RUSH: I don’t want to be misunderstood, folks. I’m the one who constantly tells you not to rely on the media to feel good. I’m the one that constantly tells you the media’s never gonna see it our way, they’re never gonna be on our side, and I’m not saying that that’s happening here. I don’t want to be misunderstood. I don’t think, for example, that Ron Fournier tweets or AP stories are gonna result in Obama approval numbers plunging into the twenties.
What it means is the act is getting old, that Obama’s modus operandi is getting old. They’re bored by it, kind of like people are bored waiting and reading about A-Rod and whatever this mess is and however that’s gonna shake out, or whatever else you’re bored with. Obama has been making the same speech on the economy. It’s the ninetieth or twentieth time he’s made this speech. The media is counting now. So the act is getting old.
This campaign mode of “fighting for the people” as though you’re not running the country for four years? This effort that Obama’s making to make himself look like he’s an outsider with no power trying to fix things and get elected finally to do something? It’s getting old. The media is losing interest in supporting it and promulgating it. The campaign mode of fighting for the people has been exposed, this Limbaugh Theorem. So all that means is that we have an opportunity here.
It might be a small one, but we have an opportunity with the media bored and tired and worn out regarding the Obama act.
RUSH: Your guiding light through times of trouble, confusion, murkiness, tumult, chaos, rioting, near rioting, the boredom of whatever is gonna happen to Alex Rodriguez, and the good times. I wish somebody would… I’m getting tired of reading about Alex Rodriguez every day in the sports page. Just do something! Either put him back on the team or suspend him. He may be facing a lifetime ban, did you know that?
Yeah, apparently Ryan Braun of the Milwaukee Brewers has got a 65-game suspension, which will last for the remainder of the season, based on evidence put forward by his basically having a drug factory down in Miami that was giving these guys human growth hormone and whatever else they wanted. You know, Braun did not even fight it, which automatically grants credibility to this Bosch guy who ran the drug factory down in Miami.
The scuttlebutt is the data that Major League Baseball has on Rodriguez is mountainous compared to what they had on Ryan Braun of the Brewers. So the scuttlebutt is (and you can never trust the scuttlebutt; scuttlebutt is conventional wisdom) that A-Rod might be suspended from the game, like Pete Rose was by Bart Giamatti. But certainly be suspended for longer than 65 games.
Supposedly Rodriguez is trying to balance things so he doesn’t lose the $100 million the Yankees still owe him on the balance of his contract. Anyway, every day this is in the sports page. That’s all that’s in the sports page, and it’s one of these things where you say, “Would you just do something on it already so something else can start grabbing the headlines?”
Now, this Ron Fournier business. I don’t want to be misunderstand, folks. I’m the one who constantly tells you not to rely on the media to feel good. I’m the one that constantly tells you the media’s never gonna see it our way, they’re never gonna be on our side, and I’m not saying that that’s happening here. I don’t want to be misunderstood. I don’t think, for example, that Ron Fournier tweets or AP stories are gonna result in Obama approval numbers plunging into the twenties.
What it means is the act is getting old, that Obama’s modus operandi is getting old. They’re bored by it, kind of like people are bored waiting and reading about A-Rod and whatever this mess is and however that’s gonna shake out, or whatever else you’re bored with. Obama has been making the same speech on the economy. It’s the ninetieth or twentieth time he’s made this speech. The media is counting now. So the act is getting old.
This campaign mode of “fighting for the people” as though you’re not running the country for four years? This effort that Obama’s making to make himself look like he’s an outsider with no power trying to fix things and get elected finally to do something? It’s getting old. The media is losing interest in supporting it and promulgating it. The campaign mode of fighting for the people has been exposed, this Limbaugh Theorem. So all that means is that we have an opportunity here.
It might be a small one, but we have an opportunity with the media bored and tired and worn out of the Obama act.
(OUT 12:29.)
RUSH: In his speech at Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois, yesterday, Obama “dismissed a series of controversies dogging his administration as ‘phony.'” Yeah, these scandals are all phony. And even this story from, they’re not buying this. Folks, it’s not just that Obama has gone into reruns here. You know how you get bored with TV reruns? The media has seen it all. They’ve covered it all. They’ve encouraged it all. They’ve inspired it all. They promoted it all. They want Obama to do something different.
Obama is Apple. They haven’t had a new product in a year. They want Obama to go into full-fledged dictator mode and Obama’s in reruns. Hell, he’s not in reruns. He’s in syndication. They’re watching Seinfeld for the 30th time, not the second. You ever wonder who it is, Brian, that watches episodes of Seinfeld for the 35th and 40th time, unlike cable channel 68? That’s what the media feels like right now. They’ve been there, they’ve done that, they’ve heard it all, they’ve seen it all, they’ve stood behind it all. They want a new iPhone. They want a new iPad. They want something. They want dictatorship. They want Obama to run out there and take control of things instead of pretending like he’s not in charge.
