Breaking News! McCain Runs for President

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 25,2007

RUSH: My gosh, folks! I don’t know how I missed this. There’s breaking news going on right before my eyes and I missed it. John McCain has announced for the presidency! He’s up in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. I’m sorry to not be the first to tell you this. I think everybody’s caught by surprise with this announcement, but McCain is going to run for the presidency. Who would have thought this? He’s out there, and part of his remarks were that the America people are tired of insults in politics and ideas not being part of politics. At any rate, Senator McCain, as you know, laughed and joked the other day somewhere about bombing Iran, and he said, ‘Come on, lighten up! You gotta take a joke,’ and we have the song. We’ve only played it once, but our microphones and cameras are everywhere. Here is McCain singing the song. It’s very appropriate here to honor his presidential campaign. I’m still stunned. I didn’t have any clue he would run for president.

(Playing of ‘Bomb Iran’ parody song.)