Operation Chaos Continues

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 14,2008

RUSH: Back to the audio sound bites. Mika Brzezinski on Scarborough’s show, afraid here that the Democrats are going to implode because of Operation Chaos and this Jeremiah Wright business. Scarborough said, ‘One of the most influential people in Obama’s adult life, you gotta explain it, you gotta do more than say, ‘Oh, I talked about that a year ago,’ because people are going to be concerned about this, Mika.

BRZEZINSKI: Well, I really — I’m concerned on a number of levels about it, actually.

SCARBOROUGH: You’ve explained that, as a journalist you’ve explained that, but okay, let’s just assume that the Clinton campaign put this out. He still has to answer it, doesn’t he?

BRZEZINSKI: Well, Hillary Clinton certainly had to answer to the Geraldine Ferraro thing —

SCARBOROUGH: Does that make it any less disturbing?

BRZEZINSKI: — here is where I say, that the Democrats, you know, through the media, may implode through identity politics.

RUSH: Absolutely. She’s exactly right. Give her a gold star. Give her a gold star. She swerved into the truth. Identity politics. Since there’s no distinction on issues, what are the Democrats running on? Well, you can’t elect her, she’s got a vagina. You can’t elect him, he’s got black skin. That’s what it’s come to. The civil war, race war in this country is in the Democrat Party. All right, Operation Chaos continues. Another conference call with reporters. Clinton campaign chief pollster Mark Penn and Howard Wolfson spoke with reporters. Mark Penn weighed in with this on the race in Pennsylvania.

PENN: The road to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue goes right through the state of Pennsylvania, and if Barack Obama can’t win there, how can he win the general election? He doesn’t seem to be passing the commander-in-chief test, he’s not passed the economy test, and it looks like he’s saying that he won’t pass the Keystone test. We believe this is an incredibly important state, and we believe fundamentally that it provides a very significant test of who can really win the general election. We believe that this will again show that Hillary is ready to win and that Senator Obama really can’t win a general election.

RUSH: Looks like he’s not going to win in Pennsylvania. He’s trailing there… So here’s Mark Penn saying, ‘Well, if he can’t win there, how can he win the general election?’ So now, if you can’t win Pennsylvania, you can’t win America. That’s what Mark Penn said. Now, we move on to the next sound bite, and this is Howard Wolfson. Unidentified reporter says, ‘Mark Penn in his only statement said Obama can’t win the general election, and this is only in the context of a potential loss in Pennsylvania. Do you have other reasons in mind as to how Obama would be weakened against McCain?’

WOLFSON: Let me just say — this is Howard Wolfson, and Mark will obviously speak for himself. Mark did not say that at the top of the call. So, Mark, why don’t reiterate what you did say.

PENN: I think it raises — I think that if he can’t win Pennsylvania, it raises serious questions about whether he can win a general election.

RUSH: So Howard Wolfson denies that Penn said what he said, asks Penn to clarify, and Penn says it again. (laughing)


RUSH: Moving on to the audio sound bites, Morning Joe again, Fast Eddie Rendell, governor of Pennsylvania. Chris Matthews said, ‘You were incredibly successful, great mayor for our city,’ Matthews is from Philadelphia ‘going up to the far northern part of the state across the state where people are largely Protestant white people, what’s it like to go up there as a Philly guy?’

RENDELL: I think Senator Obama, if he’s a candidate, will run okay in some of those counties, there’s no question. Hillary Clinton is a better fit for those counties, is a better fit for southwest Pennsylvania, but I think either one of them is going to carry the state in the fall.

RUSH: Yeah. So there’s Fast Eddie trying to extricate himself from the little foxhole he dug because it was just last week, maybe a little longer ago, that he said a black guy will not win in Pennsylvania.


RUSH: Moving on to the audio sound bites, Morning Joe again, Fast Eddie Rendell, governor of Pennsylvania. Chris Matthews said, ‘You were incredibly successful, great mayor for our city,’ Matthews is from Philadelphia ‘going up to the far northern part of the state across the state where people are largely Protestant white people, what’s it like to go up there as a Philly guy?’

RENDELL: I think Senator Obama if he’s a candidate will run okay in some of those counties, there’s no question. Hillary Clinton is a better fit for those counties, is a better fit for southwest Pennsylvania, but I think either one of them is going to carry the state in the fall.

RUSH: Yeah. So there’s Fast Eddie trying to extricate himself from the little foxhole he dug because it was just last week, maybe a little longer ago, that he said a black guy will not win in Pennsylvania.