Rush’s Christmas Message

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 21,2007

Ladies and gentlemen, as you know, if you’re a regular listen to this program, Christmastime, it seems to me, in my life, has always been that period of time where I have gotten sentimental and thankful as opposed to Thanksgiving. It’s always that way. Something about the time of the year and the way that I was raised and spent time as a kid, and I cannot end this year without once again thanking all of you for the bond and the depth of loyalty that you have exhibited toward me and this program. We’re in our 19th year now, and it is still humbling to me after all of this time. I cannot express in words my appreciation for all of you out there and all of that you have meant to me in the program and even my family. I know a lot of you people say that this show has changed your life, and it probably has. I can understand that. But all that pales compared to what your being there has meant to me. So have a Merry Christmas and a great new year, and we’ll take it out here with Mannheim Steamroller and Silent Night.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, again.
(Playing of Mannheim Steamroller’s “Silent Night”)