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RUSH: Yesterday we had this disturbing story about Eric Cantor. That was from TheHill.com. Unbeknownst to me prior to the program ending, at 1:57 yesterday afternoon The Hill ran a quasi-correction story on this. But the correction doesn’t really say anything much different than what the original story did. It’s a semantic change about what Cantor said. In other words, the first story said they’re not into a total overhaul, because there are a couple provisions they like. The correction said that Cantor said, yeah, we do want a total overhaul but in our replacement version there are going to be these same two things that we like, and that is the preexisting condition requirement and keeping your kids on your health insurance policy ’til they’re 26. So regardless, whether Cantor said he wants an overall or a repeal or doesn’t want a repeal, those two provisions still will be in any Republican idea. So it was a semantical shift. More on this when I actually get to it.


RUSH: Let’s go back to the Eric Cantor story and TheHill.com. Yesterday The Hill ran a story saying that Eric Cantor did not want to repeal all of Obamacare, that there were two provisions in there that he and the Republicans liked. And, of course, I read the story to you on the air and we had a discussion about it, and a lot of people were fit to be tied. That was before two o’clock. At 1:57 yesterday afternoon The Hill ran a correction saying that Cantor did not say he wanted to repeal it; he said they got their own plan, but there are two provisions in Obamacare that Republicans like. The latest Hill version on this is: ‘House Republicans are looking to repeal the healthcare reform law and replace it with one of their own early next year without interrupting two popular parts the administration has already begun to implement.

‘They include a mandate that bars discrimination of preexisting conditions and a stipulation that allows young people to remain on their parents’ insurance plans until age 26. Incoming Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said Monday that they would do this by passing a GOP healthcare bill at the same time as repeal efforts are underway. Speaking to more than 100 students at American University, Cantor said, ‘What you will see us do is to push for repeal of the healthcare bill, and at the same time, contemporaneously, submit our replacement bill, that has in it the provisions [barring discrimination due to preexisting conditions and offering young people affordable care options].’ Cantor stressed that while he supports full repeal of the current law, Republicans share some of the same goals as Democrats, although they propose different ways of achieving them.’

That was the latest and the final version of the story, which is in contrast or conflict with the earlier version. And The Hill has this little paragraph at the end of the story: ‘Editor’s note: This article was changed at 1:57 p.m. The Hill incorrectly reported in the initial version that Cantor wants to keep certain provisions of the healthcare law intact. The article was revised to emphasize that Cantor and House Republicans are pursuing a full repeal of healthcare reform.’ We have two Cantor sound bites at American University. A question from a student, ‘Representative Cantor, will you try to preserve these two provisions as they stand or continue to push for a full repeal of the health care bill?’

CANTOR: What I think you will see us do is to push for repeal of the health care bill and at the same time contemporaneously submit our replacement bill that, as you correctly point out, has in it the provisions which you speak of. We, too, don’t want to accept any insurance company’s denial of someone in coverage for that person because he or she may have a preexisting condition, and likewise, we want to make sure that someone of your age has the ability to access affordable care whether it’s under your parents’ plan or elsewhere.

RUSH: And he went on to say this.

CANTOR: We, in our formula, have a way to produce those benefits without raising the costs for everyone. And we have put in protection for those such as yourself with preexisting condition that neither will you have to face exorbitant costs that in fact put you in the category of uninsured. So we feel we’ve taken the positions that adequately address those problems but done it in a way that we can preserve what’s good about our system without bankrupting this country, which is exactly where the Obamacare bill would take it.

RUSH: Okay, so the first version of the story was, no, we don’t want to repeal it, there are two things in it we like. The correction is, yeah, we do want to repeal it, but we’re gonna put in these two provisions that we like in our own bill. Now, we know why those two provisions are in there, because obviously they’ve done some polling and they found that the American people want to be able to buy fire insurance when their house is on fire and that they want to be able to insure their kids up to age 26. So, anyway, while we’re gonna repeal it, we’re gonna stick back in a couple of provisions from Obamacare that Republicans are intent on putting in because they think or say the American people want them.

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