The Messiah Heckled in Florida

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 19,2008

RUSH: What’s this? Protesters interrupt a Messiah rally in Florida. Twenty or thirty, it looks like more than that, they’re still walking them out of there. It looks like there’s at least 20 or 30 protesters, and they’re black, and they’re carrying signs too small to read, but they’re walking them out of there now. Obama is up there with Larry Wasserman’s daughter. (interruption) Is that what he said? (interruption) Yeah, it is work listening to an Obama speech these days. It is work being at an Obama rally. But this is on CNN. Their cameras caught it, black people protesting The Messiah. They’re in trouble. They’re down in the electoral polls, electoral vote polls, they’re down in state by state, they’re down nationally. This is not where they thought they would be, and this is why, folks, the Drive-Bys are revved up. The Drive-Bys have to take McCain and Palin out. They are too invested in this, in the Obama candidacy. It’s going to get brutal, it’s going to get vicious, and even more so than it already is.


RUSH: This is this afternoon in Coral Gables, Florida. As we mentioned, The Messiah was protested here by a large number of black audience members to his rally, and this is some of what it sounded like.

OBAMA: Have you seen gas prices? (chanting) Hold on, guys, hold on. Hold on, guys. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, everybody. Hey, young people out there, it’s no problem for you to put your signs up, but let everybody — let me — let me finish what I have to say, all right. Come on, guys. (yelling) All right. (yelling) So you — so — see —

RUSH: That’s hilarious! (laughing) When’s the last time you heard somebody, hey, come on, shut up now, put it down, guys, let me finish what I have to say, let me finish. (laughing) He still thinks they’re all his buddies. Come on, guys, hold on, hold on. (laughing) Barack Obama.