Kerry Plagiarizes Hillary

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 28,2004

Okay, so you steal from the Clintons and then bash ’em for being late, because that was one of their hallmarks. Now, one of two things is going on here. There are either a lot of Democrats that read Hillary’s book and plagiarized the sign and put signs out there by Kerry’s train, or nobody read Hillary’s book except Kerry; he plagiarized the sign, or claimed he saw the sign or whatever. I don’t know what it is, but whatever. It’s plagiarism somewhere along the line, or could be the same sign. It could be old Gene Branstool’s buddies up at the Ohio rural river valley, whatever it is, found their way out to <a target=new href=”http://www.winslowarizona.com/”>Winslow, Arizona</a> — a town made famous in a song by Eagles called <a href=”http://sg1.allmusic.com/cg/smp.dll?link=ow5jo8562jffelvs3uyc5ou&r=20.asx”>Take It Easy</a>. “Standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona,” holding my sign for John Kerry which said, ”Give me eight minutes and I’ll give you eight years.” You know, the Eagles are big Kerry supporters, they ought to re-record the song. Winslow has been made famous again and put the text of the sign in it.

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