RUSH: Let’s go to the audio sound bites and let’s listen to a little bit of this. Yesterday in New York City at the 2015 Women in the World Summit. How did I miss that? How did I not get my invitation? At the 2015 Women in the World Summit, former secretary of state and current presumed Democrat presidential nominee, Hillary Rodham Clinton, delivered the keynote address.
Here’s a little of what she said…
HILLARY: There are those who offer themselves as leaders who see nothing wrong with denying women equal pay, who offer themselves as leaders who would defund country’s leading provider of family planning. There are those who offer themselves as leaders who would deport mothers working to give their children a better life rather than risk the ire of talk radio.
RUSH: And there I am, ladies and gentlemen, living rent-free, once again, in the brains of the entire Clinton crime family. “There are those who offer themselves as leaders who see nothing wrong with denying women equal pay.” You mean like Obama? Oh, yeah! The women on Obama’s staff make much less than the men make. You know, the Democrats start throwing these charges around, and when you examine the way they operate, they are always guilty of every charge they level at us.
“There are people who pass themselves off as leaders who would defund the country’s leading provider of family planning.” No. Let me reword that: “There are people who offer themselves as leaders who would defund the country’s leading provider of the death of children in the womb.” She’s talking about Planned Parenthood, and that’s what they do. Next she says:
“There are those who offer themselves as leaders who would deport mothers working to give their children a better life rather than risk the ire of talk radio.” I don’t think anybody is talking about deporting anybody right now, so it’s another baseless charge advanced by the Democrats. Baseless, false, and phony. But it is lapped up by the low-information voter. She even went after… Remember, now, this is the 2015 Women in the World Summit, so it was time to go after Hobby Lobby.
HILLARY: America moves forward when all women are guaranteed the right to make their own health care choices, not when those choices are taken away by an employer like Hobby Lobby.
AUDIENCE: (cheers and applause)
RUSH: Hobby Lobby didn’t take any choice away. Hobby Lobby just said, “We’re not paying for it.” You know, we all have pet peeves, and I’m gonna tell you, I have a brewing and budding pet peeve. I understand, but it’s still… I’m growing so impatient with this.
RUSH: By the way, the Washington Free Beacon has a story that the Hillary Clinton campaign confirms that the gender pay gap analysis that they did is accurate. “The Hillary Clinton campaign has confirmed the accuracy of a Washington Free Beacon analysis that showed that women working in ClintonÂ’s Senate office were paid just 72 cents for each dollar paid to men.”
So here she is out there at this women’s conference bellyaching and moaning about how unfair it is to women out there, they’re underpaid. And it happened right in her office, and it happened right in Obama’s office. Standard, flat-out hypocrisy 101. These people are the champions of it.
RUSH: Speaking of wages, here’s Mrs. Clinton, and she’s out at — what is this? — the 2015 Women in the World Summit. Grab sound bite number one. You gotta hear this again. And then the fact that this is the kind of stuff that liberal Democrats get away with constantly. Here’s what she said. This was yesterday in New York City.
HILLARY: There are those who offer themselves as leaders who see nothing wrong with denying women equal pay –
RUSH: Like you!
HILLARY: — who offer themselves as leaders who would defund country’s leading provider of family planning. There are those who offer themselves as leaders who would deport mothers working to give their children a better life rather than risk the ire of talk radio.
RUSH: All right, all right, all right. “The Hillary Clinton campaign has confirmed the accuracy of a Washington Free Beacon analysis that showed that women working in Clinton’s Senate office were paid just 72¢ for each $1 paid to men. The campaign told it does not dispute the accuracy of the report, which analyzed the office’s publicly available disbursement forms from fiscal years 2002 to 2008…”
So here she is out there caterwauling at some women’s convention about how certain leaders claim to be great when they don’t even pay women fairly, and there she is at the top of the list. And then she went on to make that bogus accusation about Hobby Lobby. Hobby Lobby didn’t deny anybody anything. Hobby Lobby just said, “There’s one thing in the health benefits that we’re not gonna pay for.
“We’re Christians and we don’t believe in killing babies. So if you’re gonna do it, you’re gonna pay for it yourself. We’re not paying for it.” For that, they were taken all the way to the court. They were demeaned. They were threatened. They were targeted and everything. Whatever happened to this concept, “If you want it, pay for it”? This whole notion that everybody ought to be buying everything for everybody else, and some people ought to be able to get whatever they want free? I’m telling you, it grates on me.
I don’t know why, but it’s becoming really irritating to me, particularly when I hear young people celebrating things that are “free” and then asking and demanding that more things be free. So I guess Hillary figures she’s not qualified to be a leader. Is she being Freudian here? So we’re talking about wages. From The Daily Caller: “Wages and share of income for the bottom 90% of American wage-earners declined over the past 40 years, as the foreign-born population increased dramatically, data requested by the Senate Judiciary Committee shows.
“Since 1970, the foreign-born population of the US increased 325%, the Congressional Research Service found, while wages for the bottom 90% of earners decreased by 8% and their share of income by 16%.” I saw this, and you can understand my initial reaction based on the news every day. This simply can’t be right, because we are constantly told that these “gifts of love” from south of the border are great for our economy.
The Wall Street Journal editorial pages told us this. The Chamber of Commerce tells us this. La Raza tells us this. Jorge Ramos tells us this. Univision, Telemundo, the Democrat Party tells us, “No, no, you’re wrong. These ‘gifts of love,’ otherwise known as illegal immigrants, are great for the economy! Yeah, because they’re coming here, and they’re doing the jobs that effete, snob Americans won’t do anymore.
“Yeah, they’re coming here, and because of that, they’re raising everybody’s wages,” and then they say, “Just look at California!” Yeah, just look at California.