Hillary Is Shameless (en Espa?ol)

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 18,2008

RUSH: Let’s go ahead and play audio sound bite number five here. Obama’s supporters are running an ad, a Spanish-language ad in Nevada that says Hillary doesn’t respect Latinos. (laughter) Didn’t they hear her say, ‘No woman is illegal?’ Anyway, we’ve got the Spanish ad here, Spanish language ad translated. (playing of ad) Stop it, stop it, stop it — I have the translation. I will translate when it’s over. I thought it was going to be like, you know, we got Kim Jong ll in the background screaming and so forth the UN interpreter. That’s not what we have here. So you ready from the top?

(playing of ad)

Si se puede, means, ‘Yes, we can.’ Code language. You want to hear the whole thing, want to hear what it said? ‘Hillary Clinton does not respect our people. Hillary Clinton supporters went to court to prevent working people to vote this Saturday. This is an embarrassment. Hillary Clinton’s supporters want to prevent people from voting in their workplace on Saturday. This is unforgivable. Hillary Clinton is shameless.’ (laughter) Speaking of shameless, I thought it was the right-wing conspiracy that created the Lewinsky scandal. She went on the Today Show and told Matt Lauer. Now she gets on the Tyra Banks Show and basically admits that there wasn’t any vast right-wing conspiracy involved. Okay, ‘Hillary is shameless. Hillary Clinton should not allow her people to attack our people’s right to vote this Saturday. This is unforgivable. There’s no respect. Senator Barack Obama is defending our right to vote. Senator Barack Obama wants our votes; he respects our votes; our community, and our people. Senator Barack Obama’s campaign slogan is ‘Si se puede,’ yes, we can. Vote for a president that respects us and that respects our right to vote. Barack Obama for president. Si se puede.’ That’s a translation.