Obama in Need of a Bailout as Joe Biden Gaffes Keep Piling Up

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 23,2008

RUSH: Obama is the next target for a bailout, I am convinced. Now, let me set this up. I’m sure that quite a few of you who are spending any time at all on the computer have received what I have received a gazillion times. By the way, as a little heads up, those of you out there who receive things in e-mail, these flash blast e-mails that go out: If you think I haven’t seen it yet, change your mind. By the time you see it, I have seen it so many times, I have practically thrown the computer up against the wall. You don’t need to forward these things to me. I am a magnet for this stuff. Anyway, the latest going around is this flash e-mail sent by somebody claiming to have inside information at the DNC that the Democrat National Committee and Obama have gotten together and they have decided to get rid of Biden.

October 5th is the day that they’re going to get rid of Biden, and the reason they’re going to get rid of him — the excuse that they will use — is that Biden will declare a medical emergency of some kind. You know, he once had an aneurysm that they caught in time and were able to have surgery on. If something like this happens, folks, it’s not going to be medical, because that would impact his Senate service. If he comes up with something medical to disqualify him as Barry’s running mate then how does he go back to the Senate? What I have heard, and I don’t put any stock in it — well, I haven’t put any stock in it, until today. These gaffes just keep mounting up here. And some of them really don’t make any sense. I mean Biden out there ripping one of Obama’s own ads?

And this is the ad that attacked McCain for not being computer-literate and so forth and being so out of touch, and of course we learned later that McCain can’t use a keyboard because of his war injuries. So it backfired big time, and Biden’s out there. ‘Stand up out there, Ed! Bad job. Let ’em see how bad you were.’ I can’t recall the last time that I heard a vice presidential candidate criticize an ad run by the presidential candidate. I can’t remember the first time. First time, last time, I can’t remember a time that it happened. So what I have heard is, is the plan is to send Biden out there to say something so stupid — so odd, impolitic, whatever, off the wall — that they have no choice but than to get rid of him. You know, like all these e-mails you get, just discount this and discount some of these other things, even though I was the first to suggest that of the two, Palin and Biden, if anybody’s going to be replaced, it would be Biden.

I’m first on the record with this. Now, I’m walking back into the studio and I’m talking about this with Snerdley, and Dawn overhears this. She said, ‘Has this ever happened before?’ And I said only one time in our lifetimes, and that was 1972, when George McGovern had to get rid of Thomas Eagleton, who was a senator from Missouri, because it had been discovered that Eagleton had had electric shock treatment. Now, back in 1972, electric shock treatment is where you took Grandma if things weren’t going right in the bathroom or other places. It had an attachment to it that you take people to asylums to get this done. So poor old Eagleton, that’s the last time that I can remember that happening. Okay, so, let us venture forth to the audio sound bites. Last night on the CBS Evening News the perky anchor Katie Couric talking to Joe Biden. She said, ‘Are you disappointed with the tone of the campaign and ‘lipstick and the pig’ stuff, some of the ads? You guys haven’t been completely guilt free, making fun of John McCain’s inability to use a computer.’

BIDEN: I thought that was terrible. (rimshot)

COURIC: Why did you do it, then?

BIDEN: I didn’t know we did it, and if I had anything to do with it, we’d have never done it, and I don’t think Barack — you know, I mean I just think that was, uh —

COURIC: Did Barack Obama approve that ad? He said he did, right?

BIDEN: Yeah, the answer is — I — I don’t think anything’s intentional about that. (rimshot) They were trying to make another point.

RUSH: This is just… (laughter) I don’t know why we did it, and if I had anything to do with it we would never have done it and I don’t think we, you know — and then he caught himself because the commercial ended, ‘I’m Barack Obama, and I approved this message. ‘Next up, see if you can watch this on your own, same place. The perky anchorette, Katie Couric, on the CBS Evening News said to Senator Biden, ‘Well, we were with him last Thursday during one of the rockiest weeks in the history of the US economy, something that wasn’t lost on the six-term senator.’

