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RUSH: Oh. ‘Five years after a budget-busting $3 billion was allocated to embryonic stem cell research, there have been no cures, no therapies and little progress. So supporters are embracing research they once opposed. California’s Proposition 71 was intended to create a $3 billion West Coast counterpart to the National Institutes of Health, empowered to go where the NIH could not — either because of federal policy or funding restraints on biomedical research centered on human embryonic stem cells. Supporters of the California Stem Cell Research and Cures Initiative, passed in 2004, held out hopes of imminent medical miracles that were being held up only by President Bush’s policy of not allowing federal funding of embryonic stem cell research (ESCR) beyond existing stem cell lines and which involved the destruction of embryos created for that purpose.

‘Five years later, ESCR has failed to deliver and backers of Prop 71 are admitting failure.’ This is from an Investor’s Business Daily editorial, and I remember how intensely… I worked hard, this whole campaign in Missouri. Michael J. Fox was out there with Claire McCaskill and Michael J. Fox was out there running ads against Michael Steele when he was seeking a Senate seat in Maryland. The Breck Girl was wrong: Christopher Reeve would not have walked if John Kerry had won in 2004 because of embryonic stem cell research. This is what happens when you make science a political issue. You end up with fraudulent, fake, politically oriented causes that have nothing to do with science, and everything about it ends up being a lie. Nothing, $3 billion, no cures, no therapies, no progress. Adult stem cells are a different matter entirely.

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