RUSH: I know. I know he’s there. I saw it. I saw the spectacle. I watched a little bit of it, Felipe Calderon’s speech to a joint session of Congress beating up on the Arizona law, criticizing the Arizona law and blaming us for all the guns in Mexico. And the Democrats were standing up and applauding, giving him a standing ovation for this. This is unprecedented. We have never before had an ally come to the United States, make a speech before a joint session of Congress, rip our country, rip our states, and have the Democrat Party stand up and applaud. This follows on the heels of this Michael Posner guy after human rights meetings with the ChiComs, or during them, saying, ‘Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! You know, we have to agree with you, we’ve got our own human rights problems here. Look at our Arizona law. It’s very, very troublesome.’
That’s the first time that’s ever happened. I mean, the ChiComs, the communists always rip us. This is the first time in my life our leaders have agreed with them. Greetings, my friends, and welcome, it’s Rush Limbaugh, this, the EIB Network and the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies. Now, I just gave Mike the sound bite roster order I wanted. I’m going to change it now. I’m going to stick to the original order eventually. But grab sound bite number 21 and number 22. This is from this morning on Capitol Hill: The president of Mexico, Felipe Calderon, addressing a joint session of Congress.
CALDERON: You will notice that the violence in Mexico started to grow a couple of hours before I took office in 2006. This coincides, at least, with the lifting of the assault weapons ban in 2004. I will ask Congress to help us, with respect, and to understand how important it is for us that you enforce current laws to stem the supply of these weapons to criminals and consider restating the assault weapons ban.
RUSH: And the Democrats stood up.
DEMOCRATS: (applauding)
RUSH: There they are, standing up and applauding. Now, here he is blaming Bush. He’s blaming all this stuff on his predator just as Obama does, and says he wants us to enforce current law. But, no, he doesn’t want us to enforce current law. He doesn’t want us to enforce the current federal immigration law. He doesn’t want us to enforce Arizona’s immigration law. But he wants us to enforce an assault weapons ban. So he comes here… Here’s the bite with Felipe Calderon blasting the United States and lecturing Arizona to thunderous applause from Democrats, a standing O.
CALDERON: I strongly disagree with your recently adopted law in Arizona.
DEMOCRATS: (applauding)
CALDERON: It is a law —
DEMOCRATS: (applauding)
CALDERON: It is a law that not only ignores a reality that cannot be erased by decree, but also introduced a terrible idea: Using rashal — racial profiling as a basis for law enforcement. And that’s why I agree… I agree with president to say the new law carries a great amount of risk when core values that we don’t care about are breached.
RUSH: Uhhhh… Folks, I’m speechless. I’m angry and speechless. And this comment received a standing ovation. So we have the leader of Mexico coming here and parroting, copying the president of the United States and ripping our country to a standing ovation of the Democrat Party. What does he care about racial profiling? There is no racial profiling in the bill. This is just so purposely taken out of context. ‘I agree with the president who says the new law carries a great amount of risk.’ Whose ‘core values’? He comes here and disses our immigration law, blames the United States for all the guns in Mexico. Meanwhile, do you know this? His best friend is missing.
Calderon’s best friend, folks, is missing; thought to have been kidnapped and killed by Mexican drug gangs. And he comes here and disses us. I guess Obama apologized throughout their private meetings in the White House. So are we to assume here from Calderon’s remarks that these criminals are coming to the United States to buy assault weapons as they are ‘just searching for a better life’? I mean, even some people on our side of the aisle have sympathy with the illegals. ‘Rush? Rush, come on! They just want a better life.’ I guess now it’s a human right to cross the US border. So these guys come in and Calderon says they’re getting guns here. They’re coming to America and picking up assault rifles in their quest for a better life. The drug gangs down in Mexico are beheading people left and right, and it’s interesting to point out they have legalized drugs in Mexico. They have legalized everything — the hard stuff, the soft stuff.
