Rush?s Select Comfort Bed Is Busy

by Rush Limbaugh - Feb 7,2008

RUSH: I have to tell you this, before we go to the commercial break, I mentioned the other day that I had a party back in December, and a bunch of people wanted to tour the house, went upstairs, and when one of the women saw the bed, the Select Comfort Bed, the Sleep Number Bed, ‘Is that one of those Select Comfort things?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘You really use it?’ ‘Yes, I do. Why would you think I say I do if I don’t?’ And she wanted to try it. I said, ‘Here, lay down on it. Take this, lay down on the bed, take this and flick it up or flick it down. This will increase the firmness of the side you’re on or it will make it softer.’ And so she got the remote control, starts doing it.
The same thing happened when I had a Super Bowl party on Sunday afternoon. Somebody at the party had heard me tell the story and they wanted to go upstairs and try the bed before they got one. I wanted to watch the game. I don’t want to demonstrate the Sleep Number Bed during the game, but I did. I dutifully went up, it was at halftime, took somebody upstairs, ‘Here’s the bed,’ laid down on it, started flicking the remote control up or down, amazed. Sometimes I take this stuff a little personally, that my recommendation is not enough, but I can understand, it’s a costly investment, but it’s personal, it’s a personalized possession that you have. Just call 1-800-GET-A-BED, folks, it’s all you have to do, get a free DVD and a brochure, details on models and sizes. 1-800-GET-A-BED and find out for yourself, because I cannot have you all over to my house.