They want him to be a proud liberal. They want him to take ownership of this stuff. Instead he’s acting like he’s got nothing to do with it. And that doesn’t thrill them. That doesn’t excite them. The Weiner stuff, the Huma stuff, that excites, it’s new. Well, relatively new. It’s a replay of the Clinton stuff, but still it’s got new characteristics to it. But Obama is becoming old hat. Hell, Seinfeld’s in syndication, I Love Lucy in syndication, that’s how old this act has gotten. Well, I know Seinfeld’s a good show. I don’t mean to focus on Seinfeld. I just want to pick a show that everybody knows. Seinfeld was a good show. This is a bad show. The Obama show stinks. Nothing’s working in the Obama show.
See, the media believes that what Obama was gonna do when he took over, go dictator immediately, that was what this country needs, finally central government running everything. They wanted Obamacare fully implemented now. They wanted immigration to be done by now. They wanted Detroit bailed out by now. They wanted this utopia, they wanted it now. Not just the media, all the left. And they’re getting bored. Obama’s out there in a little college town speaking to the choir, repeating things that he’s been saying for five years and they’re getting tired of reporting it, and I submit to you, ladies and gentlemen, this presents us an opportunity.
It doesn’t mean that Obama’s poll numbers are gonna dip into the twenties like Bush’s did. It doesn’t mean that there’s going to be a massive call in the media for Obama to, you know, they’re not gonna turn him into a lame duck. It’s not that. But they are bored. They’re waiting for something thrilling. They’re waiting for something new. They’re waiting for something exciting. They don’t have to get elected. They are hangers-on in the ruling class, but they don’t look at themselves as hangers-on. They look at themselves as crucially important. But the mainstream media doesn’t have to get elected. Obama and his party, they have to get elected.
So Obama has to do what he has continually done to get elected. Obama hasn’t gotten elected because of substance. Democrats always get elected because of what they say Republicans are gonna do to people, which is a continuation of what Obama’s doing. Well, the press knows that, they’ve been there, they’ve done that, they’re tired of hearing what the Republicans are gonna do. They’ve been reporting that. Obama’s out there saying that the Republicans are gonna take your house away from you, gonna kick you out of your house if you’re an elder, gonna cancel your Social Security.
Obama’s out there saying the rich only care about the Republicans and vice-versa, and Republicans only care about Wall Street and so forth, and they’ve been there, they’ve done that, they’ve heard it all. That’s why the subtext in most of the Drive-By Media complaints about Obama is how boring it is lately, about how boring he is. They want him to be more. They want him to be new. They want him to be dramatic. They want the guy to act. They want a new iPhone. It’s been a year.
So when Obama goes out and says he hasn’t been able to fix the economy in five years because he’s been focused on phony scandals, the media says, “Wait a minute, we’ve been protecting you on that. We have been helping deflect everybody’s attention. We’ve been telling people these scandals don’t amount to much. Why are you bringing ’em back up now?”
See, we’re somehow supposed to believe that Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS targeting of the Tea Party — by the way, this IRS scandal, this is a whole ‘nother subject, but for the life of me, I do not understand why the House leadership is not running with this. I don’t know why they haven’t tried to find Usain Bolt, the fastest man in the world, to carry the ball on this for ’em. This is made to order, this IRS scandal, and what we’re learning about the targeting of various conservatives, Christine O’Donnell is one. But it does reach all the way to Obama, apparently. And there doesn’t appear to be any desire on the part of the Republican leadership in the House to do anything about this, or Benghazi. It’s a little frustrating.
The Department of Justice seizing of news media phone records, the NSA data mining of millions of records, these are phony scandals? These are very real scandals. And Obama is telling his choir audience that he hasn’t been able to focus on the economy because he’s been distracted by all these phony scandals. Didn’t he make a solemn pledge to the families who lost loved ones in Benghazi that he’s gonna get to the bottom of it? Didn’t he tell them that he was gonna find out what happened? Why are people there being sequestered and kept away from microphones? Why are the people who could shed light on this not allowed to do so?
Did Obama tell the family members of the people killed in Benghazi it’s a phony scandal? He’s saying that now. Didn’t Obama say the IRS scandal is so outrageous it could not be permitted, he’s gonna get to the bottom of that, too? Was he lying then or is he lying now? He told everybody how bad the IRS scandal was. We just couldn’t permit this. But now that’s a phony scandal?