You know, there are efforts always going on in this country to legalize drugs. The theory is, ‘Look there’s a lot of tax revenue there that we could be picking up. Addicts are addicts, and if we control it we take the crime out of it.’ Well, I guess that’s what Calderon thought. But they’ve got drug crime at an all-time high after legalizing the stuff. It’s a strange curiosity. They have legalized the possession. I don’t know if they’ve legalized the sale, but they’ve legalized the possession. So the demand side is being rewarded. The supply-side, maybe if you’re selling you still got some problems, but what they’re saying is, ‘Well, if you get caught having it, you’re fine. Whatever you want.’ So the effort is on to acquire the stuff. Now, let me grab sound bites four and five in my original order. Let me see. I’m looking for Calderon on Wolf Blitzer last night. It’s seven and eight. Seven and eight. Calderon was on with Wolf ‘Blitzed’ last night on CNN Situation Room. Wolf Blitzer says, ‘What’s wrong with the folks in Arizona wanting to protect their border?’
CALDERON: In Arizona, there is some racial profiling criteria in order to enforce the law that it’s against any sense of human rights; and, of course, is provoking very disappointing, uh, things — or very disappointing opinion — in Mexico and around the world, even here in America. So to introduce this kind of elements, especially racial profiling aspect that are attempting against what we consider human rights, it’s the principle of discrimination which is against the values of this great nation.
RUSH: Yeah. Who is he to preach to us? For crying out loud, they deport more illegal immigrants from Mexico than we do! How do they catch their illegal immigrants? Do they profile them? How the hell do they find out who’s in their country illegally? Here’s the next question from Blitzer: ‘So if people want to come from Guatemala or Honduras or El Salvador or Nicaragua, they want to just come into Mexico, can they just walk in?’
CALDERON: No! They need to fulfill, uh, a form. They need to establish their right name. We analyze if they have not a criminal precedence.
BLITZER: Do Mexican police go around asking for papers of people they suspect are illegal immigrants?
CALDERON: Of course! Of course!
BLITZER: If somebody sneaks in from Nicaragua or some other country in Central America through the southern border of Mexico and they wind up in Mexico, they can going get a job?
CALDERON: No, no, no.
BLITZER: They can work?
CALDERON: If somebody do that without permissions, we send — we send back them.
RUSH: We didn’t record that ourselves. We didn’t make it up. So I want to play these two bites again back-to-back, sound bites seven and eight. We’ll set up the first question from Blitzer: ‘What’s wrong with the folks in Arizona wanting to protect their border?’
CALDERON: In Arizona, there is some racial profiling criteria in order to enforce the law that it’s against any sense of human rights; and, of course, is provoking very disappointing, uh, things — or very disappointing opinion — in Mexico and around the world, even here in America. So to introduce this kind of elements, especially racial profiling aspect that are attempting against what we consider human rights, it’s the principle of discrimination which is against the values of this great nation.
RUSH: (doing impression) ‘[W]e consider human rights the principle of discrimination which is against the values of this great nation.’ So Blitzer says: So somebody outside your country wants to come into Mexico, can they just walk into your country?
CALDERON: No! They need to fulfill, uh, a form. They need to establish their right name. We analyze if they have not a criminal precedence.
BLITZER: Do Mexican police go around asking for papers of people they suspect are illegal immigrants?
CALDERON: Of course! Of course!
BLITZER: If somebody sneaks in from Nicaragua or some other country in Central America through the southern border of Mexico and they wind up in Mexico, they can going get a job?
CALDERON: No, no, no.
BLITZER: They can work?
CALDERON: If somebody do that without permissions, we send — we send back them.
RUSH: Is this guy an idiot? Is this guy not just a full-fledged idiot? He just undercut his entire argument! He just undercut Obama’s entire argument. (interruption) You don’t think he did? (interruption) Well, screw the liberals, Snerdley! Not everybody in this country is a liberal. There are a lot of Americans here who are gonna look at this and say, ‘This guy is just an idiot.’ Answering those questions like that from Blitzer, he has no right from now on to say anything to us about our immigration law. People can’t even get a job in Mexico unless they have (doing impression) ‘per-meee-sion…and if they do that, do that, we send ’em back.’
Now how do they find out who they are in the first place? You think they have to profile ’em? ‘We analyze them.’ They’re very, very strict. You can’t own property, you can’t get involved in politics if you are an immigrant, legally in Mexico. It’s very restrictive. And he comes here and lectures us with the approval of the president of the United States and the Democrats in the House of Representatives, who gave it a standing O. He comes here to lecture us about the way we are trying to enforce our own immigration law. What is this ‘racial profiling’ anyway? Mexico’s not a race! What’s the race in Mexico? It’s not Mexican. It’s Hispanic or whatever, but we’re not profiling Mexicans because there’s not a race there.