BIDEN: Part of what a leader does is to instill confidence, to demonstrate that he or she knows what they’re talking about and communicates to people. (rimshot) If you listen to me and follow what I’m suggesting, we can fix this. (rimshot) Stock market crash, Franklin Roosevelt got on television and didn’t just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed, he said, ‘Look, here’s what happened.’ (rimshot)

RUSH: All right, now, how many of you caught that? There are two gaffes. There were two gaffes. Were you listening? Do you know what the gaffes are, Snerdley? There was no TV in 1929! Nobody was on TV in 1929, is the first gaffe. The second gaffe is that FDR wasn’t president in 1929. Herbert Hoover was! Biden, the third gaffe is blowing a chance to blame Republicans for the Depression back in ’29 for Herbert Hoover and saying, ‘Bush and McCain are the new Hoovers.’ And then September 17th, this is five days ago, six days ago now in Ohio during a rope line visit, Senator Biden shaking hands and environmental activist Carolyn Auwaerter says, ‘Wind and solar are flourishing here in Ohio, so why are you supporting clean coal?’

BIDEN: We’re not supporting clean coal! Guess what? China’s building two every week, two dirty coal plants. And it’s polluting the United States! It’s causing people to die! (rimshot) The first guy to introduce a global warming bill was me, 22 years ago. The first guy to support solar energy is me, 26 years ago. (rimshot) Came out of Delaware. But guess what? China’s going to burn 300 years of bad coal, once we figure out how to clean their coal up (rimshot) because it’s going to ruin your lungs and there’s nothing we can do about it. No coal plants here in America, build ’em, if they’re going to build them over there, make ’em clean, because they’re killing you! (rimshot)

RUSH: Okay, so an environmentalist comes up, ‘Why are you doing coal?’ ‘We’re not doing coal! Screw you! The ChiComs are doing coal. They’re building two or three of these coal plants a week. They’re killing people. They’re polluting America! No more coal plants in the United States.’ Really? Hey, Joe, do you realize where a lot of coal miners in this country work. Do you realize what state they’re in? It’s West Virginia. It’s called a state that you need? By the way, Obama has an ad that says he is for clean coal. Here it is.

OBAMA: I’m Barack Obama, and I approved this message.

MAN: (sappy music) Barack originates from Chicago, but he came to southern Illinois and seen the devastation and the loss of the jobs in this coal industry. War-shington, DC, is not listening to us. Barack understands us.

ANNOUNCER: In Illinois and the US Senate, Barack Obama helped lead the fight for clean coal, to protect our environment, and save good-paying American jobs.

RUSH: There’s a graphic in this ad that says, ‘The Obama record: $200 million for clean coal.’ That ad has just been thrown under the bus by Joe Biden. Listen to sound bite number seven again. I think it’s number seven. I put it away. Yep, you just heard the Obama ad on the record, $200 million for clean coal, clean energy, get rid of oil. We’re going to go coal all the way, baby. And here’s Biden, September 17th, with an environmentalist wacko shouting at him, why are you supporting clean coal?

BIDEN: We’re not supporting clean coal! Guess what? China’s building two every week, two dirty coal plants. And it’s polluting the United States! It’s causing people to die! The first guy to introduce a global warming bill was me, 22 years ago. The first guy to support solar energy is me, 26 years ago. Came out of Delaware. But guess what? China’s going to burn 300 years of bad coal, once we figure out how to clean their coal up because it’s going to ruin your lungs and there’s nothing we can do about it. No coal plants here in America, build ’em, if they’re going to build them over there, make ’em clean, because they’re killing you!

RUSH: Now, put yourself in the Obama campaign headquarters. You’re David Axelrod in there and you’re writing Obama’s next speech and you’re writing the next answers to his next questions. And the phone rings, and someone says, ‘You know, Biden just said that you guys ran a really cruel ad on McCain; if he’d have had anything to do with it, he wouldn’t have run it.’ ‘He said what?’ ‘Yeah, that’s what he said.’ Then the phone rings again: ‘Biden’s out there saying no more clean coal plants in the United States when Obama has pledged $200 million to build more clean coal plants.’ (laughing) You see why I’m giving some of this stuff credence that the theory is have him just say all these off-the-wall, wacko things that they just can’t abide anymore? We’re not through. We’re not through. Yesterday in Baltimore at the National Guard Association conference, Senator Biden again.

