Don’t Seek Validation From the Left

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 18,2002

Then he mentioned Mike Barnacle as a celebrity. Unless you’re in the Plagiarist Hall of Fame, he’s no more a celebrity than Joe Biden or Doris Kearns Goodwin. But be that as it may, the thinking behind this statement by John needs addressing. Any time you get a journalist in the press or anywhere else standing up for what’s right, many of you think it proves that they’re joining up with us. They’re not.
Susan Sarandon – who many of you may know as the mother of Tim Robbins, but she’s actually his wife – is over in the UK bashing Bush, as is her husband. They’re pushing this BS, pseudo-intellectual line that it’s about the oil. This is the same thing they said in 1991, yet Bush 41 didn’t seize their fields, did he? Christopher Reeve is blaming Bush for the fact that he can’t walk because he opposes some stem cell research.
I have found the Hollywood left suspiciously silent on this so far, but they’re just waiting to attack. I understand the desire many of you conservatives have to see famous people validate what you think. What you have to understand is that you are more informed and substantive than they are. It is a mistake for you to seek validation from the left.
Any time that happens, consider that a bonus – and realize that it’s temporary. Their support is not permanent, and it won’t indicate a significant shift in their thinking. Be on guard when you find yourself saying, “Wow, did you hear that? Such-and-such agrees with us. I guess we’re okay now!” I don’t want to ever hear anybody say this again on my program. That’s an inferiority complex taco stuffed with insecurity. The fact that you need some Hollywood actor to agree with you to make you think that your view is right, should make you ashamed.