RUSH: You know, more I think about this, folks, the more I’m convinced that Obama briefed this guy. There may have been a price for that state dinner last night. It may have been Calderon coming here and basically mouthing Obama’s own words about the Arizona law. This guy is a blooming idiot. He comes here, he spouts Obama’s own words, he get a standing ovation from the Democrats in the House of Representatives, and then in the next sound bite Wolf Blitzer — I don’t know what got into him, but he starts asking some sensible questions. This idiot, Calderon, gives us the lay of the land when it comes to immigration in Mexico. Here are the two bites again. You know what the questions are. I’m just going to play ’em back-to-back so you have that stark contrast one more time.
CALDERON: In Arizona, there is some racial profiling criteria in order to enforce the law that it’s against any sense of human rights; and, of course, is provoking very disappointing, uh, things — or very disappointing opinion — in Mexico and around the world, even here in America. So to introduce this kind of elements, especially racial profiling aspect that are attempting against what we consider human rights, it’s the principle of discrimination which is against the values of this great nation.
CALDERON: No! They need to fulfill, uh, a form. They need to establish their right name. We analyze if they have not a criminal precedence.
BLITZER: Do Mexican police go around asking for papers of people they suspect are illegal immigrants?
CALDERON: Of course! Of course!
BLITZER: If somebody sneaks in from Nicaragua or some other country in Central America through the southern border of Mexico and they wind up in Mexico, they can going get a job?
CALDERON: No, no, no.
BLITZER: They can work?
CALDERON: If somebody do that without permissions, we send — we send back them.
RUSH: The first sound bite I’m convinced… When’s the last time you ever heard Felipe Calderon talk about ‘human rights’ and ‘discrimination’ and all of this sort of stuff? This is right out of Obama’s mouth. This guy had to have been briefed. This is like a setup, like that second grader at the school yesterday with the setup question. Now this. We got a foreign leader coming here and what’s on his teleprompter’s been written by whoever writes Obama’s words. But then when he’s off the prompter and gets the question about Mexico’s own law, we get the truth. I’m still stunned here. Wolf Blitzer: ‘Do they have to present papers?’ ‘Of course! Of course they have to present papers!’ Here is the main Mexico immigration law: ‘Mexico welcomes only foreigners who will be useful to Mexican society: * Foreigners are admitted into Mexico ‘according to their possibilities of contributing to national progress.’ (Article 32)
‘* Immigration officials must ‘ensure’ that ‘immigrants will be useful elements for the country and that they have the necessary funds for their sustenance’ and for their dependents. (Article 34) * Foreigners may be barred from the country if their presence upsets ‘the equilibrium of the national demographics,’ when foreigners are deemed detrimental to ‘economic or national interests,’ when they do not behave like good citizens in their own country, when they have broken Mexican laws, and when ‘they are not found to be physically or mentally healthy.’ (Article 37)’ All of those are reasons you can be barred from going into Mexico. So they can test your brain, give you an IQ test. This is far beyond profiling. You want to talk about (doing Calderon impression) ‘human riiiiights’ and ‘de-scriminaaaaation’?
