RUSH: All right. Dingy Harry and the QBN, Queen Bee Nancy, have both signed a letter, joint letter that they — this is being reported by PMSNBC, by the way, that queen bee Nancy Pelosi and Dingy Harry have sent a letter to President Bush demanding no troop surge in Iraq. Not requesting, not suggesting, demanding. No troop surge in Iraq. Now, this is an example — can we go back to audio sound bite — let’s see, find this for me. What is it? Number six. A montage of Pelosi and her remarks yesterday, want you to listen to this, after hearing that she has joined Dingy Harry with a letter to President Bush demanding no troop surge in Iraq.QUEEN BEE NANCY: I accept this gavel in the spirit of partnership, not partisanship. We may be different parties but we serve one country. In this Congress, we must work together.
RUSH: Yeah.
QUEEN BEE NANCY: — to work together.
RUSH: Yeah.
QUEEN BEE NANCY: With the highest ethical standard and with civility and bipartisanship.
RUSH: Off to a great start.
QUEEN BEE NANCY: Openness requires respect for every voice and obligation to reach beyond partisanship. Let us stand together to move our country forward, seeking common ground for the common good.
RUSH: See, you gotta know how to define bipartisanship when the Democrats talk about it. Bipartisanship is the way feminists deal with men. You must change. Bipartisanship for the Democrat side is, you got to stop being who you are, you Republicans and conservatives. It’s just that simple.