A Rush Grandbaby on the Way

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 12,2007

RUSH: This is Provo, Utah, and Ryan. Thank you for waiting, sir, and welcome to the show.

CALLER: Hey, Rush. I just was calling because I think you’re going to be having a Rush grandbaby in February.

RUSH: Really?


RUSH: A Rush grandbaby in February?

CALLER: Yes. Well, I don’t know if I qualify as a Rush baby, per se, because I was born in ’82, so I was about six years old when you got —

RUSH: That’s a Rush baby. Whether you were aware of it or not, you were subjected to the program here, your parents listened, obviously.

CALLER: Yes, they got me orange juice when it was being protested.

RUSH: Oh, hell’s bells, of course, you’re a Rush baby. You should have no doubt about this.

CALLER: I didn’t know if six was too — actually, you had such influence I actually cried myself to sleep the night Bill Clinton got elected to president.

RUSH: Well, you were how old, ’82 — you were ten?


RUSH: Oh, you definitely qualify as a Rush baby.

CALLER: Okay. All right.

RUSH: You’ve got every qualification you need.

CALLER: All right. And my wife’s not letting me name the baby Rush, but I want to make sure your middle name is really Hudson, because the only place I ever really saw that was on Wikipedia, and I wanted to make sure it wasn’t Harry Reid’s staff or —

RUSH: It’s true. And I was not named after the car.

CALLER: Not after the car?

RUSH: Not after the car. Middle name is Hudson.

CALLER: Okay. I’m going to try to work on my wife for that to be the name of the baby.

RUSH: Fine. Just don’t name it Mr. Limbaugh.


RUSH: Like that lady did with her dog.

CALLER: I was worried when I heard that caller, that I wouldn’t be able to name my kid after you, because you already had —

RUSH: I’m very honored.

CALLER: Thanks, Rush.

RUSH: Thank you very much, Ryan. I appreciate it.