Rush’s Morning Update: Insecurity August 10, 2007

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 9,2007

Rush’s Morning Update: Insecurity
August 10, 2007

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According to the New York Times, there’s a growing sense of “insecurity” over a planned Department of Homeland Security crackdown. Businesses that knowingly hire people with false Social Security numbers are in the crosshairs.

The Social Security Administration is expected to send out 140,000 letters to employers – checking up on eight million workers. “Illegally documented workers.” The letters target business with ten or more workers whose names and Social Security numbers don’t match agency records. A Homeland Security spokesman says, “There are not going to be any more excuses for employers, and there will be serious consequences for those that choose to blatantly disregard the law.” The new rules will give businesses a short time to resolve discrepancies … then, either the illegals must be fired or the business will face hefty fines.

“Across the employer community, people are scared, confused, holding their breath,” complains Craig Regelbrugge, co-chairman of the Agriculture Coalition for Immigration Reform. Liberal “advocacy groups” – including the AFL-CIO – call the regulations “anti-Hispanic.” They’re planning legal challenges to prevent the new rules from being enforced.

A few weeks ago, amnesty for illegals was supposedly the most important issue in the country. Now, during election season, it’s been exiled to the sidelines. But candidates should be grilled about their position on these new rules at every campaign stop! Liberal politicians are not altogether stupid. They know if they tell the truth – that they support the “blatant disregard of the law” – they’ll never get elected!

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