Rush in Cigar Aficionado

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 13,2007

RUSH: Susan in Knoxville, Tennessee, you’re next on the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Mega dittos, Rush.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: I wanted to compliment you on your photo spread in the August edition of Cigar Aficionado.

RUSH: Thank you. I just got my copy of that a couple days ago and I went through there. They’re not bad. They’re not bad.

CALLER: You’re looking good!

RUSH: I appreciate that.

CALLER: You’re looking great. Also, I turned to the back, and there you were again.

RUSH: Yeah, that’s the black tie cigar dinner with Schwarzenegger, Rudy, Marvin Shankin and I. Michael Milken is in that picture, too, I think.

CALLER: You hang with a high-class crowd.

RUSH: (Laughing.) Well, I accept the invitations.

CALLER: Well, I can certainly understand that.

RUSH: That’s a fund raiser for prostate cancer, so it’s well worth it. The pictures that she’s referring to in Cigar Aficionado were about a month ago. Marvin Shankin has this feature in his magazine. He calls himself ‘the shot maker.’ He’s got this feature, Golfing with Marvin, or some such thing, and he sets it up with as many pros as he can. He set it up with Greg Norman. He was going to play with Greg Norman, and they needed to find a pro to play with me, and the two of us, my pro and myself would oppose Shankin and Norman, and we got Raymond Floyd, and we played at Raymond Floyd’s new club and course down here called Old Palm, and I was shooting lights out on the front nine. Shankin and I were both given 18 strokes against the pros. I shot a 41. It could have easily been a 39 if I’d have just — and I was sinking long putts. But it was a 41, kind of fell apart in the back 40, so shot an 88. Marvin shot a 98. The shots were not being made that day that he was taking. But it was an absolute blast. We all had dinner at my house the night before, got up and had lunch afterward, and that’s the photo spread she’s referring to in the most recent issue of Cigar Aficionado. I’m glad you referenced that because I’d forgotten it, Susan.