‘* The Secretary of Governance may ‘suspend or prohibit the admission of foreigners when he determines it to be in the national interest.’ (Article 38) Mexican authorities must keep track of every single person in the country:* Federal, local and municipal police must cooperate with federal immigration authorities upon request, i.e., to assist in the arrests of illegal immigrants. (Article 73)* A National Population Registry keeps track of ‘every single individual who comprises the population of the country,’ and verifies each individual’s identity. (Articles 85 and 86)’ I could keep going. ‘* A national Catalog of Foreigners tracks foreign tourists and immigrants (Article 87), and assigns each individual with a unique tracking number (Article 91). Foreigners with fake papers, or who enter the country under false pretenses, may be imprisoned:* Foreigners with fake immigration papers may be fined or imprisoned. (Article 116)*
‘Foreigners who sign government documents ‘with a signature that is false or different from that which he normally uses’ are subject to fine and imprisonment. (Article 116) Foreigners who fail to obey the rules will be fined, deported, and/or imprisoned as felons:* … (Article 118)* Foreigners who violate the terms of their visa may be sentenced to up to six years in prison (Articles 119, 120 and 121). Foreigners who misrepresent the terms of their visa while in Mexico — such as working without a permit — can also be imprisoned.’ And this guy, this guy comes here and lectures us, lectures the state of Arizona, parrots the exact talking points of the Democrat Party and the president of the United States. Maybe what ought to happen is the next time Obama uses his prompter, somebody ought to put the Arizona law on it so that he can both read it and read it aloud to his audience at the same time. I know it will never happen, folks. It’s one of these things that you sit there and fantasize about. Well, I’m struck at this. I’m almost speechless over this. Those two sound bites back-to-back, coupled with his bashing of Arizona and our country this morning at the joint session of Congress — at the request of, with the approval of the president of the United States. We’re seeing some things we have never seen before in our country.
RUSH: Folks, I’m sorry for not being able to get off of this. This is over the top. In one week we have had this administration side with the ChiComs against their own country and bring in the president of Mexico as a prop to mouth Obama’s words to a joint session of Congress beating up on the state of Arizona and the people who are there and the people who live there. What’s happening here is a doubling down of playing the race card. The president of the United States is continuing to divide this country while pretending to be this great unifier. And he’s using this dummkopf president of Mexico as a prop, like a puppet to help him do so, and I’m going to tell you something. We’re going to talk about this again as the program unfolds today, because I can’t allow this spin to hold, either.
If they’re going to say that yesterday’s elections was a big win for Obama — and do you realize they’re saying that? Si, Senor! They are saying yesterday’s a big win for Obama, and Pelosi’s out there today saying, ‘Look, we’re going to easily hold the House. There are 200 of my people who are easily going to get reelected.’ Now, if Obama was the big winner in those elections yesterday as reported, he wouldn’t be playing the race card this ferociously. This ought to be Hispanic vote, folks, and if he was the big winner yesterday, there is no way he’d be doubling down on the race card. There were even times during Calderon’s speech where the Republicans stood up, when he talked ‘cracking down on crime’ and improving the economy of Mexico and so forth. The Republicans were standing up. So we’ve got people in fear. We got elected officials who are behaving in fear on the Republican side.
On the Democrat side, they’re behaving in eager anticipation — and Obama, the president of the United States, is throwing down the race card now and using Felipe Calderon as a prop to do so. So don’t tell me Obama’s a big winner in the elections on Tuesday. Don’t tell me. If they’re willing to throw the race card now, in middle May, you just wait ’til we get into September and October. You just wait to see what these clowns in the White House do. It’s gotta get worse. It will get worse. You know why? The Democrats need it because they didn’t win yesterday. Everybody continues to focus on Pennsylvania-12 to show Obama’s big victory. I know what they’re trying to do. They’re trying to say, ‘Hey, the Republicans, why, in this climate if they couldn’t take that Murtha seat, why, all this talk about them winning the House, it ain’t going to happen.’
And as I mentioned yesterday, we got a lot of people on our side who are also bashing the Republicans saying, ‘Yeah, we’ve been wrong. If we can’t win Pennsylvania-12, then I don’t think we can win anything.’ It’s a 2-1 district, 40 to 50,000 union people in there, and you had the Democrat candidate sounding like me. I mean, conservatism won the election. Well, his conservatism, this Critz guy, his conservatism is faux conservatism. He was lying through his teeth about it. But we’ll get to all of that later in the program. Here’s a story from a couple days ago out of Mexico City. ‘Most of a small Mexican town’s police force has quit after armed men ambushed and wounded two of their officers. The resignation of six of the 11 municipal officers in La Union Monday evening comes after several other Mexican towns have seen mass police resignations because of cartel violence or threats.
