NYC Lib to Virginia: Drop Dead

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 17,2007

RUSH: I’ve gotta share with you some excerpts of a column in the New York Daily News today by Michael Daly. Here you have a New York liberal, and the point of the column is: Hey, Virginia? (raspberry).

‘Still love those guns, Virginia? Ready to admit that it’s madness for any psycho to be able to saunter into a gun shop and acquire firepower capable of killing 32 innocents? Feel different now that the blood is the blood of so many of your most promising young people? You’ve been shrugging for decades as illegal guns from your state plague our city, killing and maiming and terrorizing New Yorkers by the thousands, at one point comprising 47% of the guns our cops recovered.’ Oh, did you people of Virginia now know that you’re responsible for 47% of the guns in New York? You’re responsible for the decades of illegal guns ‘killing and maiming and terrorizing New Yorkers by the thousands.’ Did you people in Virginia know that? If you didn’t, you should, because I’m telling you. It’s Michael Daly in the New York Daily News today.

‘You went into a tizzy when Mayor Bloomberg sued some of your gun shops after undercover agents made fraudulent ‘straw purchases.’ Your idea of gun control has been to pass a law making it illegal for undercover agents like those Bloomberg sent South to make such buys. You seemed to think it was no big deal when an aide to your junior U.S. senator got caught carrying an automatic pistol into the Capitol, you having voted Sen. James Webb into office as an avowed opponent of gun control.’ Mr. Daly doesn’t mention he’s a Democrat, and Mr. Daly doesn’t mention that nobody in the Drive-By Media cared a rat’s rear end that Jim Webb’s assistant got caught with a gun and everybody from the Drive-Bys and the Democratic Party on, ‘Ah, just shoo that under the rug! Sweep it under the rug. Ah, it was just an accident! Webb didn’t know where he got the gun. It shouldn’t have happened,’ and then Webb says, ‘I care about my personal security.’ Come on, Mr. Daly!

The same Drive-By Media that’s up in arms today over this didn’t care a whit that one of Webb’s assistants tried to go through the Capitol with a loaded gun, just like they don’t care that Dianne Feinstein might have been sending money from a military committee to her husband’s defense contractor companies. You don’t care when Democrats do this stuff. You don’t even mention that Webb’s a Democrat in this piece. He closes it out by saying: ‘No wonder some of our cops up here in New York say the bumper stickers down there should really read, ‘Virginia Is for Gun Lovers.’ What do you say now, Virginia?’ Mr. Daly, you are not showing proper appreciation. Why, if it weren’t for the people of Virginia, the Republicans would still control the Senate. The people of Virginia elected old Jim Webb. The Washington Post and all those people got out there with that Macaca business and decided to destroy George Allen. So your political party, your leftists, elected Jim Webb. If the people of Virginia are stupid and the people of Virginia are idiots, then let’s indict them for electing Webb. Let’s be consistent here.


RUSH: I read to you some excerpts of really one of the most heartless and thoughtless and politically calculated, nasty pieces of column work I have ever read. It’s by Michael Daly in the New York Daily News today. I don’t want to go through all the excerpts again, but the basic thrust of the piece is to blame the entire state of Virginia for being so oriented toward guns, and he mentions statistics. ‘You’ve been shrugging for decades as illegal guns from your state plague our city, killing and maiming and terrorizing New Yorkers by the thousands, at one point comprising 47% of the guns [that New York] cops recovered.’ See, the crime committed in New York, according to Daly, can’t possibly be because there’s bad people in New York. No, no, no, no, no! It has to be the guns from Virginia.

‘You seemed to think it was no big deal when an aide to your junior U.S. senator got caught carrying an automatic pistol into the Capitol, you having voted Sen. James Webb into office as an avowed opponent of gun control,’ and he closes the piece by saying, ‘No wonder some of our cops up here in New York say the bumper stickers down there should really read, ‘Virginia Is for Gun Lovers.’ What do you say now, Virginia?’ Now, two things strike me about this. Here you have a New York liberal writing this piece, besmirching all of the people of Virginia. Now, if Don Imus was fired for smearing people who didn’t deserve it, and if the New York Daily News thought that was a great decision — and they did — then surely this columnist Michael Daly should resign in disgrace. He just did something worse than Imus. It’s one thing to bash and insult people who just lost a national championship. That’s bad enough, but what about bashing and insulting an entire state, including thousands of grieving people who just witnessed a massacre? Now, we have to sit here and listen to a New York liberal preach to the state of Virginia about all the people in Virginia — just trash an entire state, thousands of them going through misery right now, grieving through having just witnessed a massacre.

You talk about attacking the powerless? You talk about attacking people not involved in the story — and there’s no attempt at humor in this Michael Daly piece, either. The second thought that strikes me is here you have this preachy New York liberal, Michael Daly of the New York Daily News, and if it weren’t for guns from Virginia, why, why, they’d have their little utopia in New York! Don’t you find it somewhat interesting that these liberals always are stunned when their utopias turn out to be hell? They concoct all these circumstances where they think they’ve created utopia, be it a college campus or be it whatever, and it turns out to be hell.