Rev. Wright Trashes Thomas Jefferson

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 15,2008

RUSH: Jeremiah Wright is back. Saturday, Chicago, the services at Trinity United Church of Christ, Jeremiah Wright trashed Thomas Jefferson.

WRIGHT: The intelligent men who put together the founding documents which gave birth to this nation planted slavery and white supremacy in the DNA of this republic. Thomas Jefferson in his notes on Virginia, write it down, number 18, said that God would punish America for the sin of slavery. I guess that makes Thomas Jefferson unpatriotic. If they had Fix News back then — they call it Fox, I call it Fix — they would have called him a wackadoodle. Jefferson had intelligence, but he also had babies by a 15 year-old slave girl. I think the judges call that pedophilia.

RUSH: Were you able to make that out? The transcript of this: ‘The intelligent men who put together the founding documents which gave birth to this nation planted slavery and white supremacy in the DNA of this republic. Thomas Jefferson in his notes on Virginia, write it down, number 18, said that God would punish America for the sin of slavery. I guess that makes Thomas Jefferson unpatriotic. If they had Fix News back then — they call it Fox, I call it Fix — they would have called him a wackadoodle. Jefferson had intelligence, but he also had babies by a 15 year-old slave girl. I think the judges call that pedophilia.’ So — (laughing) — so the Reverend Wright back at it again, Operation Chaos.