‘State police in Guerrero, which La Union is located, said Tuesday that it has deployed 20 of its officers to patrol La Union until further notice. The resignations came two days after their colleagues were ambushed and left La Union’s police force with five members: the chief, the deputy chief, an officer in charge of weapons logistics and the two wounded officers who are hospitalized. Meanwhile, people in some Mexican towns have begun taking the law into their own hands.’ They’re acting like the people in Arizona, in Mexico. So from what we heard today from Felipe Calderon ( a prop of this regime): Arms going into Mexico are fault of the United States. (doing Calderon impression) ‘Assault weapon ban was lifted in 2006. We need the assault weapons ban reenacted, reimplemented.’ So our assault weapons ban being lifted means arms finding their way into Mexico, our fault. Drugs and illegal immigrants coming here? Also our fault! That’s what Calderon says, and, right on cue, this regime agrees.
In one week, folks, Michael Posner at the State Department tells the ChiComs (paraphrased), ‘Yeah, we really have no business lecturing you because you’re right: We have some terrible problems in our own country right there in Arizona. That immigration law is very, very bad for human rights.’ So for the first time in my life, agents of a communist government (China) come to our country and criticize us, and our administration agrees. And for the first time in my life a foreign president (ostensibly an ally) comes here to rip the sovereign state of Arizona, the sovereign United States and its laws — using language exactly like the president of the United States — and the Democrat members of Congress give him a standing ovation. ‘Meanwhile,’ Mexicans are ‘taking the law into their own hands.’ Cops are being killed by the drug cartels just like in Arizona. In the meantime, Felipe Calderon admits (doing impression), ‘Oh, yes, of course we check people’s papers. We find out if they are worth being here. If they get a job and they have lied, they get sent home.’ All the while he’s telling us that we’re discriminating and violating our core values.
RUSH: New Port Richey, Florida, as we let you in on this discussion. This is Jim. Hello, sir. Glad to have you.
CALLER: Thank you very much, Rush. Whatever happened to the concept of reciprocity in international political relations, here?
RUSH: What do you mean, sir?
CALLER: For example, countries likes Mexico and other countries have very strict regulations on going into a country, having a return ticket, enough money to support yourself, proof that you have a job if you want a work visa, et cetera, et cetera. And the Mexican president just reiterated his country’s policies on immigration.
RUSH: The Mexican president is Señor Wences! Remember Señor Wences? He was a ventriloquist dummy from the Ed Sullivan show way back then. He’s just Señor Wences.
CALLER: (laughing)
RUSH: Now, you want to know what happened to reciprocity? It’s called liberalism. You want to know what happened to prosperity? It’s called liberalism. You want to know what happened to economic opportunity and freedom? It’s called liberalism. There’s a giant disconnect: Liberalism from Americanism. It’s plain as day for everybody to see. Next up is Patricia in Longview, Texas. It’s great to have you on the Rush Limbaugh program.
CALLER: (garbled cell) Hi, Mr. Limbaugh. I can’t tell you how much I love you. I’m originally from Honduras. And having said that, I truly do not understand why it is so hard for the Americans to defend the country’s sovereignty. Why?
RUSH: Liberalism. The disconnect —
CALLER: Don’t they have the courage to?
RUSH: The Democrat —
CALLER: It takes courage.
RUSH: Patricia?
RUSH: Listen to me. Disconnect: Liberalism from Americanism. The Democrat Party, the American left, the president of the United States will destroy this country in order to maintain their power over it. Why do they not enforce the border? Votes! Why do they have Calderon come here acting as Señor Wences, a ventriloquist dummy?
CALLER: (giggles) Votes! This is all about rallying the Hispanic vote in November because Obama got shellacked yesterday and Obama thinks he’s going to get shellacked in November. It’s all about votes. That’s why we’re not going to enforce the border and that’s why we’re going to rip anybody who tries. Yesterday the state of Arizona said to the city of Los Angeles and the mayor, Antonio Villaraigosa, ‘If you guys are going to boycott us, fine. We’re going to cut off your electricity that we provide you.’ The city of Los Angeles gets 25% of its electricity from Arizona. Antonio Villaraigosa said (paraphrased), ‘Go ahead. We don’t care. You won’t do it. You go right ahead. We’re gonna play your game.’ This is the kind of stuff that starts civil wars, folks. This is not coincidental, it is not accidental, and the answer today to virtually every question you’ve got is liberalism. (interruption) Did I mean to say what?
