Rush Appears on Fox’s Family Guy

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 24,2007

RUSH: John in Kennesaw, Georgia. Welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Rush, it’s an honor. I’ve been listening to you since I was about 12 years old.

RUSH: Thank you, sir. I appreciate that. How old are you now?

CALLER: Thirty.

RUSH: Well, that’s 18 years. That’s almost from the beginning.

CALLER: It’s about…yeah. My parents brought me up with you and I’ve been listening ever since. I’ll get to my question. I heard you were going to be on Family Guy last night, and I watched it, and that sounded exactly like you. Was that really you?

RUSH: That was me. You know, I am sorry for not alerting you all about this last Thursday. We taped this back in May for their season premiere and I mentioned it a couple times shortly thereafter that I had taped a little bit for the season premiere of Family Guy, and I got a lot of e-mails, ‘That’s a bunch of liberals. I can’t believe that. I hope they don’t destroy you. I hope you know what you’re doing.’ The usual routine, and I forgot that the thing was on last night. Koko over at the website saw a promo on the Fox television network during the football games yesterday, or I guess it was sometime Friday or Saturday, he saw a promo, so he put the blurb up on the website, and we’ve got a link to it up there now. It’s on YouTube. It’s about 33 seconds and it’s cute. It was funny.

CALLER: Well, it was in good taste. It didn’t seem too horrible. But, you know, they made their little points off it as well.

RUSH: Well, I didn’t see the whole show. In fact, I was so distracted yesterday and depressed because I knew I was going back on my diet today, I was watching the football game yesterday, and a lot of the early games were on Fox, the Steelers and the Fort’iners and the team that claimed to be the Philadelphia Eagles wearing those Girl Scout uniforms, and the Detroit Lions. There were all kinds of promos for it, and I said, ‘I gotta go to TiVo and set this,’ because normally I watch the Cowboys and Bears, and I forgot to TiVo it. But it’s on the website now and they have me attacking Lando Calrissian in this thing, it’s the Family Guy Star Wars issue. It was a lot of fun to work with these people. The actual creator was on the phone directing me as to how he wanted this to sound, and I was more than willing to cooperate, because it’s his show.