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Rush’s Morning Update: Northern Energy
Original Airdate: April 12, 2010

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To heat their homes, homeowners in the Northeastare increasingly turning to one of the oldest sources of energy: trees, wood.Indoor wood furnaces have been growing in popularity,and now more people are using outdoor wood furnaces. The move to wood has led to complaints. Officials are hearing from neighbors,whining about “smoke odors” drifting onto their properties.

Now, the EPA already regulates indoor wood stoves, but has only “voluntary” guidelines for outdoor wood burners. Last week, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine issued new standards for the furnaces; Connecticut, New York, and Pennsylvania are following suit.

There’s another long-running energy battle elsewhere in the Northeast. A decade ago, green energy developers came up with a plan to buildwind farms off the coast of Massachusetts… and it was liberals whocomplained!They didn’t want their pristine vistas obstructed by uglyturbines in the water.

The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation has now issued a report concluding that 34 historic properties near Nantucket Sound– a “place of significance to Indian tribes”– would suffer “unavoidable adverse effects” if the wind farm was builtin the ocean. The Council hopes the report prompts the interior secretaryto put the final nail in the wind energy coffin.

Sofrom the liberal perspective,wood, gas, and wind are problems. Oil is evil, coal is filthy, and nuclear energy is completely out of the question. These Northeasternersout tostart praying for global warming, or one day soon they’ll all freeze to death, because nothing is good enough for energy to these people!

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