RUSH: I couldn’t agree with you more about that, but at the time — especially with the airplane that went down in the field in Pennsylvania — we got countless — I don’t mean to sound negative — we got countless reports about what went on in that airplane and the phone calls, and we knew about Barbara Olson calling her husband, Ted. “I’m being hijacked. What should I do?” she asked him. But you’re right. Over time all this has been forgotten. The Washington Post had a story</a> yesterday. Survey: 50% of the American people, down to 50%, say it’s no big deal anymore.
We’re not feeling as vulnerable because the passage of time and there has not been another attack, and this is why, Larry, I have been on this kick for the longest time that we need to keep seeing pictures, the video of 9/11. See, I find it amazing. We Americans are “too soft” to look at what happened on 9/11; we’re “too soft” to look at what Americans are beheaded by these terrorists, but we are made to look at every picture from Abu Ghraib, to see how rotten we are, to see how horrible we are, to see how horrible we can be! But when it comes to what’s done to us, “Ah, we don’t have the stomach for it.” Well, we better get the stomach for it. I think we do have the stomach for it. Let the people who bellyache about it turn it off if they don’t want to watch it.
This is crucial to staying vigilant for this stuff. You know, there was, last night on television — I had it on late so I don’t remember what I was watching — but it was video from that era, not the planes but it was maybe a still shot on some newscast. I think it had to do with the commission report coming out today, and there was a banner somewhere down at Ground Zero that somebody had put up, big banner on the side of the building: “We Will Never Forget.” Well, we’re starting to forget and we’re starting to forget because we’re not showing the pictures to ourselves of what happened because we’re a picture-oriented society. If we don’t see a picture we don’t believe it actually happens.
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