
Rush Limbaugh

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The Rush Limbaugh Show Main Menu

27 Years and We’re Just Getting Started

RUSH: Mr. Snerdley, which sounds larger, 27 years or 6775 days? Three hours a day. That's 20,325 hours — 20,325 hours — and remarkably, in all of those 20,325 hours, I, your seasoned host, have not said one thing that resulted in me being forced out. Not one thing.

How Can Lions and Chimps Evoke More Sympathy Than Unborn Babies?

RUSH: There are all kinds of teachable moments. If anybody has any doubts — and it's hard for me to believe people still do, but there may be some. If anybody has any doubts about the media no longer being the media, about the news, about being objective, this ought to show them.

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