BIDEN: If you want to know where Al-Qaeda lives, you want to know where Bin Laden is, come back to Afghanistan with me. (rimshot) Come back to the area where my helicopter was forced down, a three-star general and three United States senators at 10,500 feet in the middle of those mountains. (rimshot) I can tell you where they are. (rimshot)

RUSH: He’s speaking to the National Guard. So he didn’t say he was ‘shot down,’ but when you say that you’re in a helicopter with a general and two other senators and you are ‘forced down’ and you’re in a military helicopter, what in the world does he want people to think? He wanted them to think it was mechanical or that they got shot down. So they went and asked John Kerry about this, the haughty John Kerry (by the way, he served in Vietnam) ’cause he was on the trip, and I think Chuck Hagel was there, too. I forget who the other senator was. And Kerry — who was probably clueless about the context — ‘Oh, snowstorm. Nobody predicted it. It came outta nowhere. We barely got down there, and had some troops come rescue us. It wasn’t a bad place to be, but snowstorm that forced us down.’ Now, remember, this is the new snipper fire (sic), because Hillary was fired on in the green zone and I think Biden said he got fired on in the green zone, right? Hillary’s dodged snipper fire in the green zone. (laughing) These guys, the transparent badge of courage. And let’s see. Do we have it? Yep. We got one more. On the Today Show today, Matt Lauer talking to The Messiah, and Lauer says, ‘Look, as part of this whole economic picture, the AIG situation? On Tuesday night the Fed decided to bail ’em out, huge amount of money. That morning, prior to the bailout, John McCain said that the federal government should not bail out AIG. You chastised him,’ and then Lauer added this. Cut nine.

LAUER: Three minutes later, in an interview with Meredith Vieira, Joe Biden, your running mate —

OBAMA: Right.

LAUER: — was asked the exact same —

OBAMA: Right.

LAUER: — question —

OBAMA: Yeah.

LAUER: Should the federal government bail out AIG?

OBAMA: Yeah. Yeah.

LAUER: And he said no.

OBAMA: Well, then I — Yeah.

LAUER: The federal government should not bail out AIG.

OBAMA: And I think — and I think — and I think, uh, uh, that in that situation I think Joe should have waited as well.

RUSH: Whew! It has been a good three hours for Joe Biden. (laughing)


(playing of Biden spoof)

BIDEN: Hillary Clinton’s a qualified or more qualified than I am to be the vice president of the United States of America. Let’s get that straight. She’s a truly close personal friend. She is qualified to be president of the United States of America, she’s easily qualified to be vice president of the United States of America, and, quite frankly, it might have been a better pick than me, but she’s first rate.

RUSH: The bump music here is appropriately entitled Rinky Dink. The organist here, Dave ‘Baby’ Cortez, the Joe Biden theme song.


RUSH: You know, if Sarah Palin had said half the things that Biden is saying, what do you think the media would be doing to her? What do you think they’d be doing to her? Folks, do you realize it may be time for a brand-new Operation Chaos? I don’t know if we’d call it Operation Chaos, maybe call it Operation Save Joe Biden. The operation’s objective would be to keep Biden on the ticket, if for no other reason than programming assistance for this program. Let’s go back and relive last night on the CBS Evening News with the perky anchor Katie Couric.

BIDEN: Part of what a leader does is to instill confidence, to demonstrate that he or she knows what they’re talking about and communicates to people. (rimshot) If you listen to me and follow what I’m suggesting, we can fix this. (rimshot) Stock market crash, Franklin Roosevelt got on television and didn’t just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed, he said, ‘Look, here’s what happened.’ (rimshot)

RUSH: Stand up, stand up, FDR, let ’em see you there, buddy. Oh, God. Show us your big stick there, FDR, stand up, let everybody see you out there. Oh, God. What did I just say? Remember, FDR wasn’t president in ’29 and there wasn’t television in ’29. Nobody was on TV in 1929 except in laboratories, and Herbert Hoover was the president.


RUSH: We found another one. We don’t have any audio on this, but we found another one. Now, keep in mind Biden told Katie Couric last night that he’s gotta be careful about what he says ’cause Republicans are going to jump on every word. (laughing) So he’s being careful! (laughing) This is Biden disciplined. This statement was made on September 20th, three days ago. It’s an MSNBC story. He was in Castlewood, Virginia, and at a campaign event the question of gun control came up. Biden said, ‘Barack Obama….’ (laughing) ‘Barack Obama ain’t taking my shotguns, so don’t buy that malarkey. If he tries to fool with my Beretta, he’s got a problem.’ Did the Secret Service call Biden and say, ‘Did you just threaten a presidential candidate?’ (laughing) Folks, folks, we have a new program, SOB: Save our Biden — Operation Sling Blade. (laughing) I begged them! I begged them. (interruption) No, it’s from MSNBC! I’ve got it right here. Biden: ‘Don’t Fool with My Beretta,’ by Carrie Dann from NBC/NJ’s Mike Memoli. (interruption)

What do you mean? This is not a joke. I’ve got the link right here. I just read it off the computer, and it’s The MSNBC First Read website, like ABC’s The Note. All right. (clearing throat) ‘Castlewood, VA — Joe Biden took on an even folksier tone than usual as he campaigned in rural southwest Virginia this afternoon.’ This is September 20th, a Saturday. ‘Though his focus was again on economic issues, he deviated from script to talk about an issue not often discussed by the Democrats: guns. The Delaware senator predicted that Republicans would seek to sway voters by threatening that Obama would take away guns. Biden, claiming to be a gun-owner himself who likes ‘that little over and under,’ called that notion bogus. ‘Barack Obama ain’t taking my shotguns, so don’t buy that malarkey,’ he said. ‘If he tries to fool with my Beretta, he’s got a problem.’