Yeah, civil war. I said it yesterday. You probably didn’t hear it, Snerdley, because you were busy screening calls. This is exactly the kind of stuff that starts civil wars. You’ve got how many states now lined up against Arizona? Economic boycotts may be unconstitutional in violation of the commerce clause. You got the Democrat Party supporting it. You have the mayor of Phoenix saying the reason that this whole thing exists is ’cause the Fairness Doctrine is not in order, that if there was a Fairness Doctrine, then a bunch of liberals in Arizona on the radio would have a chance to be heard (ahem) and public opinion would be much different.
RUSH: Back to the phones to Chattanooga, Tennessee, this is Star. Great to have you here.
CALLER: Thank you, Rush. This is a great pleasure for me to get to talk to you. I wish I weren’t so angry at the moment. (giggles)
RUSH: I’m angry, too, but we’ll be angry together.
CALLER: Okay. Sounds good. I just wanted to let you know I grew up in Mexico. My dad is a pastor and I probably crossed the border, you know, over 30 times in my 18 years that I was down there, and I will tell you there were many times when we were pulled over for no reason, and my dad always have to have papers on hand to show the police. As a child, we just got used to it, but it was uncomfortable.
RUSH: Wait, I want to understand something. You were crossing from Mexico to the United States and you were asked for papers?
CALLER: Well, we’ve got to. I mean any time we had to come back in. This was when we would go into Mexico because we lived down there. We would come back out every six months we would have to come out.
RUSH: Wait, wait, wait. I’m confused.
RUSH: You said you grew up in Mexico, so I thought —
CALLER: I did.
RUSH: But you’re talking about when you leave the United States and go to Mexico, the Mexicans asked for your papers 30 times? Is that what you were saying?
CALLER: Right, absolutely. Every time we would cross over. To be clear, my parents are Americans. I mean, I’m American citizen and they’re Americans. We were missionaries down there. So my dad would have to go to the border, we would leave the states into Mexico, we would have to fill out paperwork. They would search our car, and everything that you’ve said that you’ve read that would happen definitely happens when you go into their country.
RUSH: Absolutely.
CALLER: They want to know what you’re going to do there.
RUSH: I know Señor Wences today confirmed it or last night with Wolf Blitzer on CNN. No question about it.
RUSH: Here is Robert in Austin, Texas. It’s great to have you on the program, sir. Hello.
CALLER: Thanks, Rush. I want to make a quick point about Calderon and his comments about the assault weapons ban the United States somehow and not having the ban contributing to the cartel violence.
RUSH: Yeah?
CALLER: I think this is a fallacious argument because the ban in the United States specifically outlawed semiautomatic weapons. The weapons that are being used by the drug cartels are fully automatic, military-grade weapons. They include fully automatic grenade launchers, grenades, anti-tank missiles. None of that stuff is sold in the United States. It’s illegal to possess that kind of stuff.
RUSH: So you have just illustrated the real point here. The real point is not our gun laws. This is simply Señor Wences beating up on America. This is simply an agent of Obama. Remember, they’re all Obama, everybody in this administration and now Felipe Calderon. It’s just Obama. Obama doesn’t like guns; Obama doesn’t like the Second Amendment.
CALLER: Right.
RUSH: So here we’ve got a situation in Mexico, he brings in the Mexican president, gives him a state dinner. I don’t know if there was a price for this, but I wouldn’t be surprised. So here you have the Mexican president saying everything Obama thinks and says.
CALLER: Right. And you’ll notice that Hillary and Obama try to parrot this notion that we are equally responsible for the cartel violence because we are demanding the drugs —
RUSH: Yeah.
CALLER: — and they throw in the notion that we have to outlaw these violent weapons that are being exported to Mexico that are causing all the violence.
RUSH: Right.
CALLER: They try to tie those two things together, just like they try to tie together the idea that yes, we have an immigration problem, but the real solution is comprehensive immigration reform.
RUSH: Amnesty.
CALLER: Right. Yes.
