The Religion of Environmentalism

by Rush Limbaugh - Feb 5,2004

It’s 2004. Been hearing about this since the 1980’s. I can remember watching the Brinkley show, the Sunday Brinkley show, This Week with David Brinkley and guys from environmental groups on there saying, “Well, you know what? We can’t prove it now. We need 20 more years, but we can’t afford to wait, because what if we’re right? We’re in trouble. There’s time to stop it now, but if we fail to take action, we are all dead,” or some such panic. Well, it’s been close to 20 years, folks, and here we are in the midst of this huge cold snap, and of course the environmentalist wackos claim, “No, this is not cold. This is global warming.”
The latest explanation is that the heat at the equator is hotter than ever, and it’s rising and sucking all this arctic air lower and lower and lower, making it colder and colder and colder. It’s an argument that is ridiculous. The whole thing has always been ridiculous. The whole global warming movement has been based on nothing more than a scare-oriented political agenda that was hatched by a bunch of big-government liberals. That’s all it’s ever been, and the evidence, if any of you doubted it, could be found in the Kyoto protocol which is designed to fleece the United States and other wealthy nations around the world to pay for all the damage that they’ve caused, and to enact policies that would weaken our economy because it’s not right that we’re [wealthy].
That’s all this stuff is. That’s all it’s ever been. I mean, in the seventies the same people were talking about global cooling, and there’s going to be another ice age someday and the environmentalists will say, “Yeah, it was brought on by global warming.” Whatever happens, they blame it on global warming! Global warming poses – this is the latest out of Canada ?”Global warming poses a greater long-term threat to humanity than terrorism because it could force hundreds of millions from their homes and trigger an economic catastrophe, said Canadian Environment Minister David Anderson said.

“‘Current preoccupation is with terrorism, but in the long term climate change will outweigh terrorism as an issue for the international community,’ he told Reuters in an interview late on Wednesday. ‘Terrorism will come and go, it always has. It’s very important, but climate change is going to make some very fundamental changes to human existence on the planet. You could be forced from your home and hurt economically.'” Now, to me this is the kind of wild extremist caterwauling that comes from people who are losing the issue. To try to take the biggest threat on the planet – it used to just be that the internal combustion engine posed the greatest threat to humanity. We all know who was the author of that gem. That was none other than Al Gore.
Now, apparently now the combustible engine and internal combustible engine has gone by the wayside. Terrorism, now, that’s what we’ve got to compare global warming to because nobody is listening, nobody believes us – and here is an example from the Asian Times. A column by somebody, let me read excerpts from it. “Last week’s London snowstorm was the last straw. With no particular scientific evidence in hand, I have come to the conclusion that global warming is a looney cult. Londoners may have frolicked on the frozen Thames in the days of famous diarist Samuel Pepys in the mid-17th century, but today’s Britons cannot reconcile this disruption of their lukewarm climate with the notion that temperatures are steadily rising.
“The scientific controversy is beyond me, but I can recognize the fixed stare, the strained voice-throb and the rigid jaw of a madman at a hundred paces. The Greens hector us about the impending end of the world. I put it to them: perhaps it is not the end of the world that you fear, it’s just the end of you. Analysis of global temperature is a subtle issue about which reasonable men might in good faith reach different conclusions. The evangelical zealotry that motivates the global-warmers has a different source than the facts. Human beings cannot bear their own transient existence without some hope of immortality. Except for the Americans, whom Europeans dismiss as bovine about such things, the children of the West long ago abandoned the promises of religion.”

This is so key, because he’s got a point here. Immortality. Everybody thinks about it. Everybody thinks about the afterlife. Everybody thinks there’s got to be more than this, and everybody tries to do whatever they think necessary to discover what it is, get there, whatever. And the religion that people hold dear and practice is the tool for that. Well, he’s correctly identified these people. They eschew religion. The environment has become their religion. Who said this first, my friends? It was I. To many liberals, a tree or a plant or an animal is their religion, and it is there that they find their immortality and it is there that they find destruction which could cause their mortality. And so we’ve got to protect these things that these people have invested in their immortality, because they have waved good-bye to religion.

