RUSH: Yesterday, proof positive, if you ever had any doubts that the libs are totally nuts, Mia Farrow offered herself as a replacement hostage for some war torn leader in Darfur, which, you know, we have a great graphic display at on the Hostages for Peace program. You ought to look at it if you haven’t. She was on CNN last night. The anchor, Zain Verjee, spoke to her about this, Mia Farrow. Here is how that went.
FARROW: I would do this in a heart beat.
VERJEE: Do you think it’s over the top?
FARROW: I think the circumstances in Darfur are over the top. It’s is a signal of, honestly, of desperation and disgust.
RUSH: Right. She is not alone today, ladies and gentlemen. Further proof that these people are nuts. ‘The Oscar winning actress Cate Blanchett has stopped washing her hair in an effort to do her bit to save the environment and become a green example to her kids. The actress admits she has installed timers all around her home to restrict energy levels – and one is even on her shower head. Now she is no longer washing her hair, Blanchett has realized: ‘I only need to have a two minute shower.’ She adds: ‘I went to a website and my husband was laughing at me because a box arrived with 30 timers, and I thought: ‘Excellent.”’ People are literal wackos. Not washing her hair to save the environment?