Yosemite Sam Lights the Fuse

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 9,2008

RUSH: McCain and Palin are in Waukesha, Wisconsin, at a town meeting, and McCain just blamed the Democrats for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac! He said Obama and his Democrat buddies who covered it up, who bailed it out. Obama and his buddies in the Democrats who covered up, resisted attempts to reform it. He says they were very eager to bail out AIG, very eager to bail out all these other places, very eager to bail out Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, but they don’t want to help you with your home value. Now, he didn’t say it as forcefully as I did, but he said it, and the crowd went berserk.

He said it! He finally said it! I can’t believe it. I’m sitting here and I can’t believe it. I’m glad he said it.


RUSH: Here’s the audio, ladies and gentlemen, of Yosemite Sam lighting the fuse here in Waukesha, Wisconsin, at a campaign rally.

MCCAIN: So what was my opponent’s record in the years before the great economic crisis of our lifetime? The crisis started in our housing market, as I mentioned. Barack Obama’s most notable involvement with the housing issue was to be taking money from the executives of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. He took the greatest amount of money of any senator in history with the exception of the chairman of that committee. And he did not lift a finger to try to reform Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and reform what was clearly an impending crisis, which I and others two years ago said we had to stop.

RUSH: He went even further than this. He mentioned the Democrats, but he went even further than that. Now, he’s still not naming names here. He won’t even say Obama’s name, ‘My opponent.’ And the chairman of the committee — his name is Dodd! His name is Chris Dodd, Democrat, Connecticut! Chris Dodd, senator! Barack Obama is the name of your opponent, Barack Hussein Obama. By the way, one thing about Chuck Schumer. Old Chuck, little press conference yesterday, whining and moaning, the US Chamber of Commerce not contributing enough money to Democrats, way too much going to Republicans. Hey Chuck, you loved it, didn’t you, when you were telling us the California bank was tottering? Tell us all the other banks that are tottering, Senator Schumer. Didn’t you say it was your duty to warn people? I didn’t create a run on that bank, he said, my duty to warn people. Well, do your duty, Chuck-U. Cameras are ready. Tell us what else is going to fail, Chuck-U.


RUSH: Okay, folks, we’re back. Here is a little bit more of Yosemite Sam lighting the match to light the fuse of the dynamite at a rally with Sarah Palin in Waukesha, Wisconsin, this afternoon.

MCCAIN: Senator Obama was happy to bail out Bear Stearns, AIG, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, his pals there, and the Democrats in Congress that refused to reform Freddie Mac and enact legislation to stop this crisis, but he’s opposed to us helping the homeowners of America.

RUSH: His pals there at all those places and the Democrats in Congress that refused. So Yosemite Sam finally comes out of his shell. It’s not firebrand, but I hope it’s a turning point


RUSH: We’re talking about what happens in McCain-Palin rallies. This thing going on in Waukesha, Wisconsin, is hot, folks. It is hot. Listen to this audience member speaking to Yosemite Sam.

MAN: I’m mad! I’m really mad. And what’s gonna surprise you is, it’s not the economy. It’s the socialists taking over our country. (cheers and applause) I think it’s so important in today’s country, what we’re really missing and what’s going on. When you have an Obama, Pelosi, and the rest of the hooligans up there gonna run this country, we gotta have our head examined. It’s time that you two are representing us, and we are mad. So go get ’em!

RUSH: ‘We are mad! Go get ’em!’ Yosemite Sam is having the law laid down to him today in Waukesha, Wisconsin. This guy, this audience member is exactly right. You are running for president. You have a right to defend this country. You have a responsibility to defend this country and not just fulfill some dream you had eight years ago running for president against Bush. It’s time to start naming names and explain what’s actually going on, because Senator McCain, the people of this country are dead scared about what we face if you lose. This is not about honor. It’s not about fulfilled dreams. This is about the kind of country we’re going to live in. I hope he’s getting this. This guy was begging him. ‘[I]t’s not the economy. It’s the socialists taking over…’

The two are related, by the way. You can’t separate them.


