RUSH: I am holding in my formerly nicotine-stained fingers — this is a scanned copy of it — the original letter that Senate majority leader Harry Reid sent to the CEO of Clear Channel Communications demanding that they censure me and make me apologize for my phony soldier remark in which they falsely smeared me as having been critical of servicemen who would come back and were disagreeing with the war, when they knew full well that’s not what I was doing. I don’t want to relive the whole episode.
The point is, I, El Rushbo, was not sent this letter by Dingy Harry, but I, El Rushbo, have it. It is signed by 41 Democrats. On the first page, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Tom Harkin, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Dick Durbin, Patty Murray, Jack Reed, Frank Lautenberg, Bernie Sanders, the second page, I don’t want to go through all of these but there are three pages of signatures. We have special plans for this letter, ladies and gentlemen. I can’t announce those plans as we speak at the moment.