16-Year-Old Rush Baby Sells Book

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 22,2008

RUSH: Let’s head to the phones to the Tri-Cities, Washington. This is David. I’m glad you waited, sir. Welcome to the program.

CALLER: Hello, Mr. Limbaugh?


CALLER: This is an honor.

RUSH: Thank you very much, sir.

CALLER: My name is David Beatty, and I’m 16 years old. I want to thank you for the work you do to educate America and reinforce what my parents teach us. Something I believe needs to be re-taught is the value of a strong work ethic. I want people to know that the American dream is still alive. I live in the northwest where many people sing songs of socialism. Kids at school have no idea what it really means to have a socialist society, giving up their freedoms to, quote, ‘Spread the wealth.’

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: That’s what I try to talk about with people at school, but sometimes actions speak louder than words. My brothers and I decided we would prove anything is possible, set a goal, towards a goal and accomplish the goal. So we wrote a book that reflects just how standing for your own convictions and believing in yourself —

RUSH: You say you’re 16?


RUSH: This is amazing. Very proud of you.

CALLER: And last year, we had the opportunity to have grace shine on our family. We had lost our grandfather and the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation, Pete Haas stepped in and Pete was like a pillar of silent strength which we will never forget. He helped us go out and see our grandfather buried in Arlington, and these two things tied together because we wanted to thank them for their help last year, and we want to try to raise $25,000 for them from proceeds from our book, and we were wondering how much it would cost to advertise on your show, and I just wanted to talk to you person-to-person about that.

RUSH: Well, I have sales representatives standing by. They’re always here. Should I answer this question honestly? (laughing)

CALLER: I’m fine with that. I’m a little bit scared to hear the numbers there, but I’m fine with that.

RUSH: Yeah, you’ll be scared to hear the numbers, I think it’s safe to say, but we have ways — how far along are you on your book?

CALLER: Oh, we had it published like about a month ago.

RUSH: How many pages is it?

CALLER: It’s a hundred pages.

RUSH: Is the book now in stores?

CALLER: Yes, it is.

RUSH: What is the title of the book?

CALLER: Pulling Weeds to Picking Stocks.

RUSH: Pulling Weeds to Picking Stocks?


RUSH: Okay. It’s a hundred pages. Is it soft cover?


RUSH: How much does it cost?

CALLER: It’s eleven dollars.

RUSH: It costs eleven dollars to buy it.


RUSH: Is it available nationally or is it just in your local neighborhood in the Tri-Cities?

CALLER: I believe it is nationally available.

RUSH: Who published the book?

CALLER: Tate Publishing.

RUSH: Tate Publishing. All right, you have just received about a $35,000 commercial.

CALLER: (laughing) Thank you.

RUSH: And it didn’t cost you anything because your cause is worth the donation of busy broadcast time. You want to sell this book so that you can donate further to the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation.

CALLER: Yes, sir.

RUSH: And you’re 16. You know, I’ve been getting a lot of calls from people your age over the summer, as people are out of school, and there are a lot of you, and I just want to tell you, please don’t change, because you are going to become an adult and grow and mature at about the time your participation in changing the direction of the country is going to be crucial.

CALLER: Yes, sir.

RUSH: Oh, we have found out your book is also available on Amazon.


RUSH: So people can go to Amazon and pick it up with their credit card. Well, here’s another $10,000 worth of advertising for you, Pulling Weeds to Picking Stocks, 11 bucks, my gosh, you can’t beat that, and some of the proceeds will go to the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation. Well, David, you learned a lesson here. It never hurts to ask for what you want.

CALLER: Well, thank you very much, sir.

RUSH: How else will people know?

CALLER: How else will people know.

RUSH: Thank you very much for your effort and your work here, and all the best to you, David, thanks for calling.

CALLER: All right, thank you.

RUSH: You bet.