RUSH: You gotta hear these bits, folks. By the way, another question I’ve got for you. We’re going to answer this as the program unfolds here. Yesterday we had the audio of James Carville. This was the night after the debate. He said if Obama has a five-point lead going into the election and he loses, he said, ‘It’s going to be traumatic out there, traumatic times, traumatic times.’ Meaning riots. I got to thinking: When do we get to riot? When do we get to riot? I will answer that. But here are the audio sound bites. Let’s replay this one. This is an audience member telling McCain that he’s mad and saying to McCain, ‘You have got to go get ’em. You, too, are representing us. Go get ’em.’ Listen to this.

MAN: I’m mad! I’m really mad. And what’s gonna surprise you is, it’s not the economy. It’s the socialists taking over our country. (cheers and applause) I think it’s so important in today’s country, what we’re really missing and what’s going on. When you have an Obama, Pelosi, and the rest of the hooligans up there gonna run this country, we gotta have our head examined. It’s time that you two are representing us, and we are mad. So go get ’em! (wild cheers)

RUSH: Right on. Right on. Right on. This is some of the fireworks. This thing has been going for an hour and a half now and it shows no signs of ending. As I said yesterday, we’re going to have to drag Yosemite Sam over the finish line here. Here’s the questioner who wants names, and Yosemite Sam finally came up with a couple.

MCCAIN: Someone here keeps yelling, ‘ACORN! ACORN!’ Let me just say to you, there are serious allegations of voter fraud in the battleground states across America. They must be investigated, and no one should corrupt the most precious right we have, and that is the right to vote. (cheers and applause) My friends, you’ve seen the allegations: the multiple registrations under the same name, the more registered voters than the population. You’ve seen them. These are serious allegations, my friends, and they must be investigated, and they must be investigated immediately, and they must be stopped before November the 4th so Americans will not be deprived of a fair process in this election.

RUSH: That was my fault. I introduced the wrong bite. That’s McCain talking about ACORN, and he wasn’t talking about ACORN until recently. So this is what we’re going to have to do. He’s getting this stuff. We will drag him over the finish line. Now, here’s the bite where a questioner wants names, and Yosemite Sam fires back with a couple.

WOMAN: I’m a realtor witnessing firsthand the effect the mortgage crisis has had on many people’s lives. Will you assure us that, as president, you will take immediate action to investigate, prosecute, and name the names of the people actually responsible?

MCCAIN: I will. And it is already a matter of record that Democrat members of Congress fought against reform, and it’s a matter of record and hearings that they said everything was fine. Senator Obama, a year ago, said, these kinds of subprime loans are, quote, ‘fine with him.’ And the fact is that the same people that are now claiming credit for this rescue are the same ones that were willing coconspirators in causing this problem that it is, and you know their names, and you will know more of their names. Congressman Barney Frank and Senator Chris Dodd are two of them. (wild applause)

RUSH: Oh, man! I wish we could have heard that applause. But we’re standing up here. We are standing up! We can’t believe it! This is exactly what we have been hoping for and asking to see for this whole campaign, and it was a realtor in Waukesha, Wisconsin, with the question: Will you prosecute and name the names of the people actually responsible? I realize, ladies and gentlemen, some of you may not believe what you just heard, and so we’re going to replay this very same bite for you right now.

WOMAN: I’m a realtor witnessing firsthand the effect the mortgage crisis has had on many people’s lives. Will you assure us that, as president, you will take immediate action to investigate, prosecute, and name the names of the people actually responsible?

