sneeze properly into our freaking arms and sleeves, is now saying we must take this thing? Who the hell are you to tell us we must do anything? Have you heard of the concept of liberty and freedom? ‘But Mr. Limbaugh, Mr. Limbaugh, they’re only doing it for your own good, they’re only trying to protect from you getting the swine flu, the pig flu and everything else flu.’ No, they’re not doing it for our own good. That’s where you New Castrati guys don’t get it. They think we’re incapable of doing things for ourselves. They are the biggest screw-ups on the face of the earth. They can’t run anything; they can’t turn a profit; they print money; they lose money; they’re destroying the private sector and we gotta listen to them as though they tell us, ‘You don’t know what’s good for you.’ And I guess Dr. Snyderman is of that view.
We don’t know what’s good for us. Kathleen Sebelius knows what’s good for us. Doctors, scientists donated hours of their lives. I really want to see the proof of that. I want to see all these donations of time to come up with the pig flu vaccine. As I say, the only donations that doctors are going to be making will come after Obama’s health care is enacted ’cause he’s not going to pay ’em. He’s going to reduce their payments, he’s going to reduce Medicare expenses which he claimed he’s not going to do. It’s a disaster.