Rush to Speak in Sacramento

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 20,2007

RUSH: A couple of programming notes, ladies and gentlemen. I am returning to Sacramento, California, Friday, September 21st. I’m appearing in an annual program that the Sacramento Metro Chamber of Commerce puts on every year. It’s entitled ‘Perspectives,’ and they bring in four or five people to speak for a time, and they sell tickets to the thing. I’ve received an invitation from my buddy Tom Sullivan this year, who emcees, and I have decided to go. Also on the speaker’s roster is General John Abizaid, the former commander of US Central Command; Lawrence Summers, former secretary of the treasury and the recently bounced president of Harvard (because he made some women professors mad); Chris Gardner, the self-made millionaire, author of The Pursuit of Happyness. I, of course, am on the roster, and Colin Quinn, a political and social comedian. It’s around lunchtime. I’m not sure what the start time of it is, but it is Friday, September 21st. I’ve got a phone number here to give you if you’re interesting in going, for those of you in the western region of our country. I’m afraid to give it. You know, you give out a phone number, and you open it up to pranks. They have a website, however, and I can give you that. It’s www.MetroChamber.org. I don’t know how much tickets cost to this, because I don’t have to buy any since I’m on the stage, and I forgot to ask that question, but you can find out at www.MetroChamber.org. It’s Friday, September 21st. So I’m heading back to my adopted hometown.

I talked to Sullivan on Friday afternoon, and I said, ‘How long does each speaker get at this thing?’

‘Ah, I try to keep it at 40 minutes,’ [he said].

‘Gee, Tom, I only get going after 40 minutes.’

So anyway, I just wanted to alert you to this, because I haven’t been back there in a long, long time, and this is going to be a hoot and I’m looking forward to meeting all these people, Abizaid, Larry Summers, Chris Gardner, I haven’t met them. Colin Quinn. Oh, second programming note. This is a four-day week for me, ladies and gentlemen. I will be going on a one-week vacation starting this Friday. I have a guy golf trip. I’ve mentioned this to you. I mentioned it. I’m going out to Hawaii. We do this every year. We usually go to Europe, but because I’m not going to give Customs another shot at me, we’re not. That’s why. I’m not going to use US Customs ’til this next election is over. I’m not going through there. I’m not giving them a chance to plant something on my airplane. I’m not going to do it, after that little brouhaha the last time with these people. So my golf buddies graciously said, ‘Well, look, one of them lives out in Hawaii. Why don’t we just host it out there?’ So that’s what we’re going to do. I ordered a bunch of Allen Brothers steaks to send out there. We barbecue every night, have massages sometimes. It’s a hoot. (interruption) What? What do you mean, ‘How can I leave with illegal immigration…?’ I gotta get recharged here for the upcoming battles in the fall and the winter and the primary season and so forth. How can I leave when the Democrats are debating? I know. How can I leave when anything is going on? How can I leave, period? Well, the simple fact of the matter is I have to leave! How can I leave when there are hurricanes? I know. How can I leave when there are floods and forest fires? How can I leave when God’s wrath is descending upon America because of George W. Bush? I know, but I must, because I made the commitment. So I just wanted you to know this up front, folks, with plenty of time so you won’t be surprised. It’s an annual trip that we do about this time every year. Yeah, and it’s golf. It’s golf, which I happen to like, I happen to love.