MCCAIN: I will. And it is already a matter of record that Democrat members of Congress fought against reform, and it’s a matter of record and hearings that they said everything was fine. Senator Obama, a year ago, said, these kinds of subprime loans are, quote, ‘fine with him.’ And the fact is that the same people that are now claiming credit for this rescue are the same ones that were willing coconspirators in causing this problem that it is, and you know their names, and you will know more of their names. Congressman Barney Frank and Senator Chris Dodd are two of them. (wild applause)

RUSH: I can’t remember the last time I heard him mention names like this. This is the first time I have heard him talking about Democrats where he’s not bragging about having walked across the aisle and worked with them. Senator McCain is on fire today in Waukesha, Wisconsin, because the audience is on fire. This audience, folks, you gotta be so up. You have to understand. This is Wisconsin. This is you. These people and their passion and their emotion and their questions and their frustration, that’s all of us — and the candidates are seeing it. They are in the middle of it. I only hope that this holds. I hope that Senator McCain later today does not denounce himself for engaging in partisan attacks. Well, when it’s the first time that it’s happened, and you even listen to it twice because you’re not sure you heard it right the first time.

Let’s just hope he doesn’t denounce himself. Because the media is going to pounce on this. You know the media is, because he’s calling them out now. He’s calling names. He’s mentioned names, Dodd and Frank, and he’s promising to investigate and prosecute? He said it. I think we should hear it again. In case he does denounce himself, I want to remember this moment. WOMAN: I’m a realtor witnessing firsthand the effect the mortgage crisis has had on many people’s lives. Will you assure us that, as president, you will take immediate action to investigate, prosecute, and name the names of the people actually responsible?

MCCAIN: I will. And it is already a matter of record that Democrat members of Congress fought against reform, and it’s a matter of record and hearings that they said everything was fine. Senator Obama, a year ago, said, these kinds of subprime loans are, quote, ‘fine with him.’ And the fact is that the same people that are now claiming credit for this rescue are the same ones that were willing coconspirators in causing this problem that it is, and you know their names, and you will know more of their names. Congressman Barney Frank and Senator Chris Dodd are two of them. (wild applause)

RUSH: Now, he’s known this all along. He didn’t have to learn this. He knows. He knows exactly who’s culpable here. Up ’til now he has been unwilling to say so. Today he did. Now we just have to hope that he doesn’t denounce himself.

We have to hope that the McCain campaign does not issue the following statement (McCain impression): ‘My campaign wants nothing to do with the kind of attacks that I made on Democrats this afternoon. We’ve said this is not the kind of campaign we want to run, and we mean it. So we denounce ourselves.’ Even if they denounce themselves, I hope he keeps this up. He was on fire, and it’s the crowd firing him up, but it’s great that he knows. Actually, one of the comforting things about this to me is I think, ‘Does he really know?’ I’ve been asking myself, ‘Does he actually see it the way we do?’ And he obviously does. He obviously does. One more. Audience member asks Governor Palin about abortion.

PALIN: As someone who believes that the most promising and precious ingredient in this sometimes mixed up world of ours is a child. And I appreciate your reminder of the compassion needed in this issue. What I don’t find compassionate is Barack Obama’s vote as an Illinois senator when three times he had the chance to vote to be able to provide health care for a child who was born alive as a result of a botched abortion. I would just ask you, sir, to go online and look at his record on that one also. Thank you for the question.

RUSH: She brought up his vote for infanticide! So Tom Brokaw from Jurassic Park tried to keep immigration, gun control, abortion (and there was one other issue) totally out of the debate. These people are getting it back in the debate, back in the campaign. Folks, I’m going to tell you something. I am jazzed! This can be kept up. This can continue. They are seeing firsthand the frustration and the passion of their voters. Palin’s been seeing it all along. McCain’s crossed a threshold here. If this works, if McCain wins this, you think the Drive-Bys are going to be insufferable the next 26 days? You wait. If McCain wins this, the week following the election is going to be one of the most enjoyable things. They are going to implode. They’re going to crack up.


RUSH: Here is Marilyn in Dallas. Marilyn, great to have you on the EIB Network, hello.

CALLER: Oh hi, Rush, so good to talk to you. I have a quick tip for your friend who’s buying the dress. Buy one size smaller than he thinks she is.

RUSH: You know, that’s a good point. I didn’t think to ask about that, that’s a good point. Why, though?

CALLER: Well —

RUSH: Now, wait a minute.

CALLER: Because, ‘Oh, honey, you look like you’re a two, I thought you were a size two.’

