Woman Loses Husband to Rush

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 20,2007

RUSH: I don’t do this very much. I’m going to make an exception. I got the cutest e-mail today from a woman named Maura La Piana. She’s a subscriber to Rush 24/7 and her subject line was: ‘I lost my husband to you.’ I said, ‘Whoa, I better read this and call the lawyers.’ As I read it, it turns out I think they’ve been married for 17 years, and it’s his birthday today. She wanted me to wish him a happy birthday. He used to be a big Democrat. She introduced him to me. Now that’s all he’ll do, is listen to this program, which, is a great decision, pal, and your wife still loves you. See, this is how this works. Very seldom do we do birthdays on this program, like we don’t do over the back fence — you lose your cat, call the local sheriff. Dog runs away, don’t call us.