Obama: He’s Not a Justice Brother

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 31,2007

RUSH: This is from the Washington Times today: ‘Sen. Barack Obama is striking a delicate balance to capture black voters but avoid becoming the stereotype that has sunk past black hopefuls for the White House.’ Well, now, let’s see. How many of those have there been? How many past black hopefuls have there been for the White House? There has been the Reverend Jackson. There has been Carol Moseley Braun. She ran in the primaries once. There has been the Reverend Sharpton. There have been Alan Keyes and Shirley Chisholm. Well, you throw her out, and she throw out Keyes, because he’s a Republican, and you actually throw out Carol Moseley Braun because she didn’t go anywhere. Basically what this story is saying, when they say, ‘Sen. Barack Obama is striking a delicate balance to capture black voters but avoid becoming the stereotype that has sunk past black hopefuls for the White House,’ it can only mean… Can I translate this sentence for you? Senator Barack Obama (laughing) is striking a delicate balance to capture black voters but avoid becoming perceived as a Justice Brother.

This clearly says he’s doing everything he can to avoid being perceived liked Reverends Jackson and Sharpton. ‘The Illinois Democrat is running ads in South Carolina to shore up support among black voters and told a black audience Friday his election would create a ‘transformation’ of U.S. race relations. However, political analysts and prominent black leaders observing the 2008 presidential race say Mr. Obama…has not locked up the community’s vote.’ That’s all we’ve been telling you. What do you mean? You don’t need analysts for this. We’ve been telling you this for months. He’s not yet perceived to be ‘down for the struggle’. He doesn’t have roots to the struggle, the civil rights struggle. ”He’s not running for president of black America, but for all of America, but he has to be particularly sensitive not to lose out on this crucial voting bloc,’ said political consultant Morris Reid, managing director at the Westin Rinehart Group.

”Most African-American candidates running for president thus far have not had such a mainstream message.” Uh, see, this is bogus. There’s nothing ‘mainstream’ about Obama’s message. He’s a full-fledged tax-and-spend liberal, and he would have the US surrender on the war on terror. ‘Mr. Obama is a much different candidate than the Rev. Al Sharpton, who ran in 2004, and the Rev. Jesse Jackson, who ran twice in the 1980s, Mr. Reid said. He would be wise to continue trying to be a candidate for everyone instead of getting pigeonholed as the candidate only concerned about minority rights. Mr. Obama mastered this idea by giving a ‘non-answer’ to a question about reparations during last week’s debate, Mr. Reid said. ‘If you want him to do what Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson did, you don’t want him to be a winning candidate,’ said Mr. Reid, who is hosting a fundraiser soon for Mrs. Clinton.’ (Laughing) The expert they went and found to comment on Obama is hosting a fundraiser for Hillary! (Laughing.) You gotta love this. (Laughing.)