(sniffs) My nose is running with all of this. I wonder if the Secret Service called Biden and said, ‘Did you just threaten…?’ Now, McCain has gotten in on this coal business. This is from Politico.com. McCain hit Biden in Ohio today. ‘I’m going to put in place the priorities and policies that will create jobs in Ohio. One important way that we’re going to create jobs here is with the development of additional nuclear plants and through investments in clean coal technology. Not only will investment in our energy infrastructure create millions of new jobs across the country, it will help lead our nation toward the important goal of energy independence. My opponent is against the expansion of nuclear power. His running mate here in Ohio recently said that they weren’t supporting clean coal, either.’ That is what Biden said. Biden did say: no clean coal. ‘Biden spokesman David Wade called McCain’s statement ‘just yet another false attack from a dishonorable campaign,’ though the real error seems to have been Biden’s.’ Seems? This is a Politico fact-check piece. ‘Seems’ to have been? ‘The real error seems to have been Biden’s’? It seems? There is no doubt about it. We have played the bite of Biden going on and on, the environmentalist wacko fruitcake about how there aren’t going to be any clean coal plants here. No more here. We’re going to let the ChiComs build ’em, but none here — and Obama is running an ad supporting clean coal.


RUSH: Now, remember, ladies and gentlemen, we shared with you in the last hour Senator Biden. We do not have audio of this. He was in Virginia on Saturday and he went off script. Now, he told Katie Couric last night that he’s being very careful about what he says, ’cause he knows Republicans are going to be paying attention to every word, ready to jump on every word he says, such as when he says Franklin Delano Roosevelt went on television in 1929 and told people about the Great Depression. There was no television in ’29, Franklin Roosevelt wasn’t the president, Herbert Hoover was. Anyway, at this little rural place in Virginia he decided, off the cuff, that he’d better get into gun control. Kerry went into someplace in Ohio or Indiana, Illinois, somewhere, ‘Is this where I get me a hunting license?’

They have this impression of people in rural areas, so Biden thought he would score some points by talking about gun control, and he said, ‘Barack Obama ain’t taking my shotguns, so don’t buy that malarkey. If Obama tries to fool with my Beretta, he’s got a problem.’ Well, this jogged Mr. Snerdley’s memory. We went back to the audio archives, July 23rd, 2007, Charleston, South Carolina, during what we all remember the CNN/YouTube debate where viewers sent in their questions and the on-the-spot editors at CNN chose the ones that would be used. And I’m sure that CNN chose this one because they wanted to make Republican rural voters look like hayseed hicks. The viewer in this case, Jared Townsend, and his question to all the candidates: ‘Tell me your position on gun control. As myself and other Americans really want to know if our babies are safe,’ and he held up his gun. ‘This is my baby, purchased under the 1994 gun ban.’ He held up his rifle, ‘Please tell me your views. Thank you.’ Anderson Cooper said, ‘Senator Biden, are you going to be able to keep his baby safe, meaning his guns?’

BIDEN: If that’s his baby, he needs help. (rimshot) I don’t know that he’s mentally qualified to own that gun. I’m the guy that originally wrote the assault weapons ban. Look, we should be working with law enforcement right now to make sure that we protect people against people who don’t — are not capable of knowing what to do with a gun because they’re either mentally imbalanced and/or because they have a criminal record.

RUSH: Okay, so a guy holds up his gun, loves his gun, ‘You gonna protect my baby?’ And Biden, this guy’s insane! He’s not mentally qualified to own the gun. If that’s his baby, he needs help. Saturday, Joe Biden: ‘Barack Obama ain’t taking my shotguns, don’t buy that malarkey. If he tries to fool with my Beretta, he’s got a problem.’ Again, folks, a new Operation Chaos, it’s called SOB, Save Our Biden, Operation Sling Blade. We need to keep this guy in the campaign.