As this writer says: ‘The childless Europeans lack even the consolation of physical continuity. They have no future; other people will occupy the lands where they dwell, and their languages will be entombed in libraries. The myriad amusements available to them cannot forever distract them from the horrible advent of their own disappearance. Europeans: As a matter of demographic fact, it is indeed the end of you. That settled, let us consider the minor matter of the end of the world. For the same reason that men cannot live without the hope of immortality, they cannot bear their gray, miserable lives without some sense of exaltation – religion, art, music, poetry, sex, drugs, violence, whatever.

‘With the decline of Christianity and its bodyguard, the high culture of the West, sex, drugs and violence predominate. These devices eventually leave the user all the more anxious. By living on the underside of popular culture, the young people of the West make themselves feel worthless and insignificant. In the cartoon Antz, an insect (with Woody Allen’s voice) complains to an ant psychiatrist: ‘I feel so insignificant,’ to which the ant psychiatrist replies: ‘That’s a breakthrough. You are insignificant.’ That is a creepy thought; if human beings truly felt themselves to be insignificant, the suicide rate would be much higher. In fact, cultures who truly come to feel insignificant, eg, Stone Age peoples who come into unwanted contact with the modern world, sometimes register suicide rates of 25 percent to 50 percent.

“We do not typically observe very high rates of suicide because the human mind resists its own destruction by wishing away its sense of insignificance. Paranoia is one such device. In the United States, many African-Americans believe that evil white doctors invented AIDS to wipe out the black population. Adolf Hitler believed that syphilis was a Jewish plot to poison Aryan blood. Egyptian high school textbooks teach that American pilots and spy technology secretly won the 1967 war for Israel, and so forth.
“Today’s educated Westerners do not normally believe in such bizarre ideas, but they are susceptible to subtler forms of the same thing. The sense of the transcendent they derive from contemplating nature is of desperate importance. ‘It is not that I will pass from the earth without leaving so much as a grease spot to mark my stay,’ thinks the Green. ‘It is the earth herself who is in danger. The rain forests will vanish! The whales will become extinct! The German forest is dying! The ice caps are melting!’
“Anxiety about the irreversible disappearance of some feature of the natural world substitutes for the death-anxiety of the individual. In the extreme case, the Green becomes the enemy of industrial civilization in general. Of course I do not oppose sensible measures to protect rain forests, prevent over-fishing, and so forth, but I am weary of the fanaticism that distinguishes the conservationist from the environmental fanatic who has turned against civilization. It is worth observing that the US returns farmland to the wilderness every year, because rising agricultural productivity concentrates more output on a smaller number of square kilometers. Wandering the forests of New Hampshire one continuously stumbles on stone fences that long ago enclosed small farms.

“Perhaps that explains why Americans showed insufficient concern over global warming to support the 1997 Kyoto Treaty (not even Howard Dean would sign it as currently presented). In their experience, the wilderness is growing not shrinking. Something deeper may be at work, however. Unlike the Europeans, most Americans cling to the old Judeo-Christian religion, according to which the sun and moon simply are lamps and watches set in the sky for the use of humankind. For them, what is transcendent is a creator who is not himself part of nature. Celestial bodies merely sit on the display cases of the creator’s shop window. Far fewer Americans confound their own sense of mortality with the vulnerability of the natural world, because they have chosen other means to address the matter of mortality.”
And he’s exactly right. These people have, somehow, these wackos have lost God and all of these beliefs have become their religion. Everybody needs to believe in their own immortality. Not only do these people think they’re going to go away, but so will what sustains them go away because they do not believe in a creator. They do not believe that all this has been here for all these years and withstood whatever it’s withstood, and can withstand even more. They think unless they act all of us can destroy what we did not even create. They’ve been wackos from the get-go. It’s nothing more. These are people that are just death-afraid, folks.
They’re afraid of dying; they’re afraid of life. They’re just afraid. They’re afraid of bombs; they’re afraid of white doves, whatever. They’re afraid, and they’re liberals and they believe in big government because big government is the only thing that can protect them – big government without missiles, big government without bombs, big government that waves white flags and gets along with all the bad people of the world and turns them into nice people, and we can all go out and suck dust and enjoy nature. Now, these people are the wacko environmentalists about whom I have been speaking for the 15-plus years I have been on this program and even longer, and this old guy here named Spangler in the Asian Times – I don’t even know his first name – he has nailed it.