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RUSH: People have been sending me website after website that documents phony soldiers, real phony soldiers, not just the eight that we learned about in the press release last Friday from the US Attorneys office for the western district of Washington. But, apparently, they are all over the place. The New York Times ran a New York Times magazine cover story on one of them and it turned out she was lying through her teeth. She’d never been to Iraq, she hadn’t been sexually harassed or any of this sort of thing like she alleged. It’s a considerable number of genuine phony soldiers out there in terms of defrauding the VA, making up stories of atrocities that they saw. I have, from just one website, I’m holding here in my formerly nicotine-stained fingers 11 pages, and I’m going to put this link at RushLimbaugh.com when we update the site so you can read this stuff for yourself.

It’s far too lengthy and detailed for me to go through, but here’s one from just Monday, September 24th: ‘Phony Veterans Try to Cash in on VA Benefits.’ This is basically the US Attorney story out of the state of Washington. Former police officer gets 90 days in jail for faking military call-up. Washington man pleads guilty to unlawfully collecting veterans benefits. The number here is staggering. There are indeed a whole bunch of phony soldiers out there, but this program has never impugned the service of a genuine soldier regardless of that soldier’s opinion on anything.


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