Can Any Good Come From Virginia Tech Horror?

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 20,2007

RUSH: Here’s Betty in Springfield, Illinois. Great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. Mega dittos!

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: I’ve loved you for years, ever since Sacramento.

RUSH: Well. Well, well, well, well. You used to live there?

CALLER: No, no, I live where I live right now, but I’ve been listening to you since Sacramento.

RUSH: You listened to me shortly after I left Sacramento, because I wasn’t syndicated in Sacramento. Now, our station there, 50,000 watts, could have reached Springfield, Illinois at night, but I wasn’t on the air there.

CALLER: Well, I heard you somehow out in Sacramento.

RUSH: I’ve gone out there and done a couple remotes, and I’ll bet that’s what you heard.

CALLER: Okay. But, Rush, I have three short points to make about the Virginia Tech shooter.

RUSH: Yeah?

CALLER: I’m very concerned about this. My first point is, I submit that if we strip away all the mental illness garbage that we’re hearing about this guy, what we’re going to see is a suicide bomber. My number two point is that he had an agenda, just like they all do: kill as many filthy Americans as you can. My number three point is, his agenda was driven by hatred of America, just like all of them. We’re too rich. We’re too decadent. We have to be destroyed, and I don’t think he was mentally ill. I think he was a suicide bomber — shooter in this case.

RUSH: Well, the mentally ill, it could be kind of tricky — I understand what you’re saying — because it was his acts. The sane will look at what he did and say, ‘Gosh, you’ve gotta be insane to do this,’ but if you look at his behavior that day, it was normal, other than what he did.


RUSH: He made plans. He went to the post office between episodes. He addressed the stuff to NBC.

CALLER: Plus, he was an immigrant.

RUSH: He was able to record it, get the pictures of the video clips assembled and send it off to them. He casually and purposely strode to the area of his targets, and then let loose with the trigger. Some people would say this is cold and calculating, not insane. That’s a matter for the mental health people. People are going to resist any notion that this had anything to do with, say, Islamic-type terrorism but there’s no way to describe this other than to say it was a terrorist act. This was the ultimate terror act, whatever the motivation. I think it’s not really complicated, but we all try to find explanations for behavior we don’t understand, and all the things that you mentioned are applicable, but I think at the root of it is, we just had an evil guy, and a lot of people don’t even want to think about the concept of ‘evil.’ As Barb Oakley said yesterday in the New York Times in a column, they’ll talk about evil in abstract in college classrooms all over the country, but real life evil is hardly ever encountered, confronted or dealt with as a real life issue and when evil shows itself, people say, ‘No, no, no! It’s not evil. It’s gotta be something else,’ because people don’t want to face the concept that there is evil walking around among us. But sometimes it’s the most simple explanation where people are looking for complicated explanations for behavior like this. It’s one of these things so extraordinary, it doesn’t happen every day, and that’s why the reaction to it has been what it is. I think (sigh), as I’ve always said, there’s good in everything, and sometimes it takes awhile to see it and sometimes it takes awhile to manifest itself, but there’s an opportunity, at any rate, for good to happen here in terms of training students how to deal with these kinds of situations if it happens again. It’s a long shot that that will happen, but it’s possible.


RUSH: RUSH: We just had the call from a woman in Springfield, Illinois, theorizing on the shooter at V Tech. I just found an amazing piece. I’m going to link to this at RushLimbaugh.com, because it’s too long to go through the whole thing, but his headline here is: ‘Was Cho Taught to Hate?’ Here’s the pull quote: ‘Whatever [Cho] learned in his classes — did it enable him to rage at his host country, to hate the students he envied so murderously? Was he subtly encouraged to aggrandize himself by destroying others? Was his pathology enabled by the PC university? Or to ask the question differently — was Cho ever taught to respect others, to admire the good things about his [country in which he lived], and to discipline himself to build a positive life? And that answer is readily available on the websites of Cho’s English Department at Virginia Tech.’

James Lewis writes the piece. Here says, ‘This is a wonder world of PC weirdness. English studies at VT are a post-modern Disney World in which nihilism, moral and sexual boundary breaking, and fantasies of Marxist revolutionary violence are celebrated. They show up in a lot of faculty writing. Not by all the faculty, but probably by more than half,’ and then he says, ‘Just check out the websites,’ and he has the links to the websites for the English department that this guy attended. Marx is celebrated, a number of other things. You go to ‘the English Department’s official frontpage reaction to the murder … a few days ago,’ and this is what it says: ”We do not understand this tragedy / We know we did nothing to deserve it / But neither does a child in Africa / Dying of AIDS / Neither does the baby elephant watching his community / Be devastated for ivory / … / Neither does the Mexican child looking / For fresh water / … / Neither does the Appalachian infant killed / By a boulder / Dislodged / Because the land was destabilized’ In other words: We didn’t do nuthin.’ It ain’t our fault. It’s greedy capitalism’s fault.’ This is a James Lewis‘ opinion but we’ll link to it so you can read it because it’s eye opening.