RUSH: Well, but the root level of all this… These are the results. These are details. At the root level of all this is what? A dislike for this country. And any opportunity to blame this country for any problem, this administration will take it. I mentioned to you that back in April, I went to Washington for the annual Horatio Alger presentation awards. And I’m listening to the recipients of these awards. To be nominated and to be admitted into the Horatio Alger Association, you have to have started from nothing and have become something. You can’t get in if you were born to a wealthy family or if you inherited a lot of money. You have to start from veritably nothing. And to listen to these people talk about America and the opportunities and the hard work. One guy had lost his entire fortune, a billion dollars, at age 55 and put it back together.
He started with nothing, made a billion, lost it, got it back, worked hard to get everything. To hear these people… We’re not that far from the White House. To listen to these people speak of this country, it struck me: We don’t have anybody in the regime, we don’t have anybody in the White House speaking of this country in terms of its greatness, of its potential, of its goodness, of its decency. We don’t have anybody speaking in appreciation for people that have come before us, be they military, political, medical, what have you. None of the great achievements of the past are acknowledged. Instead, the country is apologized for — and for specious things: Things that we have long ago fixed, attempted to fix, corrected, righted, what have you. Now we’re importing allies, supposed allies, leaders, to parrot the same things said by Obama and people in his administration. When’s the last time you heard anybody in this administration speak glowingly, respectfully, positively of this country? It doesn’t happen. That’s what struck me about this Horatio Alger dinner. It’s so rare anymore to hear it.
RUSH: I have a friend that sent me a note that said, ‘Rush, it’s really no surprise to see Obama stand with Señor Wences against Arizona and the vast majority of people in the United States. Is there any issue today — terrorism, health care, cap and trade, taxes, spending — where Obama stands with the majority of the American public? No.’ A point that I have made over and over again. When have we ever had a president like this? We’ve never had a president governing against the will of the people. We’ve never had a president like this siding against the American people.
RUSH: Here’s Thomas in Kokomo, Indiana, as we go back to the phones. It’s nice to have you on the program today. Sir hello.
CALLER: Yes, sir, Mr. Limbaugh. Honor to speak with you.
RUSH: Thank you, sir.
CALLER: I just wanted to make a comment about the illegal immigration debate that I don’t hear a lot of people talking about, and that is basically American pride and exceptionalism. I think the proponents of the amnesty plan went about it the wrong way as far as when I speak to people who came through legally, they’re proud to share their papers. They’re proud to be an American. They’re proud to be a citizen of this country. Are these illegal immigrants willing to, you know, pledge allegiance to this country? Are they proud of America or just want to make money and go back to Mexico? Because when I see the demonstrations, if they had an American flag instead of a Mexican flag and they were saying, ‘We want to be Americans because it’s an honor to be American,’ I think people would feel a different way but it seems they just want to use our country, trash it, and, you know.
RUSH: That’s clearly one of the problems, that they are not here to assimilate. They’re not. They want to maintain their own culture first, which is unlike the people who really want to come to this country to be Americans. As though that’s now a bad thing, to come here and want to be American. It’s better to come and be who you are rather than become an American. But you’re point is very shrewd, and it illustrates that the very people sponsoring amnesty are not even concerned about these people liking the country. They’re not even concerned about them understanding the country. They aren’t even concerned about them becoming real citizens. All they want is their votes.
In fact the more economically challenged they remain, the poorer they remain, and as uneducated as they can be, the more dependent they will be. Folks, as I said earlier: All these press people — I’ve got story after story. I decided I’m not going to waste any more time on it because I can’t say more than I said yesterday, but all this spin that this was a giant Obama victory yesterday, or Tuesday in the elections. If Obama won big, he wouldn’t be throwing the race card down like happened today with Señor Wences bashing Arizona, and yesterday and last night as well. If Obama had won big he wouldn’t be throwing the race card. He’s clearly in need of these Hispanic votes. He’s going to need ’em in 2012 because he’s lost half the country. If he hasn’t quite lost half the country, he’s on the way to losing half the country. He knows it. Harry Reid is gonna need Hispanic votes if he has a prayer of saving his seat in Nevada in November. We know there’s not going to be an amnesty bill before the election. But there’s going to be a lot of talk about it, and they’re hoping that the talk will encourage Hispanics to go ahead and vote. ‘The Democrats really care. They want us to have amnesty. They’re going to get it done. They can’t get it done now.’ They’re hoping that will inspire support and votes, which is all this is about.