Flipper Heckles Kerry

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 21,2004

Then there’s this from Reuters: “Democratic challenger John Kerry accused President Bush Tuesday of playing dirty on the environment, a new line of attack on an issue that ranks low among voters’ priorities.” They quote Kerry making the nonsensical statement that Bush “thinks that empty slogans like the ‘Clear Skies initiative’ and the ‘Healthy Forest Initiative’ are somehow names that would make George Orwell rise up and cheer.” What?
Right then, as Kerry’s saying Bush has destroyed the environment and poisoned the water in the country, a dolphin jumped through that very water behind him! Kerry was taken off guard, and mumbled that the dolphin was calling for help. He used the dolphin as a prop! Imagine if Bush was in ANWR speaking about how we need to drill there because we can’t trust Saudi Arabia to keep oil prices down and a skunk walked by at 40-below.
Bush would turn around and say, “Ah, I see my opponent has shown up,” but Kerry thinks the dolphin is talking to him! “Flipper” is the perfect name for a dolphin that shows up at a Kerry speech. I tell you what, that dolphin was the most exciting thing to happen in the entire Kerry appearance because the dolphin was actually moving! It was alive! I bet people started waking up in the crowd, elbowing their sleeping friends and saying, “Oooh, look at that energy!”

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