Sign Up for Rush In a Hurry, Be Eligible to Win EIB 80 Gig iPod!

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 27,2007

RUSH: One reminder here, folks. We started this yesterday, and this is way cool. Yesterday marked the first edition of the Rush in a Hurry E-mail Show Notes. Go up there and sign up. You don’t have to be a Rush 24/7 member. You don’t have to do anything. Well, you have to sign up, but it’s easy. You just go to the little red box halfway down on the right side at RushLimbaugh.com, and sign up and by four o’clock every afternoon you’ll receive an e-mail of highlights of the program that you will see in full detail when the site is updated later on in the afternoon. So about four o’clock Eastern Time, an hour after each show, your e-mail box will receive the Rush in a Hurry E-mail Show Notes. It’s free. Zip, zero, nada is what it will cost you. You just click the Rush in a Hurry red box on the middle of the right side of the home page at RushLimbaugh.com.

As a little extra incentive, we’re giving away eight 80-gig iPods, one a week for the next eight weeks. They are engraved with a perfect reproduction of my signature. These people that win these will be randomly selected. There’s no science to it, so everybody has an equal chance of winning. I don’t even get one, folks. We have eight and I don’t even have one. Well, I’ve signed up. I did. I signed up. What do you mean, I can sign my own iPod? Yes, I could do it, but you would think that this is like the Rush for Peace coffee mugs — which are soon to be coming off the production line, by the way.

I, like you, am getting a little impatient with this. I want my Rush for Peace coffee mug! This Nobel Peace Prize nomination is sort of fading into the ether out there. I gotta keep that alive along with the thriving Club Gitmo business. We have T-shirts out there for the Rush Nobel Peace Prize nomination that memorialized that, but the Rush for Peace mugs, they’re big, and they’re free to anybody that orders a new subscription to the website and the Limbaugh Letter. Usually I get advanced versions of these things. I’ve not gotten an 80-gig iPod with my own engraved signature. In fact, I could go out and get one on my own, yes, but we’re giving them away. Why should I pay for one, since I’m paying for all eight? (interruption) Why don’t I just steal one? At any rate, folks, it’s a cool little service. It gives you a heads-up about what’s coming on the website.