
Rush Limbaugh

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The Rush Limbaugh Show Main Menu

Rush Limbaugh.
Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Rudy Giuliani.

Drew Nieporent, Wayne Suarez, Rush Limbaugh, Joel Surnow and Stan Shuster.

Michael Milken and Marvin R. Shanken (standing) pose with Rush Limbaugh, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Rudy Giuliani at the head table.

The head table. Standing, from left to right: Leonard Riggio, Jeff Greenfield, Marvin R. Shanken, Rudy Giuliani, Rush Limbaugh, Joel Surnow and Chuck Wagner. Seated, from left to right: Cathy and Gen. Tommy Franks, Hazel Shanken, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Michael Milken.

*Note: Links to content outside RushLimbaugh.com usually become inactive over time.

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