RUSH: But yeah, but what if it doesn’t fit?

CALLER: Oh, she’s got a little black dress stuck in her purse somewhere.

RUSH: Oh, is that right?

CALLER: I guarantee you. Anyway, I’m calling because in the debate I got so upset when McCain mentioned this rescue plan, I thought, ‘Oh, my gosh, he’s buying this whole socialist thing,’ but I did go online and study it and I was really pleased because what happened, he’s offering — he’s problem solving here. He’s trying to pick out any good loans that ended up in this trashy mess, he’s saying give top priority money to someone who meets three conditions: They have to be living in the home at the time, they are the primary owner, and they have to have the original paperwork, not falsified, and they have to have at some point put some money down, and they just got caught in all this mess and now have an upside down loan. I’ll tell you from someone who is just — we went through an abandoned home on our block. It’s a very nice neighborhood, but the abandoned home for three years reduced the value of everyone on that block by 20 percent.

RUSH: Absolutely right. Plus the trick-or-treaters had one less house to visit. Imagine trick-or-treating in a foreclosed neighborhood? How sad for the children.

CALLER: Well, yes, and Halloween is coming. But if we could keep people in their home it’s going to benefit everybody, and I think this is a good plan. I just wish — it does seem that he should be a better salesman. He’s not a very good salesman.

RUSH: You know, it’s like everybody else. I learned something today about Senator McCain. We never see him passionate about things.

CALLER: That’s true.

RUSH: Who is he appealing to? He’s appealing to moderates. He doesn’t want to get partisan because he thinks it will offend them. But passion is what makes everybody able to sell themselves or whatever it is they’re talking about. People used to ask me back in the early days, back in Sacramento, ‘What makes a great phone call? Somebody agrees with you?’ No, a caller with passion; somebody with passion. Our passions define us, and we have had trouble finding Senator McCain’s passion.

CALLER: Yeah. Well, he’s a senator, and besides he keeps saying, ‘I’m going to freeze the program.’ He’s got to explain that. People think he’s shutting down a program. You know, he’s gotta say, ‘I don’t want to increase the program, you can still have your program.’ But he’s just a senator, that’s his problem.

RUSH: Marilyn, I saw something on TV mere moments ago, one of these graphic crawls at the bottom and it was Fox, and it said, ‘Political experts say voters want solutions, not attacks.’ Every year when the Republican campaign finally kicks in and gets in gear, all of a sudden the experts, oh, no, no, no, you don’t want to do this, you don’t want to — we want solutions. Well, McCain is offering a solution here on this mortgage business, and Obama is out there tearing it to shreds, by the way —

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: — as predicted. But do you know whose plan this was?


RUSH: Hillary’s.

CALLER: Really?

RUSH: Yep. I hate to tell you this. But this plan, at least according to Charlie Black on — when was the debate?

CALLER: Tuesday.

RUSH: Okay, so Wednesday morning’s New York Times, Charlie Black, a big fundraiser for McCain, said, ‘We actually got the idea from Hillary Clinton’s proposal way back when.’ It’s not totally hers, but it’s where it comes from. But, look, somebody has to do something about this because you really have nailed something here. There are a lot of people who did everything according to the standards and the rules that the whole concept of the American dream was established. They worked hard, they didn’t get into a house ’til they could actually afford it, they made the mortgage payments, and they’re down the tubes with their house values because of these shenanigans and this corruption, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. And they are being hurt.

CALLER: That’s right.

RUSH: And they didn’t do anything wrong, and who we bailing out? Who we bailing out?

CALLER: Well, let’s try to get the good ones first.

RUSH: Well, it’s a tricky thing. Once you let the government in to do this instead of the market — see, this is the —

CALLER: But they’re already in. They already have permission to do it, who’s going to do it? Obama or McCain. I think he should sell himself as —

RUSH: No, no, no, no. We don’t want to accept they’re already in it. We want to get them out of it. Look, we got a lot of work to do here. I’m outta time. You know what I was going to say, the government